Saturday, August 24, 2019

Animal Rescuers in England Rescue Taxidermied Fox. A Real Story

I admire people who are willing to rescue animals. These people are very dedicated to their mission and have big hearts. I've seen them rescue animals from horrible conditions, nurse them back to health and then find them good homes. There are also situations where they will release rescued animals back into the wild. It takes a special type of person to do this type of work. I respect these people. In England, they seem to take it a step further. They were called out to rescue an animal that was taxidermied. I'm sure not much would be required to find it a good home. Nursing this animal back to health just may have been a bit beyond their abilities.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Animal Rescuers in England shifted into high gear on Monday in search of a possibly injured fox — only to learn the animal was not what it seemed.
Ellie Burt, an officer with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), said a resident in Devon, a city roughly 200 miles southwest of London, became worried about the fox, which had been hiding in a bush.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is probably a very busy organization. I'm sure a resident was worried about a fox. It's likely this person didn't want the creature to be the focus of a fox hunt. This is something the English gentry seem to enjoy, but the rest of England seems to frown upon. I know participation in a fox hunt is something that has been done in England for centuries. Maybe it is time they modernized their sport. Instead of a fox hunt, how about a drone fox hunt? I believe it would be interesting to see the English gentry galloping their horses through the English countryside after a drone that appears to be a flying fox. They may even be able to make a taxidermied fox part of the experience.

The local said the fox was acting lethargic before it collapsed and hadn't moved in days, according to a news release from the animal organization obtained by Fox News.
Rescuers asked the Good Samaritan to attempt the "broom test" with the fox to see if it was still alive, and they "were told that it didn't move but tracked them with its eyes and seemed to be breathing well."

It is possible the local noticed the fox when walking home after consuming too many pints. If this taxidermied fox was acting lethargic prior to collapsing, it may be possessed. I can almost imagine the humor of an inebriated person getting a broomstick and poking a taxidermied fox.

There is a good fox. Is there something wrong with you fox? Strange how you don't make a sound or move when I poke you with a broomstick. You are a bit odd in that way. I've never seen a fox act like you. Most run screaming when they see me coming with a broomstick. Most animals and people run when they see me coming with a broomstick, but that is another story.”

I like how it seemed to be breathing well and watched the local with its eyes. If there is a taxidermied fox that can do this, the taxidermy process has really changed.

Burt traveled to the fox, with the hope that it could be saved. When she got to the scene, she said she quickly learned "this wasn't a live fox — but a dead fox who'd been stuffed by a taxidermist."

I can just see someone from the RSPCA looking at the taxidermied fox and then looking at the local.

Are you drunk?”
Not more than usual.”
This is a dead fox that has been taxidermied. It's not alive. There's nothing I can do for this animal.”
You could still find it a good home.”
You could not have so many pints so you can tell the difference between a live fox and one that has been taxidermied.”
I believe the spirit of the fox is still within the animal and that's what I saw.”
Were you cut off at the pub?”
No more than usual.”

"He’d clearly been placed under a bush outside of the houses as a prank," Burt said. "After speaking to some of the neighbors, I soon discovered that someone had been moving it around the neighborhood.”
The RSPCA said Burt discarded the fox "to avoid any further calls."

I wonder if this is a prank that someone recorded and then downloaded to YouTube? I wonder what kind of history this local had for someone to believe they would fall for such a practical joke.

Aren't you the person who fell for the lighted bag of dog crap on your doorstep gag?”
Yeah, so?
Didn't you fall for the hard-boiled egg in the egg carton gag?”
“Okay, so what of it?”
I think you also fell for the tape over the sprayer in the kitchen sink gag.”
Yes, I did, so what do you want from me?”
I have a sick looking fox in the bush I want to show you.”

Here is a link to the story.

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