Monday, November 11, 2013

Global Warming is Necessary for the Emotionally Needy

Everybody wants to feel that their life has meaning and purpose.  Some people more than others.  One of the most emotionally needy individuals of our time has to be former vice president Al Gore.  He lost a presidential election against George W. Bush.  Al Gore won the popular vote but lost in the Electoral College.  This meant he’d lose a lot of attention and power.  Mr. Gore is an intelligent man who didn’t want to be ignored or forgotten.

Since most people today also want to make themselves feel as if their life has meaning and purpose, they believed Al Gore when he began talking about global warming.  What’s nobler than saving the very planet each of us lives on from the evils of man?  What a shame these people weren't obsessed with the truth but only feeding their emotions.

Al Gore made a documentary called “An Inconvenient Truth.”  It told how we were all about to be burned to a crisp because of planes, trains, automobiles, cow farts and anything that produced CO2 gas.

The documentary was perfect for the emotionally needy all over the world.  It won an Academy Award and countries began to start forming ways to control carbon emissions.  There were carbon credits created in an effort to control carbon output and people became aware of their carbon footprint.  Many emotionally needy people were feeling pretty good about themselves for helping to save the planet.

The only problem was that a number of scientists around the world didn’t agree with what was presented in Al Gore's documentary. These people found serious scientific errors in it.  According to an article in the UK Telegraph, there were at least nine serious scientific mistakes in the move.

This meant nothing for the emotionally needy around world.  (Sarcasm Alert) Why should they be deprived of feeling like they’re saving the planet simply because there are a few wrong scientific facts in a movie?  There were less than ten so who cares?  In their minds they’re still saving the planet and their feelings are what matter.

During the global warming craze it was discovered that researchers were actually playing with the numbers.  When the figures didn’t match with what they wanted, researchers would just adjust the numbers until they did.  There are many of us who feel this isn’t really science.  It’s more like creating live theatre for the emotionally needy.  It happened at a UK university called East Anglia.  It is considered by some to be one of the worst scientific scandals of our time.

The scandal at East Anglia and the scientific mistakes in Al Gore’s documentary still mean nothing to the emotionally needy.  They simply close their eyes, put their fingers in their ears as they move their heads back and forth screaming “No, no, no, no, you’re not going to let scientific facts keep me from feeling like I’m saving the planet.  I’m an important person who is saving the planet. I have to be saving the planet.”

Most of these people worry about the carbon imprint of others more than themselves. Displaying intense hypocrisy is a way of life for the emotionally needy.  Al Gore is a poster child for this behavior.

Since the emotionally needy refuse to give up their feeling of saving the planet, they become very upset when confronted with an opposing scientific opinion.  They give such people labels as “global warming deniers” and make all sorts of bizarre accusations such as these people want to drive SUVs and live in a world that looks like the tip of a burnt match stick.  The emotionally needy yell, scream and ignore anything that doesn’t help with their desire to believe they’re saving the planet.

Recently 38 climate scientists wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal.  In the article they tell why there is no reason to panic about global warming. 

The emotionally needy believe in global warming as others do their religion.  They have reacted to the findings of the 38 climate scientists as expected.  Individuals such as the editor from the LA Times has banned the printing opinions that run counter to global warming. 

(Article Excerpt)
Paul Thornton, editor of the paper’s letters section, recently wrote a letter of his own, stating flatly that he won't publish some letters from those skeptical of man’s role in our planet’s warming climate. In Thornton’s eyes, those people are often wrong -- and he doesn’t print obviously wrong statements.

“Simply put, I do my best to keep errors of fact off the letters page; when one does run, a correction is published,” Thornton wrote. “Saying ‘there’s no sign humans have caused climate change’ is not stating an opinion, it’s asserting a factual inaccuracy.”

(Sarcasm Alert) Isn’t it good to know that an editor from the LA Times has so much scientific knowledge and understanding he is qualified to make such a decision?  What are 38 climate scientists who are educated in modern science and spend their lives studying the climate compared to the knowledge of an editor from the LA Times? 

Now the climate change debate is completely controlled by the emotionally needy.  Opposing opinions of established scientists are now to be ignored and labeled as wrong.  Facts are no longer important if they don’t satisfy the desires of the emotionally needy.

There was a time when a scientist named Galileo told the head of the Catholic Church that the earth revolved around the sun.  He also said the earth was not the center of the universe.  This hurt the feelings of the members of the Catholic Church.  They didn’t care for this scientific fact stuff.  They took Galileo to the basement and let him see torture chambers and what happened to people who said such crazy things.  Galileo became terrified and said “What was I thinking?  This scientific fact stuff can sure ruin a person.”

Today believing in opposing scientific facts won’t get you sent to a torture chamber.  It can get you mocked, laughed at and banned from having your opinion read in the LA Times.  The behavior of today’s world is nothing new.  It’s something that has happened throughout history; especially when the emotionally needy have been in positions of power.