Saturday, August 24, 2019

Animal Rescuers in England Rescue Taxidermied Fox. A Real Story

I admire people who are willing to rescue animals. These people are very dedicated to their mission and have big hearts. I've seen them rescue animals from horrible conditions, nurse them back to health and then find them good homes. There are also situations where they will release rescued animals back into the wild. It takes a special type of person to do this type of work. I respect these people. In England, they seem to take it a step further. They were called out to rescue an animal that was taxidermied. I'm sure not much would be required to find it a good home. Nursing this animal back to health just may have been a bit beyond their abilities.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Animal Rescuers in England shifted into high gear on Monday in search of a possibly injured fox — only to learn the animal was not what it seemed.
Ellie Burt, an officer with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), said a resident in Devon, a city roughly 200 miles southwest of London, became worried about the fox, which had been hiding in a bush.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is probably a very busy organization. I'm sure a resident was worried about a fox. It's likely this person didn't want the creature to be the focus of a fox hunt. This is something the English gentry seem to enjoy, but the rest of England seems to frown upon. I know participation in a fox hunt is something that has been done in England for centuries. Maybe it is time they modernized their sport. Instead of a fox hunt, how about a drone fox hunt? I believe it would be interesting to see the English gentry galloping their horses through the English countryside after a drone that appears to be a flying fox. They may even be able to make a taxidermied fox part of the experience.

The local said the fox was acting lethargic before it collapsed and hadn't moved in days, according to a news release from the animal organization obtained by Fox News.
Rescuers asked the Good Samaritan to attempt the "broom test" with the fox to see if it was still alive, and they "were told that it didn't move but tracked them with its eyes and seemed to be breathing well."

It is possible the local noticed the fox when walking home after consuming too many pints. If this taxidermied fox was acting lethargic prior to collapsing, it may be possessed. I can almost imagine the humor of an inebriated person getting a broomstick and poking a taxidermied fox.

There is a good fox. Is there something wrong with you fox? Strange how you don't make a sound or move when I poke you with a broomstick. You are a bit odd in that way. I've never seen a fox act like you. Most run screaming when they see me coming with a broomstick. Most animals and people run when they see me coming with a broomstick, but that is another story.”

I like how it seemed to be breathing well and watched the local with its eyes. If there is a taxidermied fox that can do this, the taxidermy process has really changed.

Burt traveled to the fox, with the hope that it could be saved. When she got to the scene, she said she quickly learned "this wasn't a live fox — but a dead fox who'd been stuffed by a taxidermist."

I can just see someone from the RSPCA looking at the taxidermied fox and then looking at the local.

Are you drunk?”
Not more than usual.”
This is a dead fox that has been taxidermied. It's not alive. There's nothing I can do for this animal.”
You could still find it a good home.”
You could not have so many pints so you can tell the difference between a live fox and one that has been taxidermied.”
I believe the spirit of the fox is still within the animal and that's what I saw.”
Were you cut off at the pub?”
No more than usual.”

"He’d clearly been placed under a bush outside of the houses as a prank," Burt said. "After speaking to some of the neighbors, I soon discovered that someone had been moving it around the neighborhood.”
The RSPCA said Burt discarded the fox "to avoid any further calls."

I wonder if this is a prank that someone recorded and then downloaded to YouTube? I wonder what kind of history this local had for someone to believe they would fall for such a practical joke.

Aren't you the person who fell for the lighted bag of dog crap on your doorstep gag?”
Yeah, so?
Didn't you fall for the hard-boiled egg in the egg carton gag?”
“Okay, so what of it?”
I think you also fell for the tape over the sprayer in the kitchen sink gag.”
Yes, I did, so what do you want from me?”
I have a sick looking fox in the bush I want to show you.”

Here is a link to the story.

Friday, August 23, 2019

A Study Concludes Spending Time Outside is Healthy. A Real Story

I've always enjoyed spending time in nature. I always felt good about my time spent there. I didn't need a study to tell me it is good for me. There is a new study that says spending time outside will decrease hormone levels. They refer to it as a nature pill and say sitting, walking or doing some type of physical activity in nature or outside will have tremendous positive effects on health. According to the study, doing this could decrease heart disease, chronic stress, weight, blood pressure and more.

(Sarcasm Alert)

It appears you have chronic stress and heart disease.”
Do you prescribe I spend time outside in nature to help decrease the effects?”
Are you nuts? I'm a physician. I have an obligation to pharmaceutical companies. I'm prescribing expensive medication. If you believe running around in the woods will help your health I say it is okay.”
There was a study done about it.”
Unless it was done by the pharmaceutical industry and shows them doing positive things for people, I've never heard of it.”

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

The study, completed by University of Michigan researchers, MaryCarol Hunter, Brenda Gillespie and Sophie Yu-Pu Chen...Hunter said the study was developed for health care practitioners to utilize when giving patients a "nature-pill prescription”...About 44 people from Ann Arbor participated in an eight-week summer study in June 2014 and had a nature experience three times a week.

I'm not a scientist. I do wonder what can actually be proven in a study concerning the health of all people that only uses 44 people. Three times a week, they spent time outside during an eight-week period. This study was done during the summer in Michigan. I'm sure the results would be different if they tried to conduct this type of research during the winter months in Michigan.

How is the study going?”
Not good.”
It's winter. We keep telling our study participants to go outside and see if it is good for their health.”
What happens?”
They keep refusing to leave the warm building and start using very creative expletives when we talk about this being part of the study.”
What are you going to do?”
We're going to start working on a new study that shows using creative expletives against people who want you to leave a warm building and into the bitter cold outside is good for your health.”

Hunter said the participants were allowed to decide what they did and where they went to be in tune with nature. She, Chen and Gillespie concluded 20 minutes because statistics showed a graduate decrease in stress. But they also noticed a dramatic decrease in stress after an additional 10 minutes.
"Thirty minutes is the ideal time for the greatest stress reduction. But 20 minutes is sufficient," she said.

I've spent quite a bit of time in nature. I can tell you it can be a very relaxing experience. It's not a place where only happy experiences can occur. I'm sure the effects on the health of participants would be different if they were eating wild berries and looked over to see a large black bear near them. Spending time enjoying nature requires people to be at peace with snakes, spiders as well as poison ivy, ticks and more.

I like being in nature. I feel so relaxed.”
Oh good, guess I don't have to mention you sat in a patch of poison ivy.”
Oh, no.”
I won't mention the ticks you will have to pick off your arm.”
Oh, no.”
When you go back to the research building, try to avoid the snakes I saw and the spiders.”
I am now feeling so stressed. I doubt I'll have any health benefits from being in nature.”
You still have one option left to improve your health.”
You can use creative expletives against the study researchers.”
Then I anticipate feeling very healthy by the end of the study.”

The biggest challenge for people is commitment, Hunter said and choosing to stop what they're doing to enjoy the outdoors for 20 minutes a day. But Hunter said any time away from busy schedules and cellphones can improve an individual's health.rt with five minutes and see where it takes you," she said.

Five minutes in nature? That is a time commitment that would involve a person opening a door, going through it, turning around and going back inside. That is not even enough time to get a decent mosquito bite. The more time you spend in nature the better it becomes. I say walk, explore and enjoy nature. It's not as much fun as using creative expletives with study researchers, but it's still good for your health.

Here is a link to the story.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Study Done to Show Cats Know When You Call Their Name. A Real Story

It seems that researchers in Japan have performed experiments that could forever change the way society views feline pets. Japanese researchers now have scientific evidence that shows cats know the difference in the words a person speaks to them. I wonder what type of conversation took place to fund experiments with the goal of determining if cats can distinguish between words people speak to them.

We just got significant funding to perform experiments into something that could forever alter our perceptions of the world.”
Are we going to discover a cure for cancer?”
Are we going to find a new drug that could eliminate heart disease?”
How about finding a way to do away with the effects of cardiopulmonary disease?
What are we going to be researching?”
We're going to perform experiments to prove domestic house cats can distinguish what people say to them.”
A cat food conglomerate will be funding our experiments.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Hey Kitty! Yes, you. A new study suggests household cats can respond to the sound of their own names.
No surprise to you or most cat owners, right? But Japanese scientists said Thursday that they’ve provided the first experimental evidence that cats can distinguish between words that we people say.

I'm sure the cats loved this idea.

Hey Morris, those Japanese researchers are saying stuff to us again.”
I know what they're doing and it's annoying.”
What should we do?”
I simply start making sounds like I'm about to cough up a hairball.”
Then what happens?”
The go into a panic trying to put something under me to catch the hairball.”
Do you have that many hairballs?”
Of course not, but I tell you that's not the point.”
What is the point?”
They need to be reminded of who is actually in charge.”

I wonder what it is like talking to other people scientists about doing such work.

I'm working on some a new type of jet fuel.”
I'm working on a new type of metal for space travel.”
I'm working on finding a way to help people be happier.”
What are you working on?”
I'm going to prove that cats can recognize sounds people speak to them.”
It's those types of scientific experiments that could improve society for many generations into the future..”
Are you being sarcastic?”

Atsuko Saito of Sophia University in Tokyo says there’s no evidence cats actually attach meaning to our words, not even their own names. Instead, they’ve learned that when they hear their names they often get rewards like food or play or something bad like a trip to the vet. And they hear their names a lot. So the sound of it becomes special, even if they don’t really understand it refers to their identity.

I suppose people must be careful to use the correct treat voice, and the correct play voice with their cats. I'm sure that one simple mistake could really mess things up for a cat owner.

Where is kitty?”
I wanted to give her a treat, but I accidentally used my vet office visit voice.”
I suppose when you want to take her to the vet you'll have to use your treat voice.”
Good suggestion.”

Saito and colleagues describe the results of their research in the journal Scientific Reports. In four experiments with 16 to 34 animals, each cat heard a recording of its owner’s voice, or another person’s voice, that slowly recited a list of four nouns or other cat’s names, followed by the cat’s own name.

I'm sure the cats were looking at these researchers and wondering when they'll get their treats. I bet every cat is bored and looking for things on a table to knock over. I believe there were cats involved in the experiment who kept looking at the researchers and annoyed at listening to recordings.

When the cats heard their name, they probably felt like yelling, “I'm a cat, not a dog, maybe you should get my slippers if I had any.”

Monique Udell, who also studies animal behavior at Oregon State, said the study shows “cats are paying attention to you, what you say and what you do, and they’re learning from it.”

I wonder if any of these researchers are cat owners? A cat owner knows cat's don't really care about much. They eat, sleep, purr, knock things off a table, climb blinds, claw furniture, use the litter box and call it a day.

If this research goes well, I wonder what they will try to discover next. Could it be a cure for catnip addiction? I suppose the research possibilities of any project are always as endless as its funding.

Here is a link to the story. 

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The Longer You Live The Older You Get

Or my other one

I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Man Crashes Vehicle and Wanders Around Stranger's Home Naked. A Real Story

I have indulged in adult beverages during my adult life. There have been times when I have had a bit too much to drink. I can honestly say that I've never had so much alcohol in my system that I was accused of wandering around naked in the house of someone who does not know me. The people who know me, realize it is a possibility. They are very responsible people who know how to cut me off before I reach the point where walking around their house naked seems like a good idea. I'm sure they realize the horror of such an experience would haunt them for the rest of their lives. A man in Connecticut did not have such friends. He was not cut off before he reached the level of alcohol consumption when walking around naked in a person's home seemed like a good idea. This individual was found wandering around the home of people who did not know him after he crashed his vehicle in their yard. He was not wearing any clothes. This really happened.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A family in Connecticut had an unusual guest on Saturday after a man crashed his SUV into their yard and then walked around their house naked.
The Newtown Police Department told FOX61 they were dispatched to the home after residents said a naked man they did not know was wandering around their home.

The residents were out shopping in the morning and returned home to find 35-year-old Joseph Achenbach of Watertown inside.

I can only imagine what type of bizarre conversation took place upon the discovery of an unknown naked man wandering around their home.

Oh, Emma, did you order a naked man? There is one wondering around our home.”
I don't think so, let me check my receipts, I'm so very forgetful.”

Emma takes out her Smartphone and looks at her shopping receipts.

I don't see a naked man on any of my recent purchases. Could you have ordered a naked man?”
I'm sure I didn't. This man appears to be naked and drunk. I may order a drunk man or a naked man but never one who is both drunk and naked.”
It certainly wasn't me.”
What should we do?”
I say we call the police.”
Will they be showing up naked?”
Not those police, the real police.”

During the investigation, officers determined that Achenbach had crashed his Ford Escape into the backyard of the residents' home and wandered into the house through an unlocked sliding glass door.

Ma'am, it appears the naked man crashed his vehicle into your backyard.”

I have no doubt that being drunk and naked would significantly impair your driving. If you were to spill a hot beverage or reach across to the passenger seat to get to the glove box things could get quite uncomfortable. Especially, if you are a messy person with mountain climbing equipment laying carelessly all over your vehicle. Don't worry, I won't bring my husband into this, but he is a messy mountain climber who should never drive naked.”
Thank you, ma'am, but that is too much information.”

Police said that the 35-year-old's clothes could not be found at the scene, and it is believed that he was naked when he crashed the car, FOX61 reported.

(Sarcasm Alert)

That is something. I wonder if he was part of the Drunk and Naked Vehicle Drivers of America (DNVDA)? He could have been participating in one of the naked drunk drives they hold during their meetings.

I can only imagine the mental process of this guy.

I've got to get to a friend's house. I'm naked and I'm drunk. Not a problem. I'll just hop into my Ford Escape and be there in a minute. What could go wrong?”

Police believe that alcohol and drugs played a role in the suspect's behavior.
Achenbach has been charged with criminal trespassing, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and driving while intoxicated. He's being held on $5,000 bond and will appear in court Monday.

You know, I have no crime scene investigative experience, but I would have suspected drugs and alcohol playing a part in this guy's behavior. If not, he has some real mental issues.

What are your hobbies?”
I like to watch movies and go bowling. How about you?”
I like to get drunk, take off all my clothes and crash my vehicle into the home's of complete strangers and then walk around their house naked.”
Wow, you make movies and bowling seem so boring.”

Here is a link to the story.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Florida Man Threatens To Destroy Town With an Army of Turtles. A Real Story

When I was a child, it was always a really cool idea to command animals. The original movie Willard came out when I was young. It was a movie about a young man named Willard. He was bullied by his boss and yelled at by his mother He is then befriended by rats. To make a long story short, the rats destroy people and protect Willard. After watching this movie, I felt it would be neat to command wolves or bears or some type of animal known for its ferocity. A man in Florida must not realize the value of a ferocious animal when it comes to defeating people. He threatened to destroy a town with turtles. This is for real.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A self-proclaimed “saint” was arrested in a coastal Florida town Sunday after screaming obscenities and threatening to unleash an army of turtles, an arrest affidavit reportedly said.

What would a movie about this be called? Night of the Terrapin? I'm sure it would be quite a long movie since turtles are known for taking their time with things. I like how this guy was telling people he was a saint. I wonder if he was known in the church circles as Saint Florida Crazy Guy, the patron saint of turtles.

There is an army of turtles on their way to destroy the town.”
They've been on their way to destroy the town for a few days.”
I know, but they're turtles, it will take them a bit of time to get here.”

Authorities received multiple calls about a man who was disturbing the peace at several businesses in Indialantic, a town about 75 miles southeast of Orlando, the affidavit said. The suspect, later identified as 61-year-old Thomas Devaney Lane, was calling himself “the saint” and allegedly said his army of turtles would “destroy everyone,”

I wonder if Saint Crazy Florida Guy even realized not many people feel fear when they think of a turtle. It's like threatening to destroy a town with an army of guinea pigs. It may not even make the evening news.

Thank you for watching lame news. Our top breaking news story is about an army of guinea pigs that have massed near us and appears poised to march on the city.”
Are the local public officials prepared to deal with such an invasion?”
Yes, they're putting up spinning wheels all over the town and are laying out carrots and cabbage in case the guinea pigs get hungry.”
Good to see the situation is well in hand. Now on to more local news.”

Lane accompanied a responding officer back to police headquarters where he pounded on the walls and glass before leaving the station, police said. Officers later found him in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven where he allegedly cursed out customers and called 911, Orlando's Fox 35 reported. Lane allegedly told the 911 operator that the responding officer “needed to leave now or you will all be sorry you f---ed with the saint,” the report said.

I must give this guy credit for having an attitude. I can only imagine the type of conversation that took place at the police station.

You don't understand. I'm Saint Crazy Florida Guy. I've been sent here to command an army of turtles to take over your city. When I give the command, thousands of turtles filled with rage will descend upon this city.”
Then what happens?”

Saint Crazy Florida Guy starts pounding on the walls.

It not my job to figure out what happens next. I was just supposed to curse out customers at a 7-Eleven and say crazy things to the 911 operator and police. I was then supposed to come here and act crazy. I then had to pound on the walls and glass.”
You did a good job.”

Police said Lane refused to exit his vehicle and was taken out by force. During that ordeal, Lane allegedly continued to shout obscenities while warning passers-by about an impending army of turtles, Fox 35 reported.

What fun it would be to be walking past the local 7-Eleven, see a crazy man being subdued by police who is cursing and yelling about an army of turtles that will soon attack the city?

If you don't walk faster we'll miss the beginning of the movie.”
Unless that movie has Saint Crazy Florida Guy swearing and talking about an army of turtles, I'm staying right here. This is more interesting.”

Lane was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace, resisting arrest without violence and misusing 911, Florida Today reported. He taken into Brevard County Jail Complex later released on bail

I can only imagine if this guy had someone from his work witness what happened.
Was that you who I saw swearing at the police and threatening to command an army of turtles to take over the city?
Ah, what is your definition of threatening? It could have just been a strong suggestion about the more aggressive species of turtles here in Florida.”
Didn't you call yourself the saint?”
Oh, I'm sure we all feel saintly at times.”
Tell it to human resources.”
Don't make me use my turtle army on this company.”

Here is a link to the story.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Get Paid by NASA to Lay in Bed. A Real Story

I suppose it happens to athletes. They play a sport as a young child and know the rest of their life will be dedicated to playing it. I'm sure there are doctors who walk out of their physician's office as children and can connect so well with the work, they are ready to spend their life dedicated to the practice of medicine. I'm sure it's the same with teachers, lawyers, accountants, and others. I now have experienced something that could change my life forever. I read this story and know I have all the skills necessary to climb to the top of this profession. NASA is willing to pay people to lay in bed. I've spent decades trying to perfect my style. There are few people more dedicated to this than myself. If it were an Olympic sport, I would be a serious contender for a gold medal.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

If you have ever wanted to get paid to lie in bed, then this job is for you: NASA, the European Space Agency and the German Aerospace Center are offering $18,500 for people to lie in bed for two months. The job is based in Cologne, Germany, and it's part of a study designed to better understand how the body adapts to weightlessness. The agencies are currently looking for people who are female, between the ages of 24 and 55 and who speak German. The official name of the study is the Artificial Gravity Bed Rest Study.

Why female? I challenge any woman to a lay in the bed contest. Any lady taking me up on this should bring their “A” game. When it comes to laying in a bed, I know what I'm dong. I don't speak much German, but I do like to drink German beer, so I'm sure we could work it out. I think if anyone is willing to sacrifice their body for the future of space research and get paid in the process, it should be respected.

Those chosen for the job will have to stay in bed 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 60 straight days. That means no getting up for bathroom breaks, bathing or meals. And the money, well, it comes out to just shy of $13 an hour.

All I can say is at the end of those two months, you are going to be one nasty smelling individual unless they've made some accommodations.

What is wrong with you? The aroma coming from you is enough to wake the dead.”
I'll have you know I just spent two months in bed.”
Really? Were you sick or hurt?”
Nothing like that at all. You see, I'm a professional.”
You're a professional at lying in bed?”
Yes, I was just paid to lie in bed for two months as part of a research project for NASA.”
Good, now you can afford to wash. Maybe you could become a professional bather.”
That is a great idea. I'll speak to NASA.”

Besides lying in bed for 60 days, there are other days for orientation, rest and rehabilitation at both ends of the study. The total time period someone has to be available for the study is 89 days, plus several follow up examinations in the years after the study.

I may not be able to fully grasp what is going on here. I just wonder what type of rest and rehabilitation you would need before and after lying in bed for 60 days. Are you going to be so tired from laying in bed for two months, you'll need to lay down in bed to rest? I didn't know that the effects of being in bed for 60 days would result in such mysteries, a person would have to have years of follow-ups. I just assumed if you didn't have any bed sores, you would have pretty much done your job. What type of rehabilitation would be involved?

I have to go to the bathroom.”
You're not part of the NASA experiment anymore. You have to get out of bed and use the bathroom.”

If volunteers are hoping to get some exercise while on the job, fret not...organization has tested everything from jumping in bed to cycling in bed, plus other contraptions that can be mounted to the beds.

You know, I want to maintain a certain level of decency in my writing. So, I will not discuss the NASA research involving contraptions that are able to be mounted on beds. I really would like to, but I think I've said enough. I'm also amazed that NASA tested jumping in bed. When I was a child, I tested jumping on a bed until I got yelled at by my parents. If only I had done research. I like research that involves cycling in bed. Does this involve beds you can cycle around? If this is the case. I may have a new and preferable way to get around town.

Here is a link to the story.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Gymtimidation Keeps People From Going to a Gym. A Real Story

I have never had a body that people were amazed to see. If they were amazed, it was because they felt I should weigh much more after seeing me consume chicken wings and drink beer on the half-off chicken wings and beer night at a local bar.

I have also gone to gyms and watched the muscle-bound guys walking around and working out with entire weight-lifting machines up over their head doing reps to impress all those around them.

Hey, where did the weight lifting machine go?”
Sorry, I have a few more reps to go before I go and put down. I'm then going put my Honda Accord on my back and walk home.”
Okay, I can wait.”

I believe feeling intimidated by such people is normal. It never kept me from going to a gym. I always believed they may be able to do reps with entire weight-lifting machines, but I would be more than a match with chicken wing and beer consumption.

It's obvious not everyone has the same level of pride in their food and beer consumption as myself. A study was done concerning people who are intimidated by exercising at a gym. Psychologists have even given it a neat psychologist-type name. It's called “Gymtimidation.” This is for real.

Here are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Gymtimidation is real: One in two Americans have been found to be intimidated at the thought of working out at a gym. The study of 2,000 Americans looked at people's fitness routines and habits and found that as many as 50 percent feel the idea of working out among other people in a gym environment is a daunting prospect. A further 31 percent admit to feeling anxious when thinking about trying to get into shape overall.

Huh? I don't know, but I would say if working out in a gym environment is daunting and you feel anxious about getting into shape, you may lack a bit of drive and determination.

You want to get into shape, but you can't work out with people in a gym environment?” “Getting into shape makes me feel so anxious. It's not my fault I'm not in shape. It's the people at the gym, the gym and working out.”
So, are you content to sit around with a body you hate and blame it on everyone else but yourself?”
“Hey. I have a condition called Gymtimidation. It's not my fault. I'm a victim here.”
Are you going to spend any money on exercising?”
I can't afford it. It's costing me a lot of money to get therapy for my Gymtimidation condition.”

The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Isopure, examined the fitness habits and trends of 2,000 Americans, and found that 37 percent of those who have never worked out think they are too unhealthy to even start exercising.

They spoke with people who feel they're too unhealthy to even start exercising. This is like speaking with an alcoholic who says he's too drunk all the time to ever be sober. Maybe it's not their health that is the issue. It could be their attitude.

When it comes to the intimidation factor, it’s not just in the gym where this feeling is prevalent, either. Thirty-six percent reveal that running outside is more intimidating than starting an exercise routine.

I think if someone is intimidated by running outside, it could be a motivation to run faster so people don't see them. Are these people who run on treadmills or just don't run because they can't afford to have the right equipment for getting exhausted and sweaty? Maybe they're intimidated by running outside because someone running after them may catch them?

Of the people that have conquered their fears, 47 percent still admit to having feelings of intimidation while at the gym. And it turns out that 32 percent of those who experience intimidation at the gym do so when they are exercising near someone who is extremely fit. Another 17 percent experience intimidation when exercising in front of the opposite sex, while a further 15 percent experience intimidation during their actual exercise routine.

I've never felt intimidated when exercising near someone who is very fit. I always figure this person should thank me. With the way I look when I exercise, I'm making them look really good. It's always been uncomfortable exercising around the opposite sex. I'm sick and tired of their looks of shock, nausea, disgust and wondering why I'm in the female Zumba class. It gets uncomfortable. I'm never intimidated by the actual exercise routine. I'm so used to the laughter from others in the gym it no longer bothers me.

Going to the gym is never easy. I have a long list of reasons I don't go. There is cost, time, allergic reaction to sweating, exhaustion associated with thinking about exercising and now there is Gymtimidation. I'm feeling more fit after just reading about this study.

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: Imagining Fitness. Special Guest: Clarissa The Cackling Egg Carton