Friday, November 8, 2019

Woman Says She Can't Work Because She is Too Beautiful. A Real Story.

I would say on a daily basis it is easy to notice many different women who are very attractive. They sell real estate, are flight attendants as well as lawyers, CPAs, bikini models, daytime soap opera actresses and more. They all have one thing in common. All of them have jobs. They are women with beauty who go out into the world and earn a living. There appears to be a woman who was born in Russia, lives in England and has a very serious problem. She is so beautiful, it is difficult for her to get a job. This is a woman who is a victim of her beauty. Isn't that interesting.

You have the perfect qualifications, but I'm sorry we can't hire you.”
Why not?”
Well, you are too beautiful. With your radiant beauty, men will stare at you and not work. Women will be unable to work because they will be so jealous of your intense good looks. You have all the qualifications, but you are just too beautiful for the job.”
I understand as this has happened to me so many times before. I understand.”

I'm sure this is what has happened during every job interview my wife has attended. She never told me about it, but I suspect it may have happened many times for her.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A 33-year-old law-school graduate from London decided to start her own retail company selling vintage clothes online after struggling to find a job because of her good looks.

I wonder what she called her retail company? Victim To My Beauty, Too Beautiful To Be An Employee or I Intimidate Women and Not Taken Seriously By Men. I have a few suggestions. Since her beauty is such a problem, why doesn't she work with people who have sight issues? They wouldn't think about her beauty as they wouldn't be able to see it. There are many online jobs where nobody has to see you. Her looks wouldn't be an issue then. She could also get over herself and realize there are women who have jobs and are just as attractive as her. The big difference could be the attitude they have about their looks. It could also be because they're not interested in having a silly story about them go viral.

Irina told British tabloid The Sun that her attractiveness affects her negatively both during the hiring process and after she gets a job. To improve her chances of actually landing a job, the 33-year-old’s agent advised her to dye her hair darker to make herself too professional. But even if she gets past the interviews, her male bosses never seem to take her seriously.

I can only imagine why a boss might not take her seriously.

Could you type up this letter and send it.”
You only say that because I'm so beautiful. You probably brag to people about how beautiful woman is who typed your letters and sent them. I'm sure it is constantly part of your thoughts.”
I need that done by 3 pm.”
Oh, you think a beautiful girl, such as myself, can't get these letters typed and ready before 3 pm? You think because I'm beautiful I can't do the work? Is that the issue here?”
I also need you to pull some reports for me for my afternoon meeting.”
I see what you are doing. Keep the beautiful girl in the file room pulling files so that the men won't stare at her and stop working. This way the other women in the office can't be intimidated by her look and develop low self esteems. It is the same story every place I work. My intense beauty always causes me problems. Dying my hair and wearing glasses is not helping me.”
It would help if you'd get all that work done.”
Ugly people will never understand what a curse this intense beauty is on a daily basis.”

Even during the hiring process, being beautiful gets in the way. I have a law degree and a great CV but my recruitment agent still told me to dye my blonde hair dark for interviews, Irina Kova complained. “She said.

(Sarcasm Alert)

Now there is some sound advice. You can forget your law degree and your CV because those in the legal field will only pay attention to your looks. They have no interest in your education or work experience because they know that a person with less looks with the same education and experience can do the job only cheaper. She probably believes they should pay for her super beauty. Is she serious? If a law firm could make money with just her looks, she'd be on the front of every one of their information packets. They'd have shirts and mugs, key chains as well as road signs with her image. This may not get law firms the type of clients they want, but they'd probably just open another office under a different name and take the work. I wonder if the problem is they want her to actually be able to do the work and not listen to her whine about her beauty. It's just a guess.

Below is a link to the story

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