Tuesday, October 18, 2011


            I’m sure we can all agree the world is a crazy place these days.  One thing that amazes me is how comfortable many people are at pointing out perceived wrongs of others without putting the same standard on themselves.  I suppose what I’m referring to is the blatant hypocrisy that takes place everywhere.
            There are people who live in my neighborhood who believe in the theory of man-made global warming or climate change or whatever with all their heart.  Their favorite past time seems to be lecturing any unsuspecting individual who is within voice range of them about the evils of man on the environment.  I believe they always feel victorious during a debate because they can yell louder than any opponent.  My conversations with them are always interesting.
            “Krivyanski, you need to buy carbon credits or get rid of your big car.  People like you are destroying our planet.  Does that make a jerk like you happy?”
            “My car may be larger than a compact but correct me if I’m wrong but don’t you drive an SUV and your wife a van?”
            “For your information my company provides me the SUV and my wife needs the van for our three children.  I buy carbon credits.  Do you?”
            “So, by buying carbon credits you give money to some company that claims to plant trees.  Why don’t you just plant your own trees?  Does that company where you work still have you flying quite a bit?  Can you actually afford all the carbon offsets you must need for driving your large vehicles and flying so regularly?”
            His face became an angry scowl as he began yelling.
            “At least I’m doing something.  Years from now when our planet is destroyed by people like you I hope you rot in hell.”
            “I’ll take my chances.  I sure hope we have some global warming this winter.  If climate change can help with my winter utility bill I’m all for it.”
            What he said after that wasn’t intelligible but it has something to do with my car being driven into the nether regions of my body.

            I once met a psychologist who specialized in helping people lose weight.  The only problem was that she could easily be considered obese.
            “How can you teach others about losing weight when you also need to lose few pounds yourself?”
            “My weight is not the issue.  My knowledge about the process of losing weight and all the factors involved with it is what’s important.  Do you understand what I’m saying?”
            “You’re saying a fat person can teach another person how to get thin because they know the process of losing weight.  You can be as fat as you want because being thin isn’t as important as knowing the process of how to lose weight.”
            “I think you may be getting it.”
            “That makes about as much sense as a lung cancer doctor who doesn’t exercise and smokes three packs of cigarettes a day telling his patients to stop smoking and exercise regularly.”
            She grumbled and groaned and walked away from me commenting about my low IQ and inability to understand simple concepts. 
            Now we have protestors who are angry at the rich.  People who claim the wealth gap between rich and poor is too wide.  They claim it’s not fair and the solution is to occupy corporations and protest.  If that makes things fair I have some suggestions for some more protests to end the inequalities of our society.

I don’t think it’s fair I can’t play professional sports simply because I have no athletic talent.  It’s not my fault I wasn’t born an athlete.  Why should only those born with athletic talent play professional sports?  I believe the wealth gap between people with athletic talent and those without is too wide.  It’s an inequality that needs to be changed.  I say occupy sports stadiums until this unfair situation is made fair.
Is it fair that I don’t have the looks or acting ability of Brad Pitt?  Why should unattractive people with no acting talent be kept from making movies and being famous?  It’s not my fault I wasn’t born with good looks and acting talent.  I believe the wealth gap between attractive people with acting talent and the rest of us is also vast and wide.  I say occupy Hollywood studios until this huge wrong is made right.
Can you imagine how much money I would be able to make if I had musical talent?  It’s not fair that life should punish me because I have no musical talent.  I can’t sing, play an instrument or understand music.  The wealth gap between those with musical talent and the rest of us is really big.  I say occupy recording studios until this unfair situation is made right.
            Maybe my talent is seeing reality.  People occupying Wall Street aren’t doing it for any other reason than to feel a part of a big cause.  They provide complaints but not solutions.  I don’t think it’s fair I have to work and can’t occupy anything except my office chair.  I personally don’t care how much money people on Wall Street make.   I just wish I could make millions playing professional sports, being in movies and playing music.