Thursday, September 19, 2019

Encountering God is Beneficial Even if Under the Influence. A Real Story.

Throughout history, there have been people who claimed to have seen God. I know many times this has not involved a burning bush. There are researchers who want us to know that seeing God is mentally beneficial. According to their research results, this is even the case if someone has seen God after consuming psychedelic drugs or alcohol. I'm sure it is probably much easier to see something you believe to be God after doing this. In college, I knew people who consumed excessive amounts of alcohol and prayed to the porcelain God. I'm sure in many ways that had some lasting mental as well as physical benefits.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

People who claim they’ve seen God may not be so crazy after all. A study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that those who have had divine encounter experiences — the sensation of seeing a God-like figure or a profound, enhanced reality or truth — reap lasting mental benefits.

I'm sure this is especially true in situations where the hangover passes. I would like to know what is the difference between having a sensation of seeing enhanced truth or reality or a God-like figure?

I now know that we are destined to be together.”
“I had a sensation of seeing a God-like figure who told me we are to be together forever.”
There is one big problem.”
I had a sensation of seeing enhanced truth. This sensation told me to run from you as if you were infected with the black plague.”
Don't you trust my God-like figure sensation?”
“No, I trust my enhanced truth sensation much more. I believe it will lead me to experience many more mental benefits. One of them is no being involved with you.”

Dr. Griffiths and his team used data from 4,285 people around the world who completed one of two 50-minute online surveys about God encounter experiences. These surveys had participants recall their most memorable encounter experience with either the “God of their understanding,” a “higher power,” “ultimate reality” or “an aspect or representative of God, such as an angel.” The surveys also asked the respondents to describe how the experience changed their lives.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I suppose when over 4,000 people around the world fill out an online survey, we have some solid science about God encounter experiences. I wonder if the researchers sold advertisements for beer or rum on their online survey?

So, this means Christians and Jews saw God, Muslims saw Allah, Hindus could have seen Parvati, Vishnu, Sri (Lakshmi), Shiva, Sati, Brahma or Saraswati. I wonder if anyone saw George Burns from the movie Oh God. I hope people who spoke about ultimate reality weren't individuals who were influenced by watching the Matrix. Maybe a study should be done involving ultimate reality and movies. I'm sure being under the influence of the right substance and seeing religious entities would change any person's life. It may make them want to seek rehab.

Of the nearly 3,500 participants who saw their vision while under the influence of a psychedelic, 1,184 took psilocybin mushrooms, 1,251 took LSD, 435 took ayahuasca, and 606 took DMT, another naturally occurring a substance found in certain plants and animals. Participants were about 25 years old on average if the experience occurred while under the influence, compared to 35 years old if it was spontaneous.

What can you say about a study that involves having God experiences when the majority of them are on some sort of drug? I'm sure the people who took LSD, DMT, psilocybin saw a lot more than religious entities. It's possible they may get similar responses from these people if they were asked about seeing pink elephants that danced the macarena.

I saw ultimate truth and reality after taking a psychedelic drug.”
What did you see?”
I saw talking one-celled animals who told me they were concerned about the rights of unicellular organisms. These organisms have held massive protests, but we've never noticed.”
After taking a psychedelic drug, I once saw an angel who told me, my ex-wife, no longer wanted alimony.”
Whoa, keep that stuff away from me. I could handle such visions that are so crazy and detached from reality.”

Researchers found several interesting conclusions. Among them, 75% of people who had an encounter say it was among the most “meaningful and spiritually significant” moments in their lives — so much so that it brought about permanent positive changes in their life satisfaction, purpose, and meaning. In fact, the experience was so powerful that about two-thirds of self-identified atheists shed that label after their encounter.

(Sarcasm Alert)

That is amazing. Christians have been speaking with atheists for centuries trying to get them to believe in God and Christ. Their success has always been limited. Who knew that instead of speaking to them about what is in the Bible, they just need to provide atheists with psychedelic drugs to believe in religion? This research could provide serious benefits.

Welcome to our discussion about the Bible. If there are any atheists here please raise your hand.”
Based on research, you have a better chance of believing in God and having an encounter with a God-like being, seeing ultimate truth or reality if you have some psychedelic drugs. Let's just say it will speed up the process.”
What's the name of this church?”
This isn't a church, it's a research facility.”

All that said, the authors emphasize they do not suggest people turn to psychedelic drug use in an attempt to have a divine experience. They also note their study is also not intended to answer the question of whether there is, in fact, a God.

I suppose the study has been designed to show that taking psychedelic drugs can provide a life-changing divine experience. It does make you wonder if the psychedelic drug manufacturers of the world got together and decided to fund a study. Maybe we will now see advertisements for drugs stating the side effects include nausea, tightness in the chest, leg cramps or having the sensation of seeing enhanced truths or reality as well as God-like figures. I'm sure this could make drug marketing much different.

Here is a link to the story.

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