Monday, March 17, 2014

Actual Story: Placenta Pills for Fun and Profit

I know we are a society addicted to taking pills. Today, you can take pills to improve your health, lose weight, get a tan and more. I suppose I should not be surprised the latest trend involves pills and becoming a parent. New mothers are now taking placenta pills. Not just any placenta. The placenta from their recent birth experience. I find this idea hard to swallow. (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

How long will it take before some enterprising entrepreneur sees the possibilities with this? Will we see celebrity placenta pills going for some outrageous prices?

I bought some of my favorite movie star's placenta pills as part of a charity auction. Now when I watch one of her movies I truly feel connected to her in a special way.”

How do you know it's her placenta pills? It could be placenta pills from anyone. Her pregnancy was never even mentioned in the media.”

It came with a boiler plate letter of authenticity with a fake signature stamped on it that looks like the movie star's handwriting.”


Maybe placenta pills will evolve into something that's collected and traded like baseball cards.

I'll give you five A-list actress placenta pills for five of your professional lady athlete placenta pills.”

No way. My professional lady athlete placenta pills came from her giving birth to twins. How about your five A-list actress placenta pills plus five of your lady politician placenta pills, since she just got reelected.?”

It's a deal.”

I'd hate to think about a rehab center for placenta pill addiction.

Below is an article about the placenta pill trend featured on NBC Los Angeles. The article is in bold and my valuable insights are in italics.


A growing number of alternative-health professionals are creating a new kind of post-natal vitamin using new mothers’ afterbirth, or placenta. Consuming pills made from placenta began as an ancient Chinese medicine, and some moms, including those in LA, say it’s making a noticeable difference in the 21st century.

I guess if it's part of ancient Chinese medicine it has to be good. This is healing that also involves snake bile for herbal cough formulas as well as consuming such critters as wingless cockroaches and molting cicadas as part of it. How many of these LA moms would call an exterminator if they actually saw some of the things used in ancient Chinese herbal remedies in their home?

A mother of three, Cynthia Cecil makes the pills at her Washington state home. She said the first placenta she ever processed was her own. "It doesn't look any different or taste any different than a pre-natal vitamin," said Cecil, who now helps other new moms process their placenta.

I imagine that marketing companies are already working on this one. I bet it's just a matter of time before we see gummy placenta pills.

First, the placenta is dehydrated in a machine for 16 hours. Then it’s blended into a powder and poured into capsules...Depending on its size, a woman’s placenta could yield hundreds of pills, taken just as daily supplements are consumed.

Investors are going to be getting calls from companies wanting to manufacture and offer “Home Placenta Pill Making Kits."  There will be books published like "How to get the most pills from the placenta you have.”

Advocates for the pills contend that retrieving those nutrients and hormones speeds up recovery time, helps with iron levels and milk supply, and can fight against postpartum depression. But critics, including an OB/GYN in Los Angeles, are concerned that unwanted bacteria could accompany those nutrients when women consume the non-regulated supplements.

Can you imagine what would happen if placenta pills were regulated by the FDA?  What would happen when a woman hears she can't have her placenta to make pills because it didn't meet FDA regulation standards?

Where's my placenta for my pills?”

We're sorry, it did not meet FDA standards. You do have the option of paying the government an absurd amount of money to retest it. You can also pay a company, who is a major financial contributor to the current administration, an absurd amount of money to make your placenta meet FDA standards.”

But it's my placenta.”

Not anymore.”

I predict the benefits of placenta pills will be realized someday.  Then the government is going to get involved. They will regulate, tax and control placenta pills with various laws. Special interest groups will then be formed.  Their goal will be placenta pill deregulation in response to governmental overreach. There may even be a march on Washington DC to “Free the Placenta.” A black market will be formed for illegal placenta pill distribution. I hope when this happens everyone remembers one thing, they read about it here first.



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