Saturday, September 21, 2019

Female Glues Breasts to Ground as Part of Climate Protest. A Real Story.

I am not opposed to people protesting. When done properly for a worthy cause, it can make a positive impact on society. During protests, I've seen people carry clever signs, wear interesting costumes, successfully block intersections and more. Protesters will often chant slogans as they march with their signs. Some sing songs and more. Most of these activities can easily be associated with the reason people are protesting. It appears this type of protesting is something climate protesters in London found a bit boring. These industrious individuals decided to go beyond carrying signs and singing songs. They decided to glue themselves to buildings in this capital city. The courage or stupidity to do this is impressive. I just don't make the connection between the activity gluing yourself to objects and protesting the climate. In an act that would forever make her stand out from other protesters, one motivated female glued her breasts to the ground. I would like to point out that hearing about a woman gluing her breasts to the ground does not make most of us think about the climate. It may motivate young men to think of many other things.

Doing this seems a bit insane. What thought process would occur for someone to think this was a good idea?

When we protest, I say we carry insulting signs to degrade our opposition.”
Oh, yeah, well I say we protest by blocking an intersection and causing everyone to be late for work, dates, picking up their children from daycare and more. If our protest inconveniences them, it's their problem.”
Still not enough. I say we glue ourselves to buildings. This way we won't get tired from marching. I'm sure we will have a good reason to tell authorities we can't leave the area.”
I'm going to glue my breasts to the ground. That will get attention to our problems with the climate.”
Where is the connection?”
The climate changes and the weather gets worse. Protests change and breasts get glued to the road.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

On Thursday, the Associated Press reports the group targeted London’s financial business district, blocking the road outside investment bank Goldman Sachs. As part of their demonstration, some protesters glued themselves to the doorway of the London Stock Exchange.

One protester took it a step further, gluing her breasts to the ground outside Goldman Sachs offices on Fleet Street, The Sun reports.

I can just imagine going to work at Goldman Sachs that day.

Where you work is a very nice building.”
Thanks, I think of it as a special place.”
What is this over here?”
Oh, those are our climate protesters who have glued themselves to the doorway.”
Why do you have such a thing?”
I like them. You can say whatever you want to them and walk away. There is no way a person glued to a doorway can follow you.”
I see. What is on the road?”
She is a climate protester who has glued her breasts to the ground.”
Are you going to leave her there?”
You don't want to know what people do to her and walk away knowing she can't follow.”
I agree.”

Once they knew what had happened, police surrounded the woman, putting up screens while trying to free her from the road.
So, how did the police manage to unglue her … upper half from the street?
The Sun reports Scotland Yard uses a “‘fluid de-bonding agent” but didn’t explain what exactly that means.

I wonder what it would be like to be one of the police involved in this situation.

Excuse officer, I was wondering if I could see the woman who glued her breasts to the ground.”
Sorry, keep moving, nothing to see here.”
I've traveled a long distance. I wish to see the woman who has breasts glued to the ground.”
Can't help you, keep moving, nothing to see here.”
If you don't let me see her, I'll disrobe and glue by breasts to you.”
Well look over here, a special viewing of the female with her breasts expertly glued to the ground.”
Thank you.”

Dr. Mark Elliott, an organic chemistry professor at Cardiff University told The Sun that warm, soapy water or acetone would work just fine to take care of the sticky situation. Of course, he added that it certainly wouldn’t feel too good for the person being unglued.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I'm sure there are some enterprising entrepreneurial individuals inventing protest glue.

I can see the advertisement for it.

So, you want to get more attention for your climate protest. The usual carrying signs, wearing costumes and singing is just too boring for you. It's time you want to glue a body part to something and make a statement. Try our new body parts glue for protesters. Our new formula makes it possible to glue yourself to anything and with just some simple water you can detach yourself and go glue yourself to another inanimate object for your next protest pain-free. Pick up some of our body parts glue specially formulated for the motivated protester.”

I hope before people think about gluing body parts to the ground or doorways as part of a protest, they think about the consequences. It would be something if these people tried to get disability insurance benefits because they couldn't work. When asked why can't earn a living, they would have a rather interesting response. These protesters would have to say because of the harm to their body from gluing their body parts to doorways and the ground as part of a protest.

I don't know who used soapy water and acetone on the breasts of the woman who glued herself to the ground, but I really don't want to know.

Here is a link to the story.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Test Dummies Fall Out of Roller Coaster and Land on Hotel. A Real Story.

I suppose the work of test dummies is a never-ending experience. I always wondered what they did during their downtime. It's possible you can only spend so much time at a job that involves testing vehicles by being in them when they crash. Now, I know what test dummies do when they are on vacation. They go to an amusement park in New Jersey and ride roller coasters. I'm sure that falling out of a roller coaster is something best left to the professionals. When there was a need to determine roller coaster safety, test dummies fell out of one in New Jersey and crashed into a hotel. It seems like the dedication and commitment to our protection by test dummies knows no boundaries.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

The vice president of a Jersey Shore amusement park insists that a roller coaster is safe more than a week after two test dummies fell out of it and crashed into the roof of a nearby hotel.

Maybe this particular roller coaster, called the GaleForce, should have a warning in front of it. This warning could state the roller coaster is safe for people, but test dummies have fallen out of it and landed in a hotel. I can just imagine test dummies standing up after landing in the hotel.

Why do we leave our job of being involved in car crashes all day to then go on vacation and fall out of a roller coaster?”
Let's face it, people may work from sun to sun, but the work of we test dummies is never done.”
Good thing we're staying at the hotel where we landed.”
Yeah, it worked out well.”

The GaleForce roller coaster was undergoing a routine safety check when two water-filled dummies fell off the ride and plummeted into the Ebb Tide Suites next door, damaging shingles and plywood.

I'm sure the test dummies consider their time in the amusement park as a working vacation.  I'm sure the park workers had an interesting conversation.

We want to test the GaleForce roller coaster for performance and safety. It is too dangerous for people to be on. We need the help of test dummies.”
You talking about my cousin Harold?”
No, he lives in California.”
Oh, yeah, right.”
You ever consider working as a test dummy?”
I think it is a career path you may want to consider.”
Thanks, I guess. Why do we need test dummies?”
Oh, if anyone gets hurt as a result us performing a safety check on the roller coaster, they could file a lawsuit against us. This could cost us millions of dollars and ultimately shut down the amusement park. That's why we asked professionals such as test dummies to come and ride it as part of the safety check. If they are thrown from the roller coaster, the test dummies will just get up, go have lunch, a few drinks and look for another ride to fall out of as part of their time here at the amusement park.”
Can you make certain they land on their hotel?”
We'll do the best we can for them.”

No one was hurt during the incident. A roofer responded to the scene within an hour to make repairs and the test dummies were trashed, according to Brian Hartley, the Vice President of the theme park

(Sarcasm Alert)

Now we get the meat of the stories. The test dummies experienced serious damage as part of the amusement park's test ride. I like how the story mentions that roofers responded within an hour. I wonder if the Society for the Prevention of Trashed Test Dummies (SPTTD) will get involved with this injustice.

Hartley said the dummies had leaks that went undetected and they lost their mass and shape, causing them to fall.

Obviously it’s not something that would ever happen with a person in it,” Hartley said. “You know you don’t lose rigidity in a person. The lap bar comes down. You’re secured in there.”

I wonder if the test dummies had leaks because they were terrified of the roller coaster? That would explain many things. I hope people don't lose rigidity, but if they get really scared, it is possible for this to happen and for them to have leaks that go undetected. A person is secured when the lap bar comes down, but the opportunity to fly out of the roller coaster and land on your hotel is eliminated. I suppose test dummies to have some advantages over people.

The lap bar did not fail,” he said. “Nothing failed on the ride at all.”
The GaleForce undergoes about two hours of testing every day that it's in operation and has been open since the incident, according to Hartley.

I wonder if the amusement park reached an agreement with the test dummy community about this ride. I'm sure the amusement park attendance by members of the test dummy community has dropped considerably. There could have been serious negotiations, but I'm sure in the end, the test dummies were given a fair deal for all test dummies in New Jersey.

Here is a link to the story.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Encountering God is Beneficial Even if Under the Influence. A Real Story.

Throughout history, there have been people who claimed to have seen God. I know many times this has not involved a burning bush. There are researchers who want us to know that seeing God is mentally beneficial. According to their research results, this is even the case if someone has seen God after consuming psychedelic drugs or alcohol. I'm sure it is probably much easier to see something you believe to be God after doing this. In college, I knew people who consumed excessive amounts of alcohol and prayed to the porcelain God. I'm sure in many ways that had some lasting mental as well as physical benefits.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

People who claim they’ve seen God may not be so crazy after all. A study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that those who have had divine encounter experiences — the sensation of seeing a God-like figure or a profound, enhanced reality or truth — reap lasting mental benefits.

I'm sure this is especially true in situations where the hangover passes. I would like to know what is the difference between having a sensation of seeing enhanced truth or reality or a God-like figure?

I now know that we are destined to be together.”
“I had a sensation of seeing a God-like figure who told me we are to be together forever.”
There is one big problem.”
I had a sensation of seeing enhanced truth. This sensation told me to run from you as if you were infected with the black plague.”
Don't you trust my God-like figure sensation?”
“No, I trust my enhanced truth sensation much more. I believe it will lead me to experience many more mental benefits. One of them is no being involved with you.”

Dr. Griffiths and his team used data from 4,285 people around the world who completed one of two 50-minute online surveys about God encounter experiences. These surveys had participants recall their most memorable encounter experience with either the “God of their understanding,” a “higher power,” “ultimate reality” or “an aspect or representative of God, such as an angel.” The surveys also asked the respondents to describe how the experience changed their lives.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I suppose when over 4,000 people around the world fill out an online survey, we have some solid science about God encounter experiences. I wonder if the researchers sold advertisements for beer or rum on their online survey?

So, this means Christians and Jews saw God, Muslims saw Allah, Hindus could have seen Parvati, Vishnu, Sri (Lakshmi), Shiva, Sati, Brahma or Saraswati. I wonder if anyone saw George Burns from the movie Oh God. I hope people who spoke about ultimate reality weren't individuals who were influenced by watching the Matrix. Maybe a study should be done involving ultimate reality and movies. I'm sure being under the influence of the right substance and seeing religious entities would change any person's life. It may make them want to seek rehab.

Of the nearly 3,500 participants who saw their vision while under the influence of a psychedelic, 1,184 took psilocybin mushrooms, 1,251 took LSD, 435 took ayahuasca, and 606 took DMT, another naturally occurring a substance found in certain plants and animals. Participants were about 25 years old on average if the experience occurred while under the influence, compared to 35 years old if it was spontaneous.

What can you say about a study that involves having God experiences when the majority of them are on some sort of drug? I'm sure the people who took LSD, DMT, psilocybin saw a lot more than religious entities. It's possible they may get similar responses from these people if they were asked about seeing pink elephants that danced the macarena.

I saw ultimate truth and reality after taking a psychedelic drug.”
What did you see?”
I saw talking one-celled animals who told me they were concerned about the rights of unicellular organisms. These organisms have held massive protests, but we've never noticed.”
After taking a psychedelic drug, I once saw an angel who told me, my ex-wife, no longer wanted alimony.”
Whoa, keep that stuff away from me. I could handle such visions that are so crazy and detached from reality.”

Researchers found several interesting conclusions. Among them, 75% of people who had an encounter say it was among the most “meaningful and spiritually significant” moments in their lives — so much so that it brought about permanent positive changes in their life satisfaction, purpose, and meaning. In fact, the experience was so powerful that about two-thirds of self-identified atheists shed that label after their encounter.

(Sarcasm Alert)

That is amazing. Christians have been speaking with atheists for centuries trying to get them to believe in God and Christ. Their success has always been limited. Who knew that instead of speaking to them about what is in the Bible, they just need to provide atheists with psychedelic drugs to believe in religion? This research could provide serious benefits.

Welcome to our discussion about the Bible. If there are any atheists here please raise your hand.”
Based on research, you have a better chance of believing in God and having an encounter with a God-like being, seeing ultimate truth or reality if you have some psychedelic drugs. Let's just say it will speed up the process.”
What's the name of this church?”
This isn't a church, it's a research facility.”

All that said, the authors emphasize they do not suggest people turn to psychedelic drug use in an attempt to have a divine experience. They also note their study is also not intended to answer the question of whether there is, in fact, a God.

I suppose the study has been designed to show that taking psychedelic drugs can provide a life-changing divine experience. It does make you wonder if the psychedelic drug manufacturers of the world got together and decided to fund a study. Maybe we will now see advertisements for drugs stating the side effects include nausea, tightness in the chest, leg cramps or having the sensation of seeing enhanced truths or reality as well as God-like figures. I'm sure this could make drug marketing much different.

Here is a link to the story.

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I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Monkeys Given Human Brain Gene By Chinese Scientists. A Real Story.

There are scientists in China who are working to create a new type of primate. I don't understand this as I thought the type of primates we had were working out just fine. These Chinese scientists have been successful at placing a human brain gene into monkeys. Have these people seen the latest Planet of the Apes movies? Do they realize these movies show how the monkeys arm themselves and engage is some very serious violence? I would suggest they get a Chinese translation of the book La Planète des singes by Pierre Boulle. Then they watch the Planet of the Apes movies from 1968 to 1973. When they are done with that, I suggest they watch the latest Planet of the Apes movies from 2001 to 2017. If they are still motivated to put human brain genes into humans, I suggest Hollywood get involved. We need to have a new series of Planet of the Apes movies. How about movies like Planet of the Apes Learn Kung Fu and Takes over Beijing? Maybe, Planet of the Apes and the Battle for Pandas? They could also have a movie like Planet of the Apes and Primates who Provide Acupuncture with Harpoons. I bet they could be coming to a theater sometime soon.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A study published last month in Beijing's National Science Review journal describes the experiment, which is billed as the "first attempt to experimentally interrogate the genetic basis of human brain origin using a transgenic monkey model, and it values the use of nonhuman primates in understanding human unique traits."

I hope they are careful with what human traits they monkeys develop. The last thing we want is to create monkeys who spend their days eating junk food, playing video games and refusing to move out of the laboratory. It would not be good if they created a female monkey who is promiscuous, drinks too much, smokes and depends on the other monkeys in the laboratory to take care of her and her offspring. I don't want to think about what the world be like if they created a politician monkey.

According to the study, those five monkeys did not show much difference in their general behavior or the size of their brains. But they went through brain scans and memory tests that showed improvements in their short-term memory, reaction times and brain development.

Isn't this a bit discouraging? Monkeys get human genetics and their behavior doesn't change much. Maybe they used genetics from people who like to swing on trees, eat bananas and scream. So, they had better memories and reaction time. I suppose they can now order take-out now and race to the door in a panic when it arrives like a human.

The study says the monkeys have "potential to provide important—and potentially unique—insights into basic questions of what actually makes human unique, as well as into disorders and clinically relevant phenotypes, such as neurodegenerative and social behavior disorders that are difficult to study by other means."

I can only imagine how this shows.

This monkey likes to drink beer, listen to country music and watch NASCAR.'
I guess he got some genetics from a person from the south.”
This monkey likes to surf, drink craft beer and life weights.”
I guess this monkey got some genetics from someone from southern California.”
This monkey likes to lie, cheat, scam people, but he is very popular.”
Someone gave this monkey genetics from a politician?”
Worse, Hollywood studio executive.”

But the study also set off a debate about genetically modifying animals, and whether experiments like this could lead to even more extreme modifications. It also raised questions about what would happen to animals who have human-like intelligence, since they are not equipped to survive that way.

Genetically modifying other types of animals with human genetics. I can imagine this could lead to a day when your dog tells you to get up off your lazy behind and get him a treat. Your dog then tells you it has butts to sniff, barking at something outside to do as well as body parts to lick. They're busy so go get the treat, the chicken one they like, not the dry biscuit one. I could see your cat tell you to get some fresh catnip, the old stuff just doesn't do it for them anymore. Deer could be eating your garden and tell you to plant something else, they're tired of these plants you have every year. They want variety. The human relationship to animals could really change.

The geneticist who led the study said he is already working on bigger experiments on human and animal intelligence. Bing Su, a geneticist at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, told MIT Technology Review he has been adding a DNA variant called SRGAP2C, which is a crucial link in the emergence of human intelligence, to monkeys.

I am going to stick with my belief this Mr. Su has not seen any of the Planet of the Apes movies. What is the goal of this science? Does he want to create monkeys so they can invent new and different ways to eat bananas? Will we have all monkey sports team involving tree climbing contests? I can imagine there could come a time when having restaurants serving cuisine exclusively for monkeys may be a reality.

Maybe if we quit trying to get monkeys to be humans, we can get some humans to stop acting like monkeys. It's just a suggestion and it might work.

Below is a link to the story.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Study Was Done To Show Being Stressed and Eating Junk Food Puts You at Risk for Weight Gain. A Real Story.

There are some studies that I would have to put in the category of wondering if researchers actually believe nobody knew about it or they think the average person is really dumb. These are studies that make me believe researchers feel the majority of us have a decimal point in front of our IQ. This is one of those studies. There are researchers who were actually paid to conclude eating junk food when stressed could make a person gain weight. This is right up there with discovering that pain hurts, breathing is important and you should drink when thirsty.

Below are excerpts of the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A team led by Professor Herbert Herzog, Head of the Eating Disorders laboratory at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, have found that when we're stressed, comfort eating can lead to even greater weight gain.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I have to ask who pays for this type of research.

We've got hundreds of thousands of dollars just sitting around doing nothing. What should we do with it?
We could pay researchers to work on finding a cure for heart disease.”
“No, that's being done.”
We could use the money to pay researchers to work on creating a better way to avoid injuries from vehicle accidents.”
Nope, many people are doing that type of research.”
I have an idea that doesn't have any researchers doing it and could forever change mankind.”
We could pay researchers to see in there is a connection between eating junk food when feeling stress and gaining weight.”
That is a great idea. Contact Professor Herbert Herzog and let's get moving on this.”

"This study indicates that we have to be much more conscious about what we're eating when we're stressed, to avoid a faster development of obesity," says Professor Herzog.
While some people eat less when they're stressed, most of us tend to eat more and it's often the more calorie-dense stuff that we're putting away.

So, if you're conscious about your stress and eating, you'll develop obesity slower? Are they saying that you may have obesity in your future, but there is no need to rush it? Maybe they should get more money so they can study why some people eat less when they're stressed. Then teach the people who eat too much junk food when they're stressed how to eat less when they're stressed. The people who eat less when stressed could then learn from the future obese people how to eat junk food when they're stressed. I imagine the results of this research could forever change mankind for the better.

Food intake is controlled by our brains
To investigate the effects of "stress eating," scientists looked at different areas of the brain in mice.
While food intake is mainly controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, another part of the brain - the amygdala - processes emotional responses, including anxiety.

Why would you need to use mice to study the effects of stress eating? You could simply visit any college or workplace to discover people who engage in all sorts of stress eating. I imagine the mice don't require you pay them and won't require you to supply them with vast amounts of potato chips, hamburgers, pizza and more to prove your research. I'm sure using mice may have yielded much lest realistic results but they were more cost effective and the researchers didn't have to deal with stressed people eating food.

Their study found that when mice were stressed over an extended period of time and high-calorie food is available, they became obese more quickly than when they consumed the same food in a stress-free environment.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I'm sure a mouse feeling stress is the same as people being stressed. Mice are probably worried about studying for their final, getting a job or being able to pay their bills. They probably are stressed from their envy of Micky Mouse and his excessive wealth. I understand all of them are probably struggling to reach his level of success. Many of them probably feel stress from dreaming about being Mighty Mouse. They could be stressed because they're training for the mouse Olympics and wish they could run as fast as Speedy Gonzales and more.

"Our findings revealed a vicious cycle, where chronic, high insulin levels are driven by stress and a high-calorie diet promoted more and more eating," explained Professor Herzog.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I sure hope they find a way to keep this from happening to mice. I hate to be the one to point this out, but since research mice depend on them for food, they could feed them less junk food. I can just imagine going to someone who is obese and saying they're on a vicious cycle. Their insulin levels are driven by stress and causing them to eat more. Researchers know this because they have studied mice who were stressed and developed a desire for nachos.

Maybe if these potentially obese people are willing to live like research mice for a period of time, they could have their junk food consumption forever changed. Researchers may also get money to do more research. Talk about a win-win situation. Money should be no object when it comes to identifying the connection between stressed people, stressed mice and eating junk food.

Below is a link to the article.

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The Longer You Live The Older You Get

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I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer

Monday, September 16, 2019

University Professor States Aliens are Making Babies with Humans. A Real Story

A professor from the University of Oxford in England is claiming aliens are making babies with people here on earth. That would explain a lot of things. I always wondered why some people are born with way too much athletic talent, business sense or ability to eat lots of food and not gain weight. Armed with this knowledge, I believe an intergalactic court should be set up to make sure these alien fathers are forced to take care of their human off spring's financial needs. Now, when the law says they will go to the ends of the earth to make certain a father take care of his responsibilities to his children, they will mean it.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

AN Oxford University professor has claimed aliens are already breeding with humans to create a new hybrid species that will save the planet.
Dr. Young-hae Chi, an instructor in Korean at Oxford’s Oriental Institute, part of the prestigious university, thinks this new species will save Earth from annihilation from climate change.

I suppose it would take the mind of a university professor from Oxford to make such a claim. It appears that aliens are not just coming to Earth to make babies with humans because they are overwhelmed with lust and desire, they have a purpose. They are trying to create a species to save us from climate change. I can only imagine the line these aliens use on women.

Tell me, buddy, is that a laser blaster in your pants or are you just happy to see me?”
I am Zontag from the planet Gorgetlev. I have come here to the planet Earth to impregnate the females of your species and create a race of beings to save your plant from climate change annihilation.”
Oh, do you know how to sweet talk a girl. I think that is so hot.”
How many of us do you plan to knock-up?”
My mission involves the impregnation of hundreds of human females.”
You certainly are one ambitious stud muffin. Why aren't you busy making baby aliens on your plant, if you don't mind me asking?”
Our planet is not at risk for climate change annihilation and our females aren't as attractive.”
Is that all I am to you? A quick bit of fun then you go and get the next girl in a bad way?”
That is my mission.”
You aliens are all the same. Always wanting to impregnate Earth women to save something and leave us. You better buy me dinner and get me some flowers first.”
That is acceptable.”

Dr. Chi first said the hybrids may already exist in a lecture in 2012 but has now written a book on the subject.
He believes there is a strong correlation between climate change and alien abductions, the Oxford Student newspaper has reported.

(Sarcasm Alert)

Where are our politicians? Shouldn't they be passing laws making alien abductions against the law? Sure, it won't make a difference, but at least they'd be doing something to earn their paychecks. If there is a strong correlation between alien abductions and climate change, maybe it's because the people they're taking are needed back here on Earth to prevent climate change. It could be these abducted individuals were working on inventing ways to keep cows from farting, make trains cross the oceans or have everyone use pedal cars to and from work. Now we may never know. So, the aliens come here, take our important people and get our Earth women pregnant. I think we need to build a wall around the planet.

His book, written in Korean, is called Alien Visitations and the End of Humanity.
He says he has identified four types of aliens – small, tall and bold, scaly with snake eyes, and insect-like.

Dr. Chi believes the insect aliens may be in charge and give orders to the other types.
The aliens exist in their own bio-system that humans cannot experience because our perception is limited by our organs, the professor has claimed.

I wonder if someone put some type of illegal substance in Dr. Chi's drink before he started writing his book. There were times in college when I saw small, tall, scaly snaked eyed insect-like creatures. I don't know what happened to those girls, but I'm sure they are doing okay. Many of these were people at another college after a night of serious partying. I think toward the end of the night, this is what most people looked like to me. Maybe I should have followed Dr. Chi's lead and written a book about it.

His initial lecture, Alien Abduction, and the Environmental Crisis, outlined his theory.
He cited an “abduction researcher” in the US, who argued that aliens’ primary purpose is to colonize the planet by interbreeding with humans to produce a new hybrid species.
Dr. Chi believes aliens appear on Earth when the planet is facing significant problems, such as climate change or nuclear war, and he concluded: “It may be more or less assumed that the hybrid project is a response to this impending demise of human civilization.”

I say if they want to colonize the Earth, they need to come here legally before they interbreed with humans. I'm sure our politicians can work on an intergalactic immigration policy if necessary. Our politicians will have to develop new hybrid species policies and laws to make certain the new hybrid species are not discriminated against for employment, housing and more. I'd hate to see signs in stores that state they don't serve hybrid species.

Dr. Chi has a point. Aliens interbreeding with humans may explain many of the people elected into public office in our country. I never believed there could be stupid, crazy aliens, but if my theory is correct, it is a real possibility.

Vote for Jerry Zontag for Congress.”
Why should I vote for him?”
He is for aliens interbreeding with humans in a response to dangers facing mankind.”
Is he for free college, no taxes, free healthcare and getting money for not working?”
No, he is or saving the human race from itself.”
Sorry, not interested.”

Below is a link to the story.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fear of Spiders Cured by Watching Spider-Man 2 Movie. A Real Story

There is research showing people who watched the movie Spider-Man 2 lost their fear of spiders. I suppose if this is effective it will be a good thing. It does make me wonder if watching the movie Willard will help decrease your fear of rats. Will watching the movie Jaws decrease your fear of being attacked by a shark? I must admit after seeing the movie Shrek, I must admit, it did leave me with an entirely new attitude concerning Ogres and talking donkeys.

Doctor, can you help me.”
What seems to be the problem?”
I have an intense fear of snakes.”
It's not a problem. I'm going to give you a prescription to watch the movies Snakes on a Plane, Anaconda and Mega Snake.”
Will that help me?
“If not, the medical profession will make quite a bit of money from prescribing you Valium as well as providing therapy sessions.”

A new study finds that watching “Spider-Man” can actually help ease one’s case of arachnophobia or fear of spiders.
Similarly, researchers from Bar-Ilan University and Ariel University in Israel say that watching the movie “Ant-Man” may also decrease symptoms stemming from the fear of ants, or myrmecophobia. All it took, in fact, was just a seven-second clip from each film to significantly reduce symptoms in study participants, the authors say.

I wonder who chooses the seven-second clip from a film?

I say we show them a film clip showing the spider biting a man.”
I don't agree. I say we show them a clip of him swinging from building to building.”
I'm afraid that could upset people who have a fear of heights or flying.”
If it cures them of their fear of spiders, it could also cure them of their fear of heights and flying.”
You have a good point. We just have to avoid showing them seven seconds of credits.”
That could cure them of fear of reading names racing across a screen.”
No, it may make them want to no longer be part of the study.”
Good point.”

For the study, the authors measured levels of arachnophobia, myrmecophobia, and insect phobia in general among 424 participants, and then had them watch various movie clips, including scenes from “Spider-Man 2” and “Ant-Man.” Participants also watched a seven-second general the opening scene from other Marvel movies, as well as a seven-second calming scene of nature.

How do you measure the level of insect phobias? Tell people to go into a room and release spiders and ants then see what happens? If they scream like their crazy that would probably rate as a high level of phobia. Should they scream how they're filing a lawsuit against the researchers, they may have a lower level of insect phobia. These people watched an opening scene from other Marvel movies. This makes me wonder if this is a study funded by Marvel. These researchers could be conducting future studies on how spending money on products and movies from Marvel can help you reach a state of euphoria like nothing you've ever experienced. It's good they included a calming scene from nature.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I'm sure we all know there are no spiders and ants in nature that could hurt anybody.

Researchers found that participants who watched the “Spider-Man 2” and “Ant-Man” clips experienced a 20% decrease in symptoms from their respective fears. But there was no change when they watched the generic Marvel opening scene nor from the nature clip, suggesting that exposure to the bug-themed superheroes were behind the positive effect.

It could also be caused by people being so focused on what happened in the movies, they forgot about their fears. Could it be that distraction is a good way to deal with myrmecophobia or arachnophobia? It could also be proof that people find watching generic Marvel openings and nature clips quite boring.

What are you doing with popcorn?”
Hey, I have an intense fear of popcorn. I want to test if eating it and watching Marvel movies can help me get over the symptoms of my fear.”
Okay, we'll play the movies.”
Oh, and could you skip the generic Marvel openings and nature clips? I think I”m over my fear of them.”

The authors tout the power of in-vitro exposure therapy for the study. That is, being exposed to something one is afraid of without actually exposing them directly to their fear. In this case, seeing a positive video related to spiders or ants, rather than having to experience an actual spider or colony of ants in person.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I suppose nothing helps a person deal with a fear of real spiders and ants than showing them humans who turn into these creatures. Who could be afraid of actual spiders in the real world after seeing a person dressed as Spider-Man spin webs, climb on the sides of buildings and fights bad guys? I'm sure watching a guy wearing a suit and becoming as small as an ant would eliminate any fears of ants. Even if it doesn't, Marvel has a great way to promote their movies to an audience of people with these phobias.

Below is a link to the story.

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