Monday, August 8, 2016

High School Boys Protest Girl's Right To Go Braless. This Is For Real.

There is an old saying that goes “Times change but people don't.” I would like to expand that further and say that “Times change but teenage boys don't. The world is a much different place than when I was in high school. This is a time of major changes to a young man's body. High school boys have an explosion of testosterone and other hormones that are difficult to put into words. It is a time of noticing girls. It's all part of nature's plan. I present to you, for your consideration, the events at a high school in Montana. It appears that an attractive high school girl did not like wearing a bra to school. The school told her she had to wear one or cover up. Believing in the right of every attractive high school girls to go without a bra, the high school boys went into action to confront this injustice. I could see myself as a high school boy giving my total support to such a cause. This is a true story.

Below are excerpts from the story in bold. My valuable insights are in italics.

Another day, another teen girl violates a school dress code… or did she? Kaitlyn Juvik, a senior at Helena High School in Montana says she was told by school administrators that she needed to put on a bra one day when she came to school without one.

As long as nothing is showing and you are covered up, girls should not have to wear a bra,” she told MTN News.

I can see a bunch of high school boys begin to cheer. I'm sure a designated a spokesperson expressed their horror at attractive high school girls being forced against their will to wear a bra. These guys may not understand advanced math, English or even social studies, but a pretty high school girl wanting to go braless is something that is crystal clear to them. They probably believe it should be the right of every attractive girl in high school to go without a bra, a shirt, clothing and more. They are this generation's hormonally driven political activists. An attractive girl's right to not wear any item of clothing is something they take very seriously.

I can see them speaking with a political candidate running for office.

Before we consider working for your campaign, we would like to know your position on making clothing optional for attractive high school girls.”
I think all students should be required to follow the high school's dress code.”
Rotten fruit, paper, and other items are hurled onto the stage at the political candidate amid loud chants of “Booooooooooo.”

According to the school principal Steve Thennis, someone at the school complained that Juvik’s outfit was making him or her uncomfortable, and Juvik was asked to cover up or put on a bra. Juvik posted an image of what she was wearing that day to Facebook— a loose-fitting black blouse that fell off one shoulder. Her body appears to be adequately covered. “You definitely can’t tell I’m not wearing a bra unless you’re looking VERY hard,” she wrote. Juvik also mentioned she wore stickers to make sure her nipples wouldn’t be as prominent in the shirt.

I'm sure the high school guys want to know what is principal Steve Thennis's problem. Her body was covered, she had stickers, what more do you want? I don't know who looked at her so hard that they could see she was not wearing a bra. I'm sure the high school boys were looking at her intently and did not feel the least bit uncomfortable. I'm sure they felt many things, but uncomfortable would not be one of them. Could the trouble have been started by another teenage girl who was jealous because she had to wear a bra and had no stickers?

As a result of the controversy, students at Helena High School protested on Friday and also made a Facebook page, “No Bra, No Problem,” which says it is “against discrimination in schools,” and “focus[es] on the right for girls to go braless.”
The fact that I was told it makes people uncomfortable offended me because it’s my body,” Juvik told MTN news. “It is my natural body and I’m not sure why that is uncomfortable to somebody.”

On Tuesday, the protests continued, with male students coming to school wearing bras over their shirts. A parent called the police saying that some of the boys were causing a “disruption” and making “inappropriate gestures.”

(Sarcasm alert) When high school boys see an injustice of this magnitude, they have to get involved. Forcing an attractive teenage girl to wear a bra to school when she doesn’t want to requires taking a stand. When I was a teenage boy, I was for the right of attractive girls to go braless, but my voice was ignored, much to my frustration. How dare anyone offend an attractive high school girl because she doesn't want to wear a bra. I'm sure these high school boys will defend her honor against an unjust and corrupt high school administration. They will show everyone that chivalry is not dead in this day and age. High school boys wearing bras over their shirts and making inappropriate gestures could be a good thing. It seems more like training for college than a police matter.

Bottom line: Breasts are a natural part of the female form, and if someone is uncomfortable with that, perhaps a remedial turn in health class might be in order? Women and young girls’ bodies are constantly being sexualized in their natural form, and often, the burden of making sure their bodies are “acceptably” covered up lies on the girl. It’s a dangerous road to go down. Should girls and women wear cardboard boxes everywhere so that their figures are obscured for the sake of people who might feel “uncomfortable” by a human body?

(Sarcasm Alert) Hear, hear my good friend. Breasts are a natural part of the female form and if an adult female wants to make money by showing hers or having pictures of them taken, who are we to judge? Women and young girls bodies are constantly being sexualized. This is something that has been happening since the beginning of the human race. Men and high school boys see this as a positive and support female participation in such things. I say down with anyone who is uncomfortable with an attractive female body. These women should only be forced to wear boxes if they're made of clear plastic. It should be their right to have stickers be optional.

Here is a link to the story.

Story About Braless Teenage Girl