Monday, February 16, 2015

RMN Flaming Idiot Award VIII: Airsoft Rifle Ignorance

It is time for the eighth ever RMN Flaming Idiot Award. This is an award given to those individuals who have distinguished themselves with behavior that demonstrates a lack of common sense, logic and a diminished ability to comprehend reality. As we all know, these people are everywhere and especially in positions of power.

RMN Flaming Idiot Award VIIII goes to (Imagine hearing a drum roll) Carolyn Pearson who is a principal at Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School in Taunton, Massachusetts. (Imagine hearing massive clapping and cheering).

It appears this principal believed it was appropriate to suspend two honor students for posing with airsoft guns for a picture taken in their home. She has displayed a lack of common sense, logic and an diminished ability to comprehend reality. I'm sure the desire to turn Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School and Tauton into a big brother state is the admiration of totalitarian regimes around the world.

Article in FoxNews

This is an actual story. Below sections of the story in bold. My valuable insights are in italics.

A Massachusetts teen who was suspended from school after a photo of her and her boyfriend holding Airsoft rifles was posted on Facebook made an innocent mistake that the school has "blown out of proportion," her father said Wednesday.
Jailes Pereira, of Middleboro, Mass., told that his daughter Jamie and her boyfriend Tito Velez, both 16, meant no harm when they posted the photo on Facebook late Friday.

What is the most upsetting thing here? The fact that they took a photo in the privacy of their own home that got them suspended from school? The fact this is actually an issue or what it implies?  Are they afraid that someone will be inspired by the picture of these two teens to shoot people with airsoft rifles? Someone needs to tell principal Pearson nobody has died from being shot with an airsoft rifle. (Sarcasm Alert) They're only dangerous when teenagers pose for pictures with them.

The guns, which closely resemble real firearms, are legal for use at all ages under federal law although regulation may differ by state and locality. 
Massachusetts law forbids minors from buying the guns or possessing them in public place unless the minor is accompanied by an adult or has a sporting or hunting license and a permit from the local chief of police.

It's a shame that teenagers all around the country can have fun with an airsoft rifle. (Sarcasm Alert) Massachusetts teenagers must be so dangerous they are able to cause mass havoc with airsoft guns. Really? Having an airsoft gun requires teenagers be accompanied by an adult or have a sporting, hunting license or permit from a local chief of police?  In my mind, this is beyond ridiculous.  Who goes hunting with an airsoft gun?  Wild animals for miles around would burst into laughter if this was attempted.  Rabbits in the woods may try and beat you up.  It would be idiotic to get a permit for an airsoft rife.

“I'd like to get a permit for an airsoft rifle.”
“Are you going to go hunting?
“Do you intend to harmlessly shoot people as part of a fun game with your parents close supervision?”
“What do you intend to do with it?
“Take a picture holding the airsoft rifle and post it on Facebook.”
“Denied. What kind of a dangerous minded teenager are you?”

The picture was posted hours after a Washington state teen shot five fellow students inside his high school before taking his own life.

I'd like to point out the teen in Washington did not use an airsoft rifle against his fellow students. If he did, the results would have been much different.

The photograph, which has since been removed from Velez’s Facebook profile, depicted the teens holding the Airsoft guns aimed downward while standing side-by-side in formal wear. A caption beneath the photograph read: “Homecoming 2014.” As of early Wednesday, Velez’s profile now featured a photograph of an assault weapon resting against a pumpkin.

With the type of thinking they have in Massachusetts, I wouldn't be surprised if pumpkins were banned. (Sarcasm Alert) This form of squash obviously can be use to hold airsoft rifles. The words “Homecoming 2014” obviously are also viewed as very threatening to the administration of Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School. If a student from here puts a picture with the words “I don't like Homecoming” on Facebook, I believe they can expect a visit from a SWAT team.

I believe people are so quick to react to a situation without thinking. It's obvious people didn't understand the reality of this situation or the intent behind the picture. If you look at the world believing everything you see is a threat, you will not be able to see just how many things are not threatening.  Like taking pictures with airsoft guns and putting them on Facebook.

What next?  Kids will have to take safety courses before they can buy a super soaker?

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