Monday, October 21, 2013

TSA Workers: Agents of Chaos or Representatives of Totalitarianism?

At times it appears as if one of the main functions of TSA agents is copping a cheap feel from the flying public.

(All Too Common TSA Groping Story)

When they get tired of groping innocent passengers there’s always plenty of time to steal things from the flying public.

(Upsetting Story)

I think over the course of time the TSA agents have gotten bored with stealing and groping.  Since there is probably so many people to grope and things to steal, the kleptomaniac and perverse needs of TSA agents have been more than satisfied.  Now they’ve branched out into denying people their first amendment rights under the constitution.  I had hoped they would've discovered a better hobby.

In an article by Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars, the TSA made an announcement over the public address system that threatened travelers with arrest if they joked about security. 

Below are parts of the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Travelers who crack jokes about the TSA’s ludicrous security procedures could face arrest, according to a new loudspeaker warning being broadcast at airports in the U.S.

While traveling through George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Matt Miller heard a security announcement repeatedly aired on the airport intercom that left him disturbed.

(Sarcasm alert)  I think it’s obvious that anyone who is going to hijack a plane is going to joke about security.  The three hijackers on 9/11 probably were just slapping their knees with laughter after letting go several one-liners about airport security.  It’s a good thing the TSA remembers this.

“You are also reminded that any inappropriate remarks or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest,” the loudspeaker message states.

These new loudspeaker warnings remind us that the TSA continues to excel at indoctrinating Americans to be well-behaved prisoners via obedience training – reminding them that they can be disappeared if they dare speak out of turn, even in a humorous way.

Inappropriate is such a subjective term.  If you simply point out the types of employees the TSA hires, it could be considered either an inappropriate remark or authentic humor based in reality.  If you talk about how the TSA is managed you have the makings of a highly successful stand-up comedy routine.

The prospect of travelers cracking jokes about airport security procedures is by no means unlikely given the increasing absurdity of the policies being enforced by the TSA.

I think that cracking jokes about the TSA security procedures should be required of the flying public.  Airlines should offer discounts for the best TSA  joke of the day.  It would increase flying and TSA agents could realize what the flying public really thinks of them.

As we reported last year, perhaps the most ludicrous example is the TSA’s “freeze” policy, where travelers are ordered to stand in place like statues while TSA agents resolve some unexplained security threat.

(Sarcasm Alert)  We have to understand that TSA agents are not the sharpest tools in the shed.  I’m certain they believe simply playing a game of freeze tag with the flying public is a fun way to pass the time with airline passengers.

The TSA has also provoked controversy by implementing other preposterous policies which have a tenuous security justification, most notably a procedure where TSA agents test travelers’ drinks for explosives after they have already passed through security and purchased beverages inside the secure area of the airport.

“I need to test your drink for explosives.”
“Hey, sure…my drink really has a bang to it.  After a few of these your brain goes boom and too many of them will blow your mind…ha ha ha ha.”
“Come with me.  You’re under arrest.”
“Hey, freeze tag…you’re it.”

All this and guess how many airline tragedies the TSA has prevented?  The count stands at zero, zip, zilch, nada.  There was airline security long before the TSA.  There was never the level of complaints based on the treatment of passengers like there is now.  If people believe it’s the previous airport security that led to 9/11, they need to remember that security only followed the guidelines given to them by guess who? The U.S. government.  The same ones who brought you the improv comedy troupe known as the TSA.

The TSA is supposed to protect the flying public from terrorists, but who is going to protect the airline passengers from the TSA?