Monday, October 28, 2013

Acknowledging Liberal Bias in the Media

When watching or reading a story from the main stream media it’s difficult to not notice liberal media bias.  (Sarcasm Alert) It’s not uncommon to see a news anchor holding a picture of president Barrack Obama as they deliver the news.  During times when not talking they may gently stroke the president’s picture as well as smile and snuggle with it.  Main stream media liberal bias is getting a bit out of control.

If you speak with someone from the main stream media they have no idea there is any such thing as bias.  They don’t seem to know there is anyone other than liberals in the world.  If you accuse them of bias in their reporting they instantly label you as a person who denies global warming, supports the killing of baby seals and probably spends all your free time watching old news clips of Ronal Regan. 

“Why do you always refer to members of the Republican party in all of your news stories as the spawn of Satan and Democrats as crusaders for the good all of mankind?  Isn’t your job to report the facts and not influence how the story is perceived?"
“Hey, Republicans being the spawn of Satan is a fact.”
“Do you have research or a scientific study that proves this?”
“Who needs a study?  We know spawn of Satan when we see it.”

In today’s world this is what the main stream media believes is proper news reporting.

In a press conference in September 2013 President Obama came out and told the American people that if the nation’s debt ceiling is increased, it does not increase the nation’s debt.  Huh?  Many conservative media outlets demonstrated how this statement made no sense at all.

(Sarcasm Alert) The main stream media did stories about the history of the debt ceiling, people named debt ceiling as well as individuals who have pets named debt ceiling.  They then showed how not raising the debt ceiling could cause wild animals to stop reproducing, the weather to turn ugly and young children to hate their parents. 

When asked to respond to the president’s statement on the debt ceiling most members of the main stream media acted as if you had asked them about the details of performing brain surgery.  They gave blank expressions, shrugged their shoulders and hugged their picture of president Obama.

There are polls that have been taken for several years that show the American public acknowledges liberal bias in the mainstream media.

According to a Zogby Poll most Americans believe media bias favors liberals: “Nearly two-thirds of those online respondents who detected bias in the media (64 percent) said the media leans left, while slightly more than a quarter of respondents (28 percent) said they see a conservative bias.”

In an article from the Media Research Center titled “Media Bias Basics: How the public views the media” it appears research demonstrates how the public has been aware of liberal media bias for years. 

The public knows it; conservatives know it but the mainstream media and liberals deny it.  To acknowledge such a thing would require liberals to admit they have an unfair advantage in news coverage.  This wouldn’t work with liberals.  These are individuals who eat, sleep and breathe to be the underdogs whether real or imagined.  Liberals also enjoy any opportunity to be dramatic. 

“There were 1,676 stories that were favorable to liberals and only a dozen that were favorable to conservatives.”
“You mean to tell me there are at least a dozen stories attacking liberals and attempting to ruin our reputations with distorted facts and false allegations?  How could this happen?  Get the money to pay for lots of protesters and let’s march on Washington DC to denounce this outrage.”
“Aren’t you over reacting?”
“No we are not.  You let them get away with a dozen stories about you and the next thing you know you’re in a liberal internment camp or subjected to the liberal killing fields.  We’ll have to fight this to just survive.”

This bias has hurt the mainstream media.  According to a recent Pew poll Americans by a large majority (67 percent) believe the press regularly gets the facts of a story wrong.  An additional 76 percent believe the media takes sides with reporting on controversial issues.

I think the biggest problem with the main stream media is that most Americans don’t believe what they report.  Most people in the main stream media don’t care what they report as long as it supports their point of view.  Today truth in a news story is more difficult to find than a liberal who can comprehend their own hypocrisy.