Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Study Was Done To Show Being Stressed and Eating Junk Food Puts You at Risk for Weight Gain. A Real Story.

There are some studies that I would have to put in the category of wondering if researchers actually believe nobody knew about it or they think the average person is really dumb. These are studies that make me believe researchers feel the majority of us have a decimal point in front of our IQ. This is one of those studies. There are researchers who were actually paid to conclude eating junk food when stressed could make a person gain weight. This is right up there with discovering that pain hurts, breathing is important and you should drink when thirsty.

Below are excerpts of the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A team led by Professor Herbert Herzog, Head of the Eating Disorders laboratory at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, have found that when we're stressed, comfort eating can lead to even greater weight gain.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I have to ask who pays for this type of research.

We've got hundreds of thousands of dollars just sitting around doing nothing. What should we do with it?
We could pay researchers to work on finding a cure for heart disease.”
“No, that's being done.”
We could use the money to pay researchers to work on creating a better way to avoid injuries from vehicle accidents.”
Nope, many people are doing that type of research.”
I have an idea that doesn't have any researchers doing it and could forever change mankind.”
We could pay researchers to see in there is a connection between eating junk food when feeling stress and gaining weight.”
That is a great idea. Contact Professor Herbert Herzog and let's get moving on this.”

"This study indicates that we have to be much more conscious about what we're eating when we're stressed, to avoid a faster development of obesity," says Professor Herzog.
While some people eat less when they're stressed, most of us tend to eat more and it's often the more calorie-dense stuff that we're putting away.

So, if you're conscious about your stress and eating, you'll develop obesity slower? Are they saying that you may have obesity in your future, but there is no need to rush it? Maybe they should get more money so they can study why some people eat less when they're stressed. Then teach the people who eat too much junk food when they're stressed how to eat less when they're stressed. The people who eat less when stressed could then learn from the future obese people how to eat junk food when they're stressed. I imagine the results of this research could forever change mankind for the better.

Food intake is controlled by our brains
To investigate the effects of "stress eating," scientists looked at different areas of the brain in mice.
While food intake is mainly controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, another part of the brain - the amygdala - processes emotional responses, including anxiety.

Why would you need to use mice to study the effects of stress eating? You could simply visit any college or workplace to discover people who engage in all sorts of stress eating. I imagine the mice don't require you pay them and won't require you to supply them with vast amounts of potato chips, hamburgers, pizza and more to prove your research. I'm sure using mice may have yielded much lest realistic results but they were more cost effective and the researchers didn't have to deal with stressed people eating food.

Their study found that when mice were stressed over an extended period of time and high-calorie food is available, they became obese more quickly than when they consumed the same food in a stress-free environment.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I'm sure a mouse feeling stress is the same as people being stressed. Mice are probably worried about studying for their final, getting a job or being able to pay their bills. They probably are stressed from their envy of Micky Mouse and his excessive wealth. I understand all of them are probably struggling to reach his level of success. Many of them probably feel stress from dreaming about being Mighty Mouse. They could be stressed because they're training for the mouse Olympics and wish they could run as fast as Speedy Gonzales and more.

"Our findings revealed a vicious cycle, where chronic, high insulin levels are driven by stress and a high-calorie diet promoted more and more eating," explained Professor Herzog.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I sure hope they find a way to keep this from happening to mice. I hate to be the one to point this out, but since research mice depend on them for food, they could feed them less junk food. I can just imagine going to someone who is obese and saying they're on a vicious cycle. Their insulin levels are driven by stress and causing them to eat more. Researchers know this because they have studied mice who were stressed and developed a desire for nachos.

Maybe if these potentially obese people are willing to live like research mice for a period of time, they could have their junk food consumption forever changed. Researchers may also get money to do more research. Talk about a win-win situation. Money should be no object when it comes to identifying the connection between stressed people, stressed mice and eating junk food.

Below is a link to the article.


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