Monday, November 18, 2013

FOR REAL STUPID STUDIES: Wide Faced Men Make Others Selfish

In the world of stupid studies it seems researchers decided to spend time showing that men who have wide faces are real jerks.  I guess some man with a wide face somewhere really pissed off a researcher.  According to them if you who are upset by the selfish behavior of others, and you’re a guy with a wide face, you are the problem.  In a recent study wide-faced men are even believed to be responsible for the selfish behavior in others.  Who knew?

Unfortunately, this is an actual study.  This means there are people running around in academia saying “If it wasn’t for those wide-faced men there would be so much less selfishness in the world and we have the research to prove it.”

Excerpts of the study are below and my valuable insights are in italics.

Researchers from the University of California, Riverside, say that their findings build on two previous studies, which showed that men with wider faces tend to lead more financially successful firms, and that wider-faced men are more likely to lie and cheat.

California?...why am I not surprised.  Is this called the “wide-faced men are assholes” study?  So they can prove that wide-faced men have money as well as lie and cheat?  I hope this isn’t used to build wide-faced mens internment camps.  This research makes it seem that wide-faced dudes are way out of control.

Overall, the study authors say their findings show that individuals behave more selfishly when interacting with men with wider faces. Additionally, this selfish behavior triggers selfish behavior in others.

I think the study authors were testing out too much medical marijuana when doing this.  Sitting on lounge chairs in a lab filled with medical marijuana smoke one researcher probably said to another “Whoa, dude, like wide-faced guys are so uncool.  It’s like they make me be selfish.  If it weren’t for them the world would be a way less selfish place.”

After repeated tokes the other researcher says “Yeah and I understand they taste like chicken.”

The two researchers look at each other and then start laughing uncontrollably as they fall off their chairs. 

Men’s facial width-to-height ratio (fWHRs) predict general orientations toward selfishness versus concern for others. Specifically, men with greater facial ratios were less likely to be characterized by prosocial preferences, and more likely to choose allocations that maximized their own self-interest.

Huh?  Let me translate, Blah blah blah, blah, men with wide faces are selfish bastards, blah, blah, blah, blah, they care about nobody but themselves, blah, blah, blah, blah, wide faced men always look out for number one.

What do they define as “prosocial?”  Do you have to be an amateur in the minor leagues before you can become prosocial?

I’m sure there are wide-faced men walking around saying “Hey, I was born this way.  It’s not my fault.  I’m a victim of genetic programing.  If those pot-head researchers in California could stop indulging in medical marijuana long enough to think about something, they could probably do a study to prove that theory.”

"Research has highlighted the importance of men's fWHR as a social cue and has focused extensively on potential biological and evolutionary theoretical underpinnings of these relationships.  The current article illustrates how social processes, in addition to possible biological differences, can elicit different patterns of behavior as a function of men's facial ratios."

The “importance” of men’s fWHR?  Since there is a segment of the scientific community that likes to perform nonsense studies I have some suggestions for some “important” studies.

How about you researchers study the intellectual superiority of people who have ten letters in their last name as opposed to those who have less?  How about they study of why men with facial hair are more kind than those without?  How about you study why men who comb their heir straight back are better capable to interpret reality than those who don’t? 

To me these studies would be worth all the medical marijuana utilized to get the important results.  It would also make just as much sense as labeling wide-faced men as assholes with the power to transform those around them into selfish beings.