Saturday, November 9, 2019

Man Claims Pink Beer Promotion Forced Him to Identify as Female. Sues Brewery. A Real Story

I suppose I'm fortunate to be a guy living inside a guy's body. It has worked out well for me during my life. I never feel the need or desire to identify as a female. I can't imagine a situation that would make me feel forced to do such a thing against my will. There are many females I love and respect. I have a wife, mother, and daughter. I just know I'm comfortable being a member of the male gender. It appears a man in the United Kingdom had a deep emotional response to a promotion by a craft beer brewer. He believed the beer brewer's promotion involving pink beer was making him feel forced to identify as a female. Who knew that pink beer was an elixir responsible for opposite gender identification? I don't know if I want to think about what would happen if a blue beer was offered as part of a promotion.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

The so-called “beer for girls” was released in advance of International Women’s Day, and served as BrewDog’s attempt to appear interested in gender equality.

Pink IPA is BrewDog’s clarion call to close the gender pay gap in the UK and around the world and to expose sexist marketing to women, particularly within the beer industry,” it wrote in a blog post. “This is our overt parody on the failed, tone-deaf campaigns that some brands have attempted in order to attract women.”

Someone, please explain to me what is wrong with marketing beer to women? When I was single, beer marketed to women got my attention. I was a firm believer that women have the right to have beer marketed to them. I never considered it sexist marketing to women. I considered it a way for women to get an adult beverage designed for them. I supported many women having beer and even invested in it from time to time. Beer marketing to men is simple. It's beer, it's cheap and it will get you buzzed. In college, this would have been enough marketing of a beer for me to buy a case of it.

Aaand that brings us to Dr. Bower. For the few weeks that Pink IPA was available, customers who “identify as female”—BrewDog’s words—could get it for 20 percent less than the cost of a Punk IPA. The 27-year-old Bower was apparently so into this promotion, that he went to the BrewDog bar in Cardiff, Wales, and tried to order a £4 ($5) bottle.

I have seen many beer promotions. I have not been motivated beyond buying beer. I never argued with anyone about a beer being less filling or tasting great. I never believed that when it came to St. Pauli Girl, we either should put her on a pedestal, or a coaster. I'll go as far as to say I never believed that Staropramen helped me get a taste of Prague. I believe giving a discount on a pink beer to customers who identified as female was just a promotion. I will go as far as to say you may not have to actually identify as female for this beer promotion. You could just tell them you identify as a female to get a discount on beer, wink, wink, nod, nod. How would they know? I don't think the beer promotions come with some sort of gender identity test.

Can I have a discount for purchasing pink beer?”
Do you identify as a female?”
I love women so much I look at pictures of them all the time. I identify as a man who is willing to say he identifies as a female to drink discounted pink beer.”
Okay, here is your beer.”

Bower wasn’t satisfied with this answer, and he told BrewDog that he believed he’d been the victim of sex discrimination, and that he was willing to take them to court over it. When he didn’t get a response, he did that very thing, claiming damages for “direct discrimination and breach of the Equality Act 2010.”

It appears that Bower has a lot of time on his hands. Forget the discrimination against people in areas of employment, housing and more. He is waging a campaign so that all people everywhere can get the same discount when they purchase pink beer regardless of their gender.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I can only imagine the importance to society when it comes to equality in pink beer discounts. If craft brewers are permitted to offer discounts to one gender identification over the other, mankind could suffer. This could lead to such promotional events as ladies night at sporting events, or ladies night at different drinking establishments or ladies night at other retail outlets. Oh, there are already those things, so please don't tell Bower. I hope he never finds out about Mother's Day.

Judge Phillips also said that Bower had to feel “humiliated” and that it “wasn’t a pleasant experience” for him. Bower—who represented himself in court, because of course, he did—was awarded £1,000 ($1,254) in damages, which he plans to donate to a pair of different charities.

I'm sure this isn't the first time or first situation where Bower felt humiliated. A person who has nothing better to do with their time than getting upset over a discount for pink beer has probably had their fair share of unpleasant experiences. Maybe the craft brewer could have a new promotion that says People Go to Court Over Our Beer. They could then provide a discount for everyone who doesn't sue them.

Here is a link to the story.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Woman Says She Can't Work Because She is Too Beautiful. A Real Story.

I would say on a daily basis it is easy to notice many different women who are very attractive. They sell real estate, are flight attendants as well as lawyers, CPAs, bikini models, daytime soap opera actresses and more. They all have one thing in common. All of them have jobs. They are women with beauty who go out into the world and earn a living. There appears to be a woman who was born in Russia, lives in England and has a very serious problem. She is so beautiful, it is difficult for her to get a job. This is a woman who is a victim of her beauty. Isn't that interesting.

You have the perfect qualifications, but I'm sorry we can't hire you.”
Why not?”
Well, you are too beautiful. With your radiant beauty, men will stare at you and not work. Women will be unable to work because they will be so jealous of your intense good looks. You have all the qualifications, but you are just too beautiful for the job.”
I understand as this has happened to me so many times before. I understand.”

I'm sure this is what has happened during every job interview my wife has attended. She never told me about it, but I suspect it may have happened many times for her.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A 33-year-old law-school graduate from London decided to start her own retail company selling vintage clothes online after struggling to find a job because of her good looks.

I wonder what she called her retail company? Victim To My Beauty, Too Beautiful To Be An Employee or I Intimidate Women and Not Taken Seriously By Men. I have a few suggestions. Since her beauty is such a problem, why doesn't she work with people who have sight issues? They wouldn't think about her beauty as they wouldn't be able to see it. There are many online jobs where nobody has to see you. Her looks wouldn't be an issue then. She could also get over herself and realize there are women who have jobs and are just as attractive as her. The big difference could be the attitude they have about their looks. It could also be because they're not interested in having a silly story about them go viral.

Irina told British tabloid The Sun that her attractiveness affects her negatively both during the hiring process and after she gets a job. To improve her chances of actually landing a job, the 33-year-old’s agent advised her to dye her hair darker to make herself too professional. But even if she gets past the interviews, her male bosses never seem to take her seriously.

I can only imagine why a boss might not take her seriously.

Could you type up this letter and send it.”
You only say that because I'm so beautiful. You probably brag to people about how beautiful woman is who typed your letters and sent them. I'm sure it is constantly part of your thoughts.”
I need that done by 3 pm.”
Oh, you think a beautiful girl, such as myself, can't get these letters typed and ready before 3 pm? You think because I'm beautiful I can't do the work? Is that the issue here?”
I also need you to pull some reports for me for my afternoon meeting.”
I see what you are doing. Keep the beautiful girl in the file room pulling files so that the men won't stare at her and stop working. This way the other women in the office can't be intimidated by her look and develop low self esteems. It is the same story every place I work. My intense beauty always causes me problems. Dying my hair and wearing glasses is not helping me.”
It would help if you'd get all that work done.”
Ugly people will never understand what a curse this intense beauty is on a daily basis.”

Even during the hiring process, being beautiful gets in the way. I have a law degree and a great CV but my recruitment agent still told me to dye my blonde hair dark for interviews, Irina Kova complained. “She said.

(Sarcasm Alert)

Now there is some sound advice. You can forget your law degree and your CV because those in the legal field will only pay attention to your looks. They have no interest in your education or work experience because they know that a person with less looks with the same education and experience can do the job only cheaper. She probably believes they should pay for her super beauty. Is she serious? If a law firm could make money with just her looks, she'd be on the front of every one of their information packets. They'd have shirts and mugs, key chains as well as road signs with her image. This may not get law firms the type of clients they want, but they'd probably just open another office under a different name and take the work. I wonder if the problem is they want her to actually be able to do the work and not listen to her whine about her beauty. It's just a guess.

Below is a link to the story

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Researchers Claim Dodgeball Teaches Unethical System of Oppression. A Real Story.

When I was a kid we all played dodgeball. We played in during gym class, we played in on the playground. It was one of our favorite games. Little did we know we were engaged is legalized bullying. We never thought of it that way. We just thought it was fun. There were kids who just were not made to play dodgeball. These are the kids who can see someone throw a ball right at them and not realize the point of the game is to get out of the way of the ball. It's like these kids looked at the ball coming at a fast rate of speed toward their body and believe it will never hit them. Once they got clobbered in the head they realized it was for real. With some kids, this only made them more stupid and better targets. Once you are too afraid to move or think of how to move, your number is up. I wonder what happened to many of those kids who never quite grasped the concept of how to avoid getting hit in the head with a dodgeball. It appears many of them grew up to be researchers in Canada.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

In a totally serious article published in Canada's National Post, researchers argue that social justice demands the complete and total elimination of dodgeball from the Canadian physical education curriculum, lest children grow up to understand they can wield their privilege the way they wield a rubber athletic ball.

This from a country that gave the world the game of hockey. Where is the social justice in hockey? It is a difficult sport where people grow up believing they can obtain large contracts from being a brute with skates and this gives them their privilege. Large NHL contracts come with a lot of privilege. Maybe what these Canadians researchers need to do is create a form of dodgeball played using skates and on ice. I'm sure it could then become a very popular national past time in Canada.

The game, the group claims is “miseducative" and force students to display "hierarchies of privilege based on athletic skill," even though the game is mostly just about throwing balls at other children.

"Dodgeball is not just unhelpful to the development of kind and gentle children who will become decent citizens of liberal democracy. It is actively harmful to this process," the researchers claim, adding that the game is, at its core, "oppressive."

Hey, guess what? Students who are the academically gifted types display hierarchies of privilege based on their academic skills. The last thing anyone wants to experience is getting in the middle of a nerd war. And guess what else? Not playing dodgeball is unhelpful for the strong child who can smack a future Canadian researcher in the head. I think this guilty pleasure helps them vote for playing dodgeball as well as become decent citizens in a liberal democracy. I think taking away the ability of kids to play dodgeball is oppressive. I say give me dodgeball or give me another fun game to play where I can throw a ball at some frightened future researcher's head.

Part of the problem, apparently, is that, unlike other nursery games and elementary school sports, dodgeball puts the focus on other students. In order to succeed in the game, you have to target other kids and hit them with the ball. When you make humans the target, the researchers say, you "legalize bullying" (because most of the targets are smaller, weaker children).

I disagree with this assertion. Games such as Alligator In the Swamp, British Bulldog, and Tag played in their full-contact versions also put the focus on other students. In order to succeed in these games, kids are targeted. This builds character. I don't think these games legalize bullying. They do give children who are smaller or weaker a chance to prove themselves. During one momentous dodgeball game in high school, a super nerd took out the captain of the football team and won instant respect and recognition. The football team captain got to take the nerd's sister out on a date. I guess it all worked out. He was a nerd willing to pimp out his sister for a good cause.

Edutopia reports that dodgeball, though a much-beloved memory for Gen-Xers and older Millennials have little value for modern physical education teachers, who want to focus more on developing social skills than showcasing athletic prowess.

All I can say is the gym classes in these places must really be boring. Why would social skills need to be taught in gym class? Are they teaching things like proper conversations to have when your muscles are weak and undeveloped? Maybe they'll teach the correct etiquette for things to say during a hockey game when you smash your opponent into the boards.

Pardon me, but I would like you to know that smashing your face up against Plexiglas and watching you be in pain and become enraged is nothing personal.”
No offense taken. I will make my best effort to return the favor and give you as much pain and anger as you have given me.”
Oh good, I'm so glad we had this nice talk.”
I agree, I learned so much about polite conversations during gym class during school”

I don't know who these Canadian researchers are, but it would be nice to have the opportunity to throw a dodgeball at them.

Below is a link to the story.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

According to North Carolina Woman Bigfoot Likes Sweets. A Real Story.

When I was a kid, we always talked about what it would be like to encounter Bigfoot. This was a time when it was normal for kids to spend a lot of time in the woods. We had our Boy Scout pocket knives, brown bag lunches and carried bottles of root beer. We were ready for anything. We'd often joke about what we would do if we encountered Bigfoot. As young guys, we felt we'd be able to handle it. He couldn't catch us because we all ran so fast. One friend said if Bigfoot came at him, he'd just pick up a rock and hit that big hairy dude between the eyes. Another friend said he could hit Bigfoot in the crowned jewels with a coke bottle after he finished drinking it. Then would easily getaway. I wasn't afraid, I had my Boy Scout pocket knife. I'm sure Bigfoot never came near us when we were in the woods because we were very brave and capable young boys. It could also be because nobody, where we lived, ever saw Bigfoot. I like to think this creature was too afraid to come near such well-prepared young boys.

It seems a woman in North Carolina knows that Bigfoot has a sweet tooth. You have to think that being Bigfoot probably means you can't get dove bars or chocolate bars and more any time you want them. If you are a Bigfoot and walk into a story, it may not go well.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

The legendary creature was reportedly spotted by a North Carolina woman in the woods behind her home, according to a WCNC report. While "reports" of the mythical creature in North Carolina is nothing new, it apparently has a taste for processed sugar and carbs.

Mostly like candy, cookies, they love peanut brittle, chocolate, peanut butter sandwiches," said Shelby resident Vicky Cook. "They don't like apples and bananas."

This does make you wonder about what things Bigfoot eats. I'm sure this creature has been living with the Paleolithic diet for a very long time. If you go from eating roots, nuts, and grain-based foods to having an opportunity at having some chocolate peanut butter and peanut brittle as well as pasta, you're are going to ignore the bananas and apples. In that regard, I'm the same as Bigfoot. I can only imagine if Bigfoot had the opportunity to have ice cream or lemon meringue pie. Bigfoot sightings may start taking place at popular restaurants.

Cook was able to capture what she believed to be the creature on her camera, adding that she's not quite exactly sure of what she saw and is still having trouble believing it herself.

"Sometimes I think this can't be real," she continued. "It went in front of my camera. I screamed I didn't know what it was, but that thing was tall!"

If she had chocolate, candy, peanut brittle and cookies out, it could have been many different kinds of Bigfoot. There is the young teenager with a ravenous appetite Bigfoot. It could also have been the, I have an extreme sweet tooth Bigfoot. There have been times when I have been confused with a chocoholic Bigfoot. I hope it wasn't me as I have gone in front of the cameras and had people scream. Many people have said they didn't know what I was and what happened to their chocolate.

Cook noted that the sightings started in March and since then, she's had eight footprints, all in different sizes. "This is a juvenile, but look at how long it is," she said. "That's a big ... big print."

I would hate to think of all the costs involved with feeding a teenage Bigfoot. It is possible some parts of the forest could be ravaged if there are too many teenage Bigfoots. Those who have raised teenage boys know exactly what I am talking about. If it was in March, it could have been part of the Bigfoot spring break. If the worst thing a teenage Bigfoot is laying around in the forest and eating sweets during the warm months of the year as the Bigfoot parents try to get them to do work around where they live in the forest. We may be more like Bigfoot than we realize

the legendary creature has had a slow start...Perhaps Bigfoot caught wind that baseball player-turned loose cannon Jose Canseco

We can only hope that Bigfoot is a baseball fan and would like to have Jose Conseco's autograph to add to his collection. I have no idea why Bigfoot has had a slow start, but it is possible Bigfoot parents are trying to teach their children about a proper diet and the benefits of eating sweets in moderation. I know I will never see a Bigfoot if I go in the woods, I still have my Boy Scout pocket knife.

Below is a link to the article.

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The Longer You Live The Older You Get

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I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Japanese Pillow Fighting Championships. A Real Story

I can remember as a child there were certain times when having a pillow fight was necessary. It was usually a time when you were supposed to be in bed and sleeping. This had to happen when friends were sleeping over. When you are young, wide awake in bed, and bored, things such as pillow fighting can occur. It is a difficult thing for a child to do and not laugh. Once the laughter starts, the swings of the pillow become erratic and things can get broken. This can be followed by the sound of a parent yelling about what is going on in there. This is when a parent will head to the bedroom causing young pillow pugilists to jump in bed, close their eyes and put on their best acting performance of a sleeping child. A parent entering the room wanting to know what happened and how something got broken can cause these same children to have amnesia when forced awake from their sleep acting. These children will have no idea how anything got broken. The acting performance always fails, but it is a time-honored tradition among generations of children. Not that I know.

It seems that the Japanese have seen the time-honored pillow fight as something that can be done as part of serious competition. They have pillow fighting teams and national championships. I'm sure the American version would include jumping into bed, pretending to be asleep and having amnesia on how something got broken.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

The Japanese may be known for their neatness, particularly when it comes to making their bed in the morning, but all social norms went out the window on Saturday during qualifying for the All-Japan Pillow Fighting Championships in Shizuoka Prefecture.
In the small fishing town of Ito, 150 kilometers south of Tokyo, teams gathered from across the region to compete in the event

This is a serious departure from the intensity of battle by a people who brought the world individuals with awe-inspiring fighting skills like ninjas and samurai warriors. I wonder if the pillow fights involve some type of training. Is it possible to get a certain colored feather on your pillow for a ranking as you progress in training? I'm sure there could be a variety of pillow fighting moves involved with this type of competition. You must know where to hit your opponent, how to hit your opponent and resist the temptation to laugh when feathers from your pillow go on the face of your opponent. It would be great if they had a specially designated uniform for pillow fighters. Could this mean a new type of action movie will soon be upon us?

Started by a group of high school children in Shizuoka, the game is based on the age-old ritual of pillow fighting when away from the supervision of teachers and parents at a sleep-over or on a school trip.

The game starts with all five players 'sleeping' under duvets on futons before the whistle goes and they leap to their feet and reach for a pillow.

This is a sport that is very realistic. I'm sure at this age, I would struggle to imitate sleeping if I got good and comfortable with a futon or duvet. My sleep would probably be very real. If I got my pillow just the way I wanted it, I'd struggle to get up. Alarm clocks don't affect me, I'm sure a whistle wouldn't impact my rest either. I do wonder if people are given just any pillow to fight with or if they have to use a pillow that meets certain requirements in weight as well as contents and more. If they don't have such requirements, I guess there is nothing stopping someone from having a pillow filled with a frozen pork roast or croquet balls. Maybe this will be the case if they create an extreme pillow fighting version of the game.

A mix between dodgeball and chess, the aim is to protect each team's 'King' from being hit by pillows whilst trying to hit the opposition's 'King' during two-minute sets. One player on each team can also use a duvet as a shield.

Saturday's regional tournament contained 16 teams vying for the qualification for the national competition, which has 64 entrants and is held in February.

If parents go up in the middle of the night to their children's room after hearing them make the noise pillow fighting, the children can now say they are training for a pillow fighting championship. The need for faking sleep and having amnesia is no longer necessary. I'm sure that hitting someone with a pillow and avoiding being hit take some skills. You do think it being Japan, they would include some martial arts with it to make things interesting. Some roundhouse kicks, blocks, punches, as well as amazing takedowns with a pillow, would be great. I think if this sport includes martial arts it could inspire movies like the Karate Pillow Kid or Pillow Ninja Warrior and others.

Team 'BlancWhite' who contained nine-year-old Soda Wamanobe – the secondest youngest competitor -- won the tournament.

As their prize, the team received an array of local produce as well as the all-important qualification for next year's nationwide tournament.

I'm sure a nine-year-old has probably the advantage of being a smaller object to hit with a pillow and some great signature moves. There could be the threats to tell mom move as well as the hit me and I'm telling how you skipped school move. Maybe those would be signature moves of an American pillow fighter from my family. If this were the United States the winning team would enjoy the produce and the invitation to the next year's tournament, but they would wonder where is their trophy. I could see kids showing off their pillow-fighting trophy to friends and family. During my childhood pillow-fighting career, I could have gotten a trophy for fake sleeping and amnesia, but that's another championship.

Here is a link to the story.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Parents Believe Children at Age 5 Need to Consider Their Career Path. A Real Story.

If I were to use the word career path with my daughter when she was age 5, she would have ignored me and asked to watch Barney. I can't imagine a child who is 5 and trying to learn what is being taught to them at preschool or kindergarten considering their life's work. It would be difficult to explain to them how coloring and juice boxes aren't involved in choosing a career. At this age, they believe being a superhero or princess is a good career option.

There was a recent survey of parents that showed many of them believe this is the time in their child's life when career decisions should be made. This just lets me know that there are many parents who don't seem to grasp how there comes a time when a kid needs to be permitted to be a kid. Playing dress-up, coloring, exploring the world is a good thing. Trying to guide them on a career path at this age is a dumb thing. Makes me wonder if these parents regret their own career choices.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Perhaps not surprisingly, more than half (56%) of the 2,000 parents surveyed already have their own ideas for what their kids will be when they grow up. Three in four participants hope their children gravitate towards STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) professions, with engineer, doctor, and web developer/programmer leading the way for the jobs they predict them landing.

So, these are parents who don't value people who fix their cars, build their homes, repair their plumbing and so many other things associated with a career in the trade professions. Our society could not function without people in the trade professions. I notice these surveyed parents also didn't want to have children who were entrepreneurs. I'm sure many of these parents are employed by someone who took on the challenges of starting and running a business.

Why don't you finish your degree in Sexuality Studies?”
I like working with tools. I fixed your car and dishwasher.”
How are you ever going to succeed in the world?”
I make more money than my siblings who have college degrees and I'm not drowning with student debt.”
This is not what we agreed to when you were five-years-old.”

President of Marketing Communications at The Toy Association, in a statement. “As parents visit the toy aisle, they should first look for items that truly allow children to explore an area of science, technology, engineering or math and allow the children to use their imaginations. Most importantly, the toy must be fun for children to play with and captivate their interest. Learning through play should always be a fun experience!”

Maybe toys associated with working in the fast food industry could be for those who plan to have an art history degree. There could be a taxi cab driving toy for those who plan to get a degree in Canadian studies. Toys letting children play as if they are working in retail for those who get a degree in puppetry.

You are playing with stuffed animals. Why aren't you using the toy calculator I gave you so you can begin working toward your degree in engineering?”
I want some cookies.”
Do you realize your entire adult life could be impacted if you don't start working toward your engineering career.”
I want to be Superman.”
No, you want to be an engineer.”
I want to be fly and have x-ray vision.”
You can't do it. I know you're five-years-old, but it's time you begin to take life seriously.”
Can I go outside and dig in the dirt?”
At last you seem to be taking your future career as an engineer serious.”
No, I want to find bugs and scare my sister with them.”

But digital media is keeping kids from playing with these toys, parents say. Half feel competition with screens is the biggest challenge in the house when it comes to getting the kids to use their skill-honing toys and games.

(Sarcasm Alert)

Someone needs to tell these parents how to be parents. I think it is the parent who can limit their child's screen time and redirect them toward playing with toys. If you want your five-year-old child to begin working on their career as a future scientist, you need to bump up your game.

I want to play video games.”
Hey, you have been in this world for five years. You have successfully unlocked the mysteries of bathroom usage and know how to button your shirt, most times. It is time you start being serious about your science career.”
Can I go play T-ball?”
I'm sorry, but its time you walk away from the video games and playing baseball. You need to see the benefits of pursuing a career in science.”
Grandpa said scientists make a lot of money but baseball players can make millions of dollars every year for playing a game.”
You know, you're right, forget this science stuff, you need to learn how to throw a great curveball.”
What is a curveball?”
Get your baseball glove, we're going to the little league field. You'll learn about that and begin to pursue your career as a highly paid baseball player. It's never too early to begin training for a future as a professional athlete.”

Below is a link to the story.

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The Longer You Live The Older You Get

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I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research Shows It is Okay to Drink 25 Cups of Coffee in a Day. A Real Story.

People who know me are aware I enjoy drinking coffee. My daily routine consists of getting out of bed, stumbling as I make my way to the kitchen. At this time, my wife knows I will be unable to engage in any form of coherent language until I've had my coffee. She hands me a cup of coffee and hopes for the best. After the first drink of it, I'm able to make words she can understand. By the time I'm almost done with my first cup of morning coffee, I'm making complete sentences and am able to engage in actual conversation. This is simply our morning ritual.

I will also drink coffee during the day. I usually stop around noon. It appears there is a breed of coffee drinkers that consume java at levels I can only imagine. I suppose these serious consumers of coffee have some health concerns about their consumption of it. Research has shown people can drink up to 25 cups of coffee in a day and not worry about it making their arteries stiff. If I drank that much coffee in a day, I would be worried about more than my arteries. I'd be concerned about spending so much time in the bathroom and only being able to close my eyes every 36 hours. That is a lot of coffee.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Good news coffee lovers: you can still drink up to 25 cups in a day without worrying about stiffer arteries, a new study finds. Not that most people drink anywhere near that much — even the biggest coffee junkies out of the 8,412 British adults who were studied drank about five cups on average daily.

What was the purpose of this study? Is it sponsored by coffee manufacturers and sellers? Is this a way to tell people who drink five cups a day it is time to bump up their coffee drinking game? Will this lead to people who drink 25 cups of coffee a day being in advertisements saying how they have no worries about stiffer arteries? Maybe coffee shops will start offering discounts to people who have 25 cups a day and healthy arteries. I believe to drink 25 cups of coffee a day you would need to have it with each meal, between meals, while exercising and maybe consume coffee using an intravenous drip while you take a nap and sleep. Consuming this much coffee would require a serious commitment.

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London say those earlier studies used much smaller sample sizes, leading them to question the results and put them up against a much larger group of participants.

I imagine trying to find a person who drinks 25 cups of coffee every day is difficult. These are people who probably sleep a total of eight hours a week. They would be the ones shaking all the time as they made repeated trips to and from the bathroom. I'm sure they would be lousy subjects for research because they would have to be in motion and struggle to speak slowly.

I understand you drink 25 cups of coffee a day. Would you like to be part of our research project?”
Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom.”
Now that you're back, have you decided if you want to be part of our research project?”
Sorry, I have to get more coffee.”
Could you stay still and answer my question about being part of our research project?”
Sorry, after I go to the bathroom again, I'm going to run around the block a few times. I've not slept in three days but I'm feeling great.”
You need to stop and let me know if you want to participate in our research project.”
Sorry, I've got to get some more coffee. Could you talk to me after I run around the block a few more times and go to the bathroom?”
Why don't you stop drinking so much coffee?”
Then I'd be just a person without stiff arteries who nobody wants for their research project.”

Though people who drank more than 25 cups of coffee daily were excluded from the study, the authors found that those who drank up to this amount were no more likely to suffer from stiffening of the arteries compared to those who drank less than a cup a day.

Can you imagine going to participate in a research study about drinking coffee and being excluded because you drank too much coffee? That is like doing a study on alcoholics and telling a person they're excluded from the study because they drink too much.

I'm willing to participate in your study.”
How much coffee do you drink each day?”
I have about 26 cups of coffee each day.”
Sorry, we only need people who drink 25 cups of coffee a day or less.”
Why is the cut off point 25 cups? How did you determine this amount of coffee consumption?”
Because, ah, we're researchers who have determined people who drink up to 25 cups of coffee a day don't suffer any more stiffening of the arteries than those who drink a single cup of coffee a day.”
What about those of us who drink 26 cups of coffee a day? What will consuming one more cup of coffee a day do to our arteries? I mean, if you're truly concerned about public health wouldn't you want to know how an additional cup of coffee affects my arteries? We have a right to know.”
You get us the research funds, and we'll see what the additional cup of coffee a day does to your arteries.”
Hey, this is prejudicial. You are excluding those of us who drink 26 cups of coffee a day for no reason other than your preconceived stereotypical beliefs of those of us who drink 26 cups of coffee a day. You are nothing more than 26 cups of coffee a day phobic. I may file a civil rights lawsuit.”
Will you leave us alone if we give you free coffee for a week?”
It's a deal.”

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