Saturday, September 14, 2019

Army Veteran Loses 44 Pounds After Drinking Only Beer. A Real Story

I'm someone who has always had to fight the battle of the bulge. I've tried many different types of diets, got my eating under control, started regular exercise and now I have been able to maintain a healthy weight for a long time. I've always considered dieting to be a form of sick torture. There is the Atkins diet, Ketogenic diet, South Beach diet, Mediterranean diet. Western diet and others. Now all of these diets require people to change their eating habits. You must cut out certain foods, include certain foods as well as have certain portions an more. Little did I know, the key to significant weight loss was in my refrigerator all the time. It involves drinking only beer. I had always thought I was so thin during college because I was extremely physically active. Now, I realize it was because of my diet. I was ahead of my time. One man lost 44 pounds just drinking beer. Who says dreams don't come true?

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

An Ohio man didn't eat any food for 46 days. Instead, he spent Lent downing craft beer.
Del Hall, who says he drinks beer for a living, works at Cincinnati's Fifty West Brewing Company. Hall wasn't buzzed because he spaced out the alcoholic beverages throughout each day. The army veteran lost 44 pounds over the course of about 40 days after being inspired to try an old Catholic tradition.

I had no idea there were people who drink beer for a living. If I found out there were people who make living eating chocolate, I may consider changing professions. I am shocked to realize I've spent so much time drinking beer as an amateur. It may be time I think about moving up to the ranks of the professionals. I can space out my beer throughout each day. I'm not Catholic, but if they have an old tradition involving spending your days drinking beer, I may find the necessary inspiration.

"I'm having so much fun with all this," Hall told "Fox & Friends First" Tuesday. "Being a beer guy, you always hear this story about the monks in Bavaria, like in the 1600s, that they gave up all solid food for Lent and they only drank this special kind of beer that they called doppelbock. It's got a lot of nutrients in it, a lot of carbohydrates, and a lot of sugar."

I can only imagine the joy that comes from finding a socially acceptable way to drink beer all day and tie it into religion. I never realized Bavarian monks during the 1600s were such fun people. I thought they went around doing monk things in monk robes and speaking Latin. All I can say is if these guys can live off of beer they call doppelbock, why can't I? I'm sure doppelbock is just a funny way of saying, Heineken. I hope this doppelbock stuff hits the store shelves soon. Beer with lots of nutrients, lots of carbohydrates, sugar and has been shown to help men lose up to 44 pounds in 40 days. I think this beer would be a winner.

Why do you spend your time dressed like 1600s Bavarian monk and drinking beer?”
It's my calling.”

He added: "And I always wondered: Is that real? Can you really do that or not? So I decided I'd give it a whirl this year and try it out for myself."
Hall documented his journey on social media, giving updates daily and tracking his weight.

I like a man who is willing to sacrifice his body to further the research into the benefits of beer. I admire someone with such a sense of purpose. This proves we people of today can consume beer just like monks in the 1600s. I like how he documented his journey. I'm sure he inspired people in college and others to pursue beer drinking weight loss programs. I'm sure it's not complicated.

What is involved with this diet?”
You drink beer.
What else do you do?
You eat nothing and only drink beer.”
I did that in college and people thought I was an idiotic college student.”
Now you can do it and have people think you're a responsible adult trying to lose weight.”
Thing have really changed.”

The Army veteran, who said he was No. 1 in his class and has run a marathon before, said the first week was really tough but after that, he lost his addiction to food.
"After 46 days of not eating food, I feel like I'm well educated now, and I'm ready to go to battle against obesity," Hall said.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I must admit, the first week of nothing but beer may be difficult. It's a time when you can't have pretzels or burgers and lose an addiction to food that includes steaks, pasta and more. Who knew that 46 days of not eating food and just drinking beer would make you feel like you're well educated. Who needs college? If drinking beer all day is a way to fight against obesity, I plan to volunteer to serve in this obesity battling military.

"My health is so much better. My blood pressure. My cholesterol. Everything has improved over what I was eating before of the standard American diet," Hall added. "Craft beer is the way to go."

I suppose we can now consider beer a type of health food. It's just not beer anymore. When offered a salad, I'm going to have to tell people I'm dedicated to my diet. I'll have a beer, a whole beer, and nothing but beer so help me 1600s Bavarian monks. I'm on the lose weight by only drinking beer diet. We call it LWODBD for short. If I get any snarky comments, I'll say they shouldn't doubt the wisdom of 16th-century Bavarian monks and craft beer drinking Army veterans.

Below is a link to the story.

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