Thursday, September 12, 2019

US Navy Changes UFO Reporting Guidelines. A Real Story

I didn't know there were specific guidelines in place for UFO reporting in the US Navy. I wrongly assumed it would go something less organized.

Red Leader One, this is Alpha Fox, it appears we are coming to a routine ending of a routine mission. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
Roger that Alpha Fox, you are clear to approach at vector seven seven nine.”
Red Leader One, I just saw some really strange stuff up here.”
Please describe Alpha Fox.”
Red Leader One, there was this Frisbee looking metal flying thing that I think was a UFO.”
Alpha Fox, did you make any type of visual contact?”
Red Leader One, I saw this little green guy piloting the UFO aircraft mooned me so I flipped him off.”
Alpha Fox, if we didn't have any guidelines in place in reporting UFOs we definitely will now.”
Roger that Red Leader One.

The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other employees to report encounters with "unidentified aircraft."
The new effort comes in response to more sightings of unknown, advanced aircraft flying into or near Navy strike groups or other sensitive military facilities and formations, according to the Navy.

I saw the movie Independence Day and stuff like this makes me nervous. Before this goes too far, I say we draft Will Smith so he can reprise his role as a Marine fighter aircraft pilot. We start showing the parts of the movie Independence Day up in the air over sensitive military facilities. Once those people get a look at Will Smith dragging them and kicking the aliens through the desert. We then have Will Smith walking around these sensitive facilities dragging an alien and kicking it. I'm sure we'll all be a lot safer.

The initiative comes amid increasing interest from lawmakers and the public following the release of classified files from the Defense Intelligence Agency which revealed the funding of projects that investigated UFOs, wormholes, alternate dimensions and other obscure topics that typically leads to the conspiracy-theory fringes of the web.

I'm not connecting the dots here. There is an increase in the sightings of UFOs and this is dealt with because politicians and regular people got a little crazy when they saw the Defense Intelligence Agency was putting money toward projects like UFOs and obscure topics. It is not based on an increase in UFO sightings, but because this information causes conspiracy theory fringes to occur on the internet. So, if it weren't for crazy people on the internet and politicians things would be different?

Would pilots just be told if they see a green, buggy eyed creature flying a metal Frisbee to not flip them off if they get mooned by them?

This is the government, so I expect to be confused, and I'm never disappointed.

Right now, we have a situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored rather than anomalies to be explored,” he added. “We have systems that exclude that information and dump it.”

What does this mean?

Did you see the strange shapes flying near our cities and sensitive military facilities?”
Yes, and I ignored them as I was instructed.”
Good idea. They're probably peaceful creatures here from another galaxy to observe us and find a way to reveal their advanced race in a way that doesn't cause mankind to panic.”
I wonder if they're making a YouTube video and laughing at us?”
That is also a possibility.”

The Navy also said it's taking a more proactive approach in briefing lawmakers.
"In response to requests for information from Congressional members and staff, Navy officials have provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety,"

Oh, I can just imagine our members of Congress trying to figure this one out.

Members of Congress I am here today to tell you the activity of UFOs is increasing.
Are they Republican or Democrat UFOs?”
I don't know.”
If they're Republican UFOs, I want them impeached. If they're Democrat UFOs I want them to appear in our next political campaign.”
I don't think you can impeach a UFO?”
Tell me General, where in the constitution does it explicitly state that UFOs can not be impeached?”
I am not aware it says any such thing.”
Well, then I guess we'll draft articles o UFO impeachment today and bring it up for a vote tomorrow.”
I'm not sure how voting to impeach UFOs will change anything.”
This is why I'm a member of Congress and you are simply a general in our armed forces.”

Below is a link to the article.

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