Monday, September 23, 2019

Gynecologist Tells Women To Stop Placing Garlic in Their Vaginas. A Real Story.

When I first saw this story, I thought it was a joke. It appears to be an authentic news story. I was shocked to realize there are women who have heard a rumor that if they put garlic in their personal parts, it will cure them of a yeast infection. According to members of the medical establishment, this is something that should never be done. Not only is it being done, but women are doing it, they're blogging about it and putting it on YouTube. One such video got over 2 million viewers. What would a female doing this type of video call their YouTube channel? Is it possible they would call their YouTube channel, Using Garlic in Ways You Never Imagined Possible? How about, Garlic, It's Not Just for Pasta Sauce Anymore. It's disturbing this is done, it's also disturbing there are possibly some women can't figure out how it is done unless they watch a YouTube video about it.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Gynecologist and writer Dr. Jennifer Gunter went viral this week with a series of tweets which stressed that there are countless reasons why women should avoid inserting garlic at all costs. You may be wondering why this was necessary – is it really possible that there are women out there putting garlic in their vaginas? Well, apparently so.

This could lead to some rather strange conversations in the kitchen.

I have everything for the pasta sauce.”
Something happened to the garlic.”
Ah, well, ah, I, ah, don't know, how to tell you this, but, ah.”
You didn't.”
I have a yeast infection and I don't want to go to the doctor.”
Every clove of garlic I had for the making the sauce?”
It's a bad infection.”
What am I going to do about the pasta sauce?”
I'll get you some new garlic. The other isn't something you would want to use for pasta sauce now.”
“I agree.”

In 2014, a doctor told Scientific American that as many as 10 percents of his patients had tried using garlic as a cure for a yeast infection.

two recent studies have examined whether or not creams containing garlic could be used to treat yeast infections, one of which, published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research in 2010,  said it was no more beneficial than conventional treatment.

Who knew that Iran had a Journal of Nursing?. I associate Iran with being a state sponsor of terror, rogue makers of nuclear weapons, beheading gays, stoning adulterous women to death, but not medical research on women's health.

(Sarcasm Alert)

It's a good thing we caught your yeast infection in time. It could have gotten worse. I'm going to prescribe you some anti-fungal medication and that should take care of it.”
Why would I need that if I have garlic?”
That won't help. The Iranian Journal of Nursing said it wouldn't. If you can't trust people who behead gays, and stone adulterous women to death, who can you trust?”
You have a point.”

According to Gunter’s tweets posted earlier this week, garlic contains allicin, which are a compound that “may have antifungal (ie anti-yeast) properties” when used in a laboratory in, say, a dish of cells. But “your vagina is not a dish...”

Why can't I use garlic to cure my yeast infection? I've heard all the rumors about it working and have seen it on a few YouTube channels. They say garlic has anti-fungal properties. How could they all be wrong?”
This may be the case when it is done in a laboratory using a dish”
“Your vagina is not a dish.”
Now you tell me. You lecture me about not using drugs and alcohol, how to handle myself on a date and how to drive safely. You never took the time to tell me my vagina is not a dish. How could you do this to me?

The gynecologist also suggested that 50 to 70 percent of women mistreat themselves for yeast infections when they might not even have one or have another condition altogether.

My advice, do not take medical advice from anyone recommending vaginal garlic for yeast or anything else,” she concluded.

It is good the news is out that garlic should not be used for treating any condition involving the vagina. It is not good that 70 percent of women don't properly treat their yeast infections. I wonder if this is a statement about the lack of access to healthcare in the United States or the power of YouTube videos to influence how women treat their health conditions?

After reading this story, I will never look at garlic in the same way again.

Below is a link to the story.

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