Monday, October 5, 2015

Actual Story: Never Fear As Cow Farts Will Soon Disappear

When people say man-made global warming, I say, “If you drive a car, eat food or break wind, you're a cause of it so stop. I'm not worried about global warming. The reason is simple. Many global warming scientists have made predictions of gloom and doom, and nothing has ever happened.

United Nation Scientist Prediction of 1989

In 1989, the United Nations proclaimed the world only had ten years to resolve the planet's global warming problems or face dire consequences. Noel Brown was an environmental official with the United Nations. He predicted that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth as a result of rising sea levels. This would happen by the year 2000. I would have liked that idea only if I were given the chance to choose the countries that were wiped out. I'm afraid a few countries in the middle east would get my vote. It turned out the world's only consequences in the year 2000 were hearing the United Nations continue to sound like idiots as they refused to acknowledge they look stupid. This organization appears to trust people who have the scientific skills of an amoeba. I hope amoebas are not too insulted by this statement.

United Nations Scientist Prediction of 2007
In 2007, the U.N.'s top climate scientist predicted we had four years left to save the world from the horrific effects of global warming. This prediction was made by a man named Rajendra Pachuri. He was in charge of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Here it is many years later, and the organization that redefines the concept of dysfunction has presented a new treaty to save the world from global warming. It seems Pachuri was let go after accusations of sexual harassment of female co-workers. Hey, I guess he believed if the world was going to burn to a crisp in a few years, what did he have to loose?

The stupidity and ignorance associated with global warming continue today. It's obvious nobody can predict when or if global warming will ever be a problem. Because the concept of global warming has become such a joke, those who want to use this theory to frighten the weak-minded and emotionally needy, now call it climate change. Naive and gullible people buy into this idea. They all seem to forget that the earth's climate has changed many times since the beginning of our world, and this happened many times without the influence of man.

Cow Farts
If you are foolish enough to believe in global warming, and you want to feel good about yourself, you will try and do something about it. It seems some researchers, who have nothing better to do with their time, developed a way to decrease cow farts. If this becomes popular Mexican restaurants may require me to take it before I get my meal. The Mexican restaurants I frequent make me sit outside. Even if there's no outside seating and it's the middle of winter.

Molecule Invention
If order to justify their existence, and have something to do during the day, some researchers invented a molecule that will help cows break down their food better and fart less. Can you imagine the conversations at that university at lunchroom?

What are you working on?”
I am trying to discover a cure for cancer.”
What are you working on?”
I'm creating a way to prevent heart attacks. What are you working on?”
I'm working how to make cows fart less.”
Well, it will reduce methane and save the planet from global warming.”
You want to work for the United Nations someday don't you?”
Yeah, how did you know?”

Never mind.”

Below are excerpts from the article in italics. My valuable insights are in bold.

Cows are contributing to climate change in a big way. The methane produced when cows pass wind is one of the biggest drivers of a heating planetary atmosphere. However, a recent study claims to have found a means of reducing cattle methane emissions by 30 percent using an inhibitor molecule.
The study, published in July in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), tested the effect of 3NOP, a molecule that restricts the production of methane during enteric fermentation — the process of digestion by which ruminant animals like cows and sheep break down their food.

Okay, so it's not just cows, it's also sheep that have problematic farting. I bet horses and other farm animals produce their fair share of farts. I've known some pretty gassy dogs in my time. Are these researchers “bovineaphobes?” Why are they so prejudice against cows? The Institute for Cow Fart Freedom (ICCF) should be formed. Its members should march on Washington. They need to protest the rights of cows everywhere to be able to fart freely like other animals.

The study indicates that chemical inhibitors could play an important role in cutting methane emissions and, as a result, tackling climate change. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, the livestock sector contributes 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, including 35 percent of methane. The gas has 23 times the Global Warming Potential of carbon dioxide; livestock emissions are estimated to cause as much global warming as 2.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The United Nations again? Why am I not surprised. The next thing you know the United Nations will produce a study that says in order to protect the world from global warming, J. Michael Krivyanski is forbidden from eating Mexican food. His love of it could destroy our planet. His emissions are estimated to be equal to those of cows when he has beer with his Mexican food. The inhibitor molecules seem to have no effect on him.

The inhibitor is produced and marketed as a feed additive by DSM. The DSM spokesman told Newsweek that, since the inhibitor was not yet on the market, it was...part of the company's 'Clean Cow' technology, which they claim could have a big impact on reducing the environmental impact of livestock emissions.

Clean Cow technology? It almost sounds like an app you could download to a smartphone so you could wash a cow. This is what companies are spending money one these days? We may not be able to do a thing about the number of strokes people have or heart disease, but at least we don't have to be so concerned about cows farting. Guess the world can sleep better at night knowing this information.

The most frustrating thing about global warming is the number of people who believe it but have not done their own research about it. They believe it because a government official or celebrity says it is true. It's time our society begins to look at the fact of this situation. If weak-minded people need a cause, there are plenty of them to follow. Cows need a spokesperson for their fart freedom. Now, there is a cause that's just begging for emotionally needy participants.

Cow Fart Story