Saturday, September 21, 2019

Female Glues Breasts to Ground as Part of Climate Protest. A Real Story.

I am not opposed to people protesting. When done properly for a worthy cause, it can make a positive impact on society. During protests, I've seen people carry clever signs, wear interesting costumes, successfully block intersections and more. Protesters will often chant slogans as they march with their signs. Some sing songs and more. Most of these activities can easily be associated with the reason people are protesting. It appears this type of protesting is something climate protesters in London found a bit boring. These industrious individuals decided to go beyond carrying signs and singing songs. They decided to glue themselves to buildings in this capital city. The courage or stupidity to do this is impressive. I just don't make the connection between the activity gluing yourself to objects and protesting the climate. In an act that would forever make her stand out from other protesters, one motivated female glued her breasts to the ground. I would like to point out that hearing about a woman gluing her breasts to the ground does not make most of us think about the climate. It may motivate young men to think of many other things.

Doing this seems a bit insane. What thought process would occur for someone to think this was a good idea?

When we protest, I say we carry insulting signs to degrade our opposition.”
Oh, yeah, well I say we protest by blocking an intersection and causing everyone to be late for work, dates, picking up their children from daycare and more. If our protest inconveniences them, it's their problem.”
Still not enough. I say we glue ourselves to buildings. This way we won't get tired from marching. I'm sure we will have a good reason to tell authorities we can't leave the area.”
I'm going to glue my breasts to the ground. That will get attention to our problems with the climate.”
Where is the connection?”
The climate changes and the weather gets worse. Protests change and breasts get glued to the road.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

On Thursday, the Associated Press reports the group targeted London’s financial business district, blocking the road outside investment bank Goldman Sachs. As part of their demonstration, some protesters glued themselves to the doorway of the London Stock Exchange.

One protester took it a step further, gluing her breasts to the ground outside Goldman Sachs offices on Fleet Street, The Sun reports.

I can just imagine going to work at Goldman Sachs that day.

Where you work is a very nice building.”
Thanks, I think of it as a special place.”
What is this over here?”
Oh, those are our climate protesters who have glued themselves to the doorway.”
Why do you have such a thing?”
I like them. You can say whatever you want to them and walk away. There is no way a person glued to a doorway can follow you.”
I see. What is on the road?”
She is a climate protester who has glued her breasts to the ground.”
Are you going to leave her there?”
You don't want to know what people do to her and walk away knowing she can't follow.”
I agree.”

Once they knew what had happened, police surrounded the woman, putting up screens while trying to free her from the road.
So, how did the police manage to unglue her … upper half from the street?
The Sun reports Scotland Yard uses a “‘fluid de-bonding agent” but didn’t explain what exactly that means.

I wonder what it would be like to be one of the police involved in this situation.

Excuse officer, I was wondering if I could see the woman who glued her breasts to the ground.”
Sorry, keep moving, nothing to see here.”
I've traveled a long distance. I wish to see the woman who has breasts glued to the ground.”
Can't help you, keep moving, nothing to see here.”
If you don't let me see her, I'll disrobe and glue by breasts to you.”
Well look over here, a special viewing of the female with her breasts expertly glued to the ground.”
Thank you.”

Dr. Mark Elliott, an organic chemistry professor at Cardiff University told The Sun that warm, soapy water or acetone would work just fine to take care of the sticky situation. Of course, he added that it certainly wouldn’t feel too good for the person being unglued.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I'm sure there are some enterprising entrepreneurial individuals inventing protest glue.

I can see the advertisement for it.

So, you want to get more attention for your climate protest. The usual carrying signs, wearing costumes and singing is just too boring for you. It's time you want to glue a body part to something and make a statement. Try our new body parts glue for protesters. Our new formula makes it possible to glue yourself to anything and with just some simple water you can detach yourself and go glue yourself to another inanimate object for your next protest pain-free. Pick up some of our body parts glue specially formulated for the motivated protester.”

I hope before people think about gluing body parts to the ground or doorways as part of a protest, they think about the consequences. It would be something if these people tried to get disability insurance benefits because they couldn't work. When asked why can't earn a living, they would have a rather interesting response. These protesters would have to say because of the harm to their body from gluing their body parts to doorways and the ground as part of a protest.

I don't know who used soapy water and acetone on the breasts of the woman who glued herself to the ground, but I really don't want to know.

Here is a link to the story.

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