Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Woman Accused of Drunk Driving Blames Taco Bell Nachos. A Real Story.

I've known people who have been arrested for drunk driving. It is an uncomfortable and upsetting experience anyone would try to avoid. When faced with going to jail for DUI, a person will start to make up endless excuses. Just like Jake in the original Blues Brothers movie pleading with the Carrie Fisher character, individuals facing a DUI charge will say the darndest things.

It wasn't my fault, somebody spilled alcohol on the driver seat of my car and it must have seeped into my system.”

I was attacked by robbers who said if I drank all sorts of alcohol they would let me and my stuff go free. It was a matter of getting drunk to survive.”

Someone must have poured alcohol into my health food drink. I think we need to find who is really responsible for this situation. I'm actually an innocent victim.”

One woman in Ohio was very original when it came to an excuse for driving drunk.

There is a woman who actually blamed Taco Bell nachos for her alleged drunk driving incident. I'm sure it was a good thing she didn't try to blame it on a beer batter dipped fish sandwich.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics. reports that the woman was driving a black jeep in North Royalton, Ohio, on April 6 when the incident occurred. The police officer claims that he had to swerve his vehicle to avoid being hit. He then pulled the woman over, and when he asked her what happened, she held up a bag of Taco Bell and blamed the nachos.

I'm sure this was a rather interesting conversation. After working hard to avoid a collision, a police officer puts on his lights and pulls a woman over.

Excuse me, ma'am, could I see license and registration please.”
She hands them to the officer.”
Ma'am, I had to swerve my vehicle to avoid you hitting me. Can you explain what happened?”
The woman holds up a bag of nachos.”
You're blaming your dangerous driving on nachos?”
These are not just any nachos. These are Taco Bell nachos. I think I'm the victim of inappropriate food labeling.”
Nowhere on the package, receipt or on the food's container does it say to not eat these when driving. They have these types of labels on medication and alcohol, why not Taco Bell nachos?”
Ma'am, you should know better than to drive while eating nachos. It's common sense.”
People should know not to drive after drinking alcohol or taking medication, but they have labels. I think Taco Bell nachos should also have a label. Without them, people like me will drive and eat them. I'm a victim here. It's common sense.”

According to the officer, her center console was covered in shredded cheese.
She initially refused to get out of her vehicle, claiming that she had prior drunk driving arrests and was a single mom. reports that she had been convicted for drunken driving offenses in 2009 and 2015.

If her center console was covered with shredded cheese, I wonder if she had more than nachos. Was there also a taco or two involved? I like the logic that a policeman pulls you over and asks you to step out of your vehicle. You then refuse because you have previously been arrested for drunk driving and are a single mother. Do they get some sort of exemption I do not know about? I suppose getting out of your vehicle when told to by a police officer only applies to married mothers with no drunk driving arrests? At least she was telling the truth about her previous drunk driving convictions. What did she think would happen if she just stayed in her vehicle? The police officer would get bored, leave and go to Taco Bell because the nachos all over her car looked so good it made him hungry?

After failing a field sobriety test, she was taken into custody. reports that she was arrested for drinking and driving and cited with driving left of center, not giving full attention and obstructing official business.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I'm sure the police officer could have also charged her with abuse and false allegation of Taco Bell nachos.

I hope certain groups don't get involved in this situation like the Right to Eat Nachos and Drive Coalition (REND). There could also be the Drunk Driving Victims of Taco Bell Nachos (DDVTBN). Victims of Driving Under the Influence of Taco Bell Nachos LLC (VDUITBN).

There is a strong possibility we may see them on the news chanting about wanting to protect their right to eat Taco Bell nachos and drive. In order to show solidarity, the more radical members of these groups may throw cheese all over their car's center consoles.

I don't think there is an organization for people who admit to what they have done and take responsibility. Not only do they not have an organization, but they're also too boring to make the news.

Here is a link to the story.

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