Friday, September 2, 2011


It was January 12, 1963 when AT & T announced the designation of 911 as a universal emergency number.  The thought behind people being able to call a single three digit number in case of an emergency was a good idea.  Now people didn’t have to look up the phone number for police or the fire department.  Anyone located anywhere could now simply dial three numbers and have emergency vehicles on their way to help them.  It was a very comforting thought.
Unfortunately such a wonderful thing was destined to be abused by stupid people.  The kind of people who get up in the morning and go into deep contemplation over the complex decision of whether it’s better to put the milk in the cereal bowl first or the cereal.  Our caring society has always tried to accommodate stupid people.  We care about them even when they’ve made it necessary to have a warning label on a basketball about it being a choking hazard.  We elect them into public office, let them run large companies and put them in more positions of power than any of us care to think about. 
A Florida woman who probably mystifies all around her by not being treated for terminal stupidity, called 911 to complain about a manicure she received.  I suppose in the mind of an idiot a bad manicure is a real emergency.  She then called the emergency number a few more times to complain about how badly the deputy handled the situation.  She continued to call claiming to be accidentally hitting redial on her cell phone because her nails were too long.  Someone needs to explain to her how she’s got bigger problems than a bad manicure.

A woman in Laguna Niguel, CA made a 911 call to see if something could be done because she got an incorrect order from a local Burger King.  She felt police should get involved in this blatant miscarriage of justice.  Doesn’t the Declaration of Independence say we’re entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of the burger we prefer?  In reality police should have looked into why such a person was permitted to roam free and have access to a phone.  Who knows what would’ve happened if she had discovered the bathroom closed for cleaning.  The National Guard might have been contacted.
Struggling to grasp the concept of an emergency seems to be a real stupid person dilemma.  In Wisconsin a woman needed a baby sitter so she called 911.  A policeman was sent to her home.  She explained to the officer she had just watched the reality show Nanny 911 and thought it was a commercial for a baby sitting service. (Sarcasm alert in case the woman previously mentioned can actually read.)  In her defense it’s an easy thing to get confused.  Life or death situations and the need for a baby sitter; seems all the same to me.  I personally feel such a woman actually having a child is the real emergency.
Nobody should drink and drive.  Stupid people should be banned from drinking and operating a phone.  Nothing good can come from it.  It seems a Florida man called 911 to report his mother had taken away his beer and insisted they arrest her.  Ask yourself what decent mother takes away her son’s beer and leaves him near a phone?  The dispatcher told him they wouldn’t arrest his mother.  I’m sure in his mind this woman had taken his property and had broken the law.  Obviously unable to obtain more beer and with nothing else to do he decided to engage in a little civil disobedience.  He told the dispatcher he’d keep calling until they arrested his mommy the beer thief.  When the police arrived at his home they noted that he was very drunk.  It seems that maybe mommy didn’t take his beer away soon enough.
In a weather emergency many people band together to help emergency responders and also each other.  True acts of heroism and caring seem to happen everywhere.  In such a situation stupid people rise to the occasion and provide enough stupidity for people to scream.

During a sever snowstorm in New York City law enforcement and paramedics had their hands full.  Some parents in Brooklyn called paramedics for a sick child.  When they got to the home the parents explained they were actually trying to get their child to do his homework and asked if the paramedics could help them get their child busy studying.  If the paramedics would’ve performed an emergency neutering of the parents it would’ve been understandable.
In the same New York City snow storm a man called 911 so he could get warm in an ambulance before his bus arrived.  (Sarcasm alert).  Shouldn’t the city provide ambulances to warm people at bus stops, provide warm beverages and give them a place to sleep when they're tired?  With all the stupid people in government such an idea is probably a real consideration.
I’m certain since it was started the 911 emergency system has saved countless lives.  Along the way it’s probably had its fair share of people who have abused the special nature of the 911 organization.  It’s a situation where people with sense must keep the stupid people from ruining something good.  Too bad it can’t be accomplished with a warning label.