Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Preposterous Propaganda of Benghazi

Something very bad happened on September 11, 2012 at the American diplomatic mission located in Benghazi, Libya.  Some very motivated terrorists, packing some serious firepower, attacked the American diplomatic mission.  When the dust finally settled, four Americans were dead including the U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.  Ten other Americans were injured, some of them seriously.

In the America where I grew up, when American’s were killed, you sent in the military to find and punish those who were responsible for such atrocities.  It was a time when the government felt the American public was pretty savvy and wouldn’t stand for American diplomats being killed.  If the government didn’t order the military to go after the perpetrators, there was a chance Americans would come together and go after those responsible on their own.  If you attacked Americans, you had to be willing to pay a big price.  That was then and this is now.

The Obama administration feels the American public is stupid.  I’m sure president Obama walks around the oval office at the White House chuckling to himself.  He probably has never gotten over how the American public bought right into the tons of absolute nonsense he told them about himself and what he believes.  His attitude seems to be that since we elected him, we have to deal with the reality of him.  He’s absolutely correct.

After the attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi became public, Americans wanted answers as to what had occurred.  I’m sure Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t want to deal with this situation.  She had important things to do like go around the world and be photographed with world leaders as she dreams of being the first female president.  I’m sure doing this is very time consuming.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t want to look incompetent.  I’m sure in her mind she was thinking that she didn’t arm the terrorists.  It’s not like she told them to attack the mission in Benghazi.  Why should she be held responsible?  I’m sure she gets frustrated when people expect her to be responsible for the American diplomatic missions overseas.  That was the job of the Secretary of State before Hillary Clinton.  Now it consists of traveling around to foreign countries and getting your picture taken with world leaders as you plan for a possible presidential campaign.  I bet she wonders why the American public doesn’t understand this and why we all appear to be quite stupid to her.

So with this background they needed to find a way to blame the Benghazi incident on someone or something other than themselves.  Then there was a bunch of State Department Emails where someone saw a video that looked like it could probably upset those terrorists in Libya.  Everyone agreed it was a great idea to blame a 3rd rate amateur video posted on YouTube months ago.  I’m sure the administration felt if the American public has believed what the Clintons and Obamas have told them in the past, they’ll believe this.

U.N. ambassador Susan Rice went on a variety of television news programs and said “Oh that darn video really upset those terrorists.  If it wasn’t for that video our American diplomatic mission in Benghazi would have been an oasis of peace and tranquility in a desert of strife.  Bad, bad, bad video.”

Then president Barrack Obama walked into the United Nations and said “Oh that darn video really upset those terrorists.  If it wasn’t for that video our American diplomatic mission in Benghazi would have been an oasis of peace and tranquility in a desert of strife.  Bad, bad, bad video.”

Hillary Clinton with the blessing of the Obama administration responded to the situation by making a video of their own.  They ran it on television stations all over the Arab world.  The video consisted of Hillary Clinton holding hands with President Barrack Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as they all sang “Kumbaya” and chanted “Oh that darn video really upset those terrorists.  If it wasn’t for that video our American diplomatic mission in Benghazi would have been an oasis of peace and tranquility in a desert of strife.  Bad, bad, bad video.”

This video both insulted and humored terrorists all over the world.  On the one hand they were insulted that anyone would think they would attack Americans over a mere video.  Their reasons go much deeper.  On the other hand, making a 3rd rate video to apologize for a 3rd rate video that influenced nobody to do anything was very funny to them.

After running their video President Obama and Hillary Clinton walked around with smug expressions giving one another a high five and feeling the American public would buy this load of crap with no problem.  Unfortunately the American public felt they’d accepted a lot crap from these people before, but this involved the killing of Americans.  We wanted more than the video story.

Then an investigation began.  We found out that the night of the attack someone burst into Hillary Clinton’s office and yelled “Our mission is under attack in Benghazi.”

Hillary had a voodoo doll that looked like her husband Bill on her desk.  It had hundreds of pins sticking in the groin area.  Hillary simply looked up and said “Oh yeah, well I’ve been under attack my whole life.  My reputation has been under attack for years.”

She then took a handful of pins and pushed them into the voodoo doll’s groin area.  Next to this were piles of ripped pictures of President Barack Obama.  On a corner of her desk was a pile of picture of the president.  Hillary took a picture and tore it in two.
“I could’ve been the first female president of the United States.  This guy comes along and spoils everything.  I had it in the bag.  His spouse never publically embarrassed him with affairs, yet he’s the president.”

She then tore the picture into little pieces and put it in another pile on her desk.  This caused frustration to the person bearing this news.  He decided to see the president.  When he went into the oval office president Obama had his feet up on the desk and was talking on the phone.

“Mr. President, our diplomatic mission in Benghazi is under attack.”
President Obama covered the receiver of the phone.
“Our diplomatic mission in Benghazi is under attack.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“You’re the president, it’s time to lead.”
“Oh yeah, hey, ah, we got a lot of Generals and military people who handle this kind of stuff.  Right now I’ve got to arrange my next vacation on Martha’s Vineyard and schedule some golf games.  Air Force One will be taking me and Michelle on a date in a few minutes and that is top secret.  So, have some guy in a uniform do something about it.  I’m really busy here.”

President Obama then went back to talking on the phone.

Today there are investigations going on to figure out exactly what happened.  Hillary Clinton testified before congress and when confronted with the video allegations and her incompetence gave an impassioned “What difference does it make?”

Translation: “I made a video that should have pacified the stupid American public.  I could’ve been president, but until that happens, I’m busy getting my picture taken with world leaders for my possible presidential campaign.  Doesn’t anybody in this stupid country understand anything?” 

Today the only person who has gone to jail is the person who made the 3rd rate video.  It appears that hundreds of uniformed police descended upon his residence in the early morning hours and took him into custody.  There were even more reporters there to record things.  It might have been considered a bit excessive, but it did look good on television.  Today the video maker is rotting in jail for a parole violation that is usually handled with a verbal reprimand.  I’m sure he’s wondering why the people who made the 3rd rate video for the administration is not in jail.

As the investigation into the Benghazi incident continues, I hope we learn a lesson.  Americans will tolerate a lot of crap from their leaders, but when it comes to dead Americans, we demand the truth.

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