Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Happy Spouse Adds Years to Lifespan. A Real Story.

I am not a man of science. I am a person who has been married over three decades. Based on my personal experience, I can say this study is very accurate. There have been times when I made rookie husband mistakes at the beginning of our marriage. There was the time I performed unsupervised laundry washing and learned that women's clothes are a bit different than men's clothes. My wife didn't see the value in her white items turning into pink items. There is the emotional landmine my wife has set by asking if I thought she looked good in an outfit, liked a particular dish she had prepared for dinner or enjoyed the company of her relatives. Early in our marriage, I didn't know what to say. I eventually discovered faking an epileptic seizure in these situations and not attempting unsupervised laundry washing to be quite beneficial for a happy marriage.

Here are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A new study shows that having a happy spouse is linked to greater longevity.
In fact, researchers say that a spouse’s satisfaction in life predicted a person’s lifespan even more than it did their own overall contentment.
The data show that spousal life satisfaction was associated with mortality, regardless of individuals’ socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, or their physical health status,” says study author Olga Stavrova, a researcher at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, in a statement to the Association for Psychological Science.

I think if anyone knows about spousal satisfaction, it is going to be someone named Olga from the Netherlands. I would have to agree with her statement. I know some very wealthy married people who have health problems and are not happy. They have enough money to get the best possible medical care, but they often wish their spouse would come to see them in the hospital rather than going shopping. I believe having a happy spouse will help you live longer because an unhappy spouse is a very dangerous thing. I know this because I watch a lot of crime show. An unhappy spouse seems to easily turn into a deadly spouse.

That’s because people who are generally unhappier are more likely to lead a less healthy lifestyle. And when one spouse is mired in bad habits, the other’s lifestyle is often dragged down as a result. Conversely, having a more active spouse will likely push one to be just as physically active.

My wife is active. She has too much energy. This is a woman who can wake up in the morning, start laundry, fix breakfast, make coffee and pay bills before I know I'm alive and awake. This is a woman who is very active and will take me with her if I like it or not.
I'm tired.”
How could you be tired? We've only hiked 24 miles in the past hour after doing the grocery shopping and putting a new roof on our house.”
Aren't you tired?”
I may need an energy bar before we start mountain climbing today, we'll see.”

For the study, Stavrova used data from 4,400 over-50 couples across the U.S. who took part in an eight-year survey by the National Institute on Aging. The couples were either married or living together, and 99% were heterosexual.

I suppose it makes sense for us over 50 couples would be the targets of these kinds of studies. I have people actually ask me what is the key to a happy marriage. I tell them I don't know, and I have to ask my wife first. I wonder if these couples were over 50 when they started the study, or at the conclusion of the study? Eight years of experience in a marriage makes a big difference. My wife discovered my hidden secret of putting hot sauce on some of her culinary masterpieces and things have been different ever since.

I think it's time you join hot sauce users anonymous.”
Is this a hot sauce use intervention?”
Yes, and I'm only doing it because I love you.”
Why did you lock my bottles of hot sauce locked in a gun safe?”
It's for your own good.”

The results also show that even if a partner was happier at the beginning of the study period, but grew unhappier over time, the participant’s risk of death increased more slowly compared to someone whose spouse was unhappy at the start.

Does this mean if you want to live longer, and your spouse is unhappy, you should keep them unhappy to extend your life? I guess the key is to do what is necessary to keep your spouse happy. With me this involves a lot of being confused, just going along with her plans and resting when possible. I know one couple where the wife who likes animals. They have quite a few of them. There are people who work in a zoo who wouldn't go to their home. I guess they're happy and that is all that matters. I believe they'll probably live longer than anyone else I know. Unless their animals get angry and decide to make them human pâté.

Here is a link to the story.

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