Monday, September 16, 2019

University Professor States Aliens are Making Babies with Humans. A Real Story

A professor from the University of Oxford in England is claiming aliens are making babies with people here on earth. That would explain a lot of things. I always wondered why some people are born with way too much athletic talent, business sense or ability to eat lots of food and not gain weight. Armed with this knowledge, I believe an intergalactic court should be set up to make sure these alien fathers are forced to take care of their human off spring's financial needs. Now, when the law says they will go to the ends of the earth to make certain a father take care of his responsibilities to his children, they will mean it.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

AN Oxford University professor has claimed aliens are already breeding with humans to create a new hybrid species that will save the planet.
Dr. Young-hae Chi, an instructor in Korean at Oxford’s Oriental Institute, part of the prestigious university, thinks this new species will save Earth from annihilation from climate change.

I suppose it would take the mind of a university professor from Oxford to make such a claim. It appears that aliens are not just coming to Earth to make babies with humans because they are overwhelmed with lust and desire, they have a purpose. They are trying to create a species to save us from climate change. I can only imagine the line these aliens use on women.

Tell me, buddy, is that a laser blaster in your pants or are you just happy to see me?”
I am Zontag from the planet Gorgetlev. I have come here to the planet Earth to impregnate the females of your species and create a race of beings to save your plant from climate change annihilation.”
Oh, do you know how to sweet talk a girl. I think that is so hot.”
How many of us do you plan to knock-up?”
My mission involves the impregnation of hundreds of human females.”
You certainly are one ambitious stud muffin. Why aren't you busy making baby aliens on your plant, if you don't mind me asking?”
Our planet is not at risk for climate change annihilation and our females aren't as attractive.”
Is that all I am to you? A quick bit of fun then you go and get the next girl in a bad way?”
That is my mission.”
You aliens are all the same. Always wanting to impregnate Earth women to save something and leave us. You better buy me dinner and get me some flowers first.”
That is acceptable.”

Dr. Chi first said the hybrids may already exist in a lecture in 2012 but has now written a book on the subject.
He believes there is a strong correlation between climate change and alien abductions, the Oxford Student newspaper has reported.

(Sarcasm Alert)

Where are our politicians? Shouldn't they be passing laws making alien abductions against the law? Sure, it won't make a difference, but at least they'd be doing something to earn their paychecks. If there is a strong correlation between alien abductions and climate change, maybe it's because the people they're taking are needed back here on Earth to prevent climate change. It could be these abducted individuals were working on inventing ways to keep cows from farting, make trains cross the oceans or have everyone use pedal cars to and from work. Now we may never know. So, the aliens come here, take our important people and get our Earth women pregnant. I think we need to build a wall around the planet.

His book, written in Korean, is called Alien Visitations and the End of Humanity.
He says he has identified four types of aliens – small, tall and bold, scaly with snake eyes, and insect-like.

Dr. Chi believes the insect aliens may be in charge and give orders to the other types.
The aliens exist in their own bio-system that humans cannot experience because our perception is limited by our organs, the professor has claimed.

I wonder if someone put some type of illegal substance in Dr. Chi's drink before he started writing his book. There were times in college when I saw small, tall, scaly snaked eyed insect-like creatures. I don't know what happened to those girls, but I'm sure they are doing okay. Many of these were people at another college after a night of serious partying. I think toward the end of the night, this is what most people looked like to me. Maybe I should have followed Dr. Chi's lead and written a book about it.

His initial lecture, Alien Abduction, and the Environmental Crisis, outlined his theory.
He cited an “abduction researcher” in the US, who argued that aliens’ primary purpose is to colonize the planet by interbreeding with humans to produce a new hybrid species.
Dr. Chi believes aliens appear on Earth when the planet is facing significant problems, such as climate change or nuclear war, and he concluded: “It may be more or less assumed that the hybrid project is a response to this impending demise of human civilization.”

I say if they want to colonize the Earth, they need to come here legally before they interbreed with humans. I'm sure our politicians can work on an intergalactic immigration policy if necessary. Our politicians will have to develop new hybrid species policies and laws to make certain the new hybrid species are not discriminated against for employment, housing and more. I'd hate to see signs in stores that state they don't serve hybrid species.

Dr. Chi has a point. Aliens interbreeding with humans may explain many of the people elected into public office in our country. I never believed there could be stupid, crazy aliens, but if my theory is correct, it is a real possibility.

Vote for Jerry Zontag for Congress.”
Why should I vote for him?”
He is for aliens interbreeding with humans in a response to dangers facing mankind.”
Is he for free college, no taxes, free healthcare and getting money for not working?”
No, he is or saving the human race from itself.”
Sorry, not interested.”

Below is a link to the story.

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