Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Man Who Never Felt Like Human Now Lives as a Dog. A Real Story

This is a story that is ripe with pun possibilities. I will try to limit them as I don't want to go barking up the wrong tree. Our world is turning into one confusing place. Women can now become a version of a man that is socially acceptable. Men can now become a version of a woman that is socially acceptable. Is it possible we are now approaching a new area for our society where people who believe they are animals can become animals? I once told my wife I could relate to a male lion. She told me since a male lion does nothing but roar now and then, sleep and let the females provide the food, it makes sense. I wonder if she can relate to a turkey.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

It's a dog's life! 'Human pup', 37, eats meals from a bowl, wears a £2K fur suit and even barks at friends in the street because he's 'never felt like a man...The store manager, from Salford, Greater Manchester, now regularly unleashes his personality by barking at friends, carrying items with his teeth and snacking on Bonio dog biscuits.

I can just imagine the reaction from some people who walk around their neighborhood and experience a 37-year-old man dressed like a dog barking at them.

Is that a dog barking at us?”
No, that's our neighbor Kaz James. He is embracing his true self and living like a dog.”
I wonder if he has a flea collar and rabies shots?”
I wonder if he is prone to sniff a dog's rear end or a person's rear end.”
I wonder if he likes bit&*es?
I don't want to find out.”
I don't either. Let's walk a little faster.”

The store manager, from Salford, Greater Manchester, now regularly unleashes his personality by barking at friends, carrying items with his teeth and snacking on Bonio dog biscuits.
Outside of work, he wears customized rubber outfits, masks, dog leads, harnesses, and even a bespoke £2,000 fursuit. 

I don't know what store would hire a person who thinks they are a dog, but I'm surprised they made him a manager. I'm sure he is paid well. His job enables him the ability to kick out a few thousand for a fursuit. I guess his canine management skills are quite well developed. Does he work in a pet supply store?”

I would recommend you purchase that brand of dog food and dog snack. It's really good.”
“Do you have a dog?”
No, I am a dog. I put some of that food in my bowl last night and loved it. After I took myself out for a walk, I came home and gave myself one of these treats. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about when it comes to dog food and treats.”
When you take yourself for a walk, who cleans up after you?'
You don't want to know.”

Kaz said: 'I feel a sense of peace being a human pup. Little things make me happy like eating my dinner out of a bowl using a knife and fork.
'I don't eat at people's tables when I go to friends' houses. I can be a normal person in a restaurant. I'm trained and can deal with humans, but I don't like it, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

It's good to know he's been trained and can deal with humans. I'm sure that training comes in handy when he is at his job. The last thing you want is a store manager who can't control his urges to hump somebody's leg. It could really lead to some complaints to customer service. It is also good he knows how to be a normal person in a restaurant. I'm sure he takes the leftovers from his meal home in a doggy bag. It would be something to invite a friend over for dinner and set a place for them on the floor in a dog bowl. There are some relatives I would have liked to do such a thing for, but I'm trained as a human and can keep my emotions under control.

Kaz said the human pup scene exploded following the Channel 4 documentary Secret Life of the Human Pups.
Kaz said: 'We thought it was big before but after the documentary came out it just became insanely big and became a whole new other monster.

I don't know what is more disturbing. The fact a guy lives like a dog or that there are so many people like him, a documentary was made about them. He thought it was big before the documentary. This is a side of life I did not know existed in our world. I'm not sure I'm better for knowing it exists. I wonder how they determine who is the alpha male? Do they get dressed in their doggy duds and have at it to see who dominates? I hope they know dog fighting is illegal. I wonder if the law covers Human Pups? If it doesn't, it should.

I wonder if his favorite cartoon is Underdog? Does he enjoy watching old shows with dogs in them like Lassie and Rin Tin Tin? I'm sure he cried when he watched Ole Yeller. Instead of a movie like Marley & Me, he could make a movie called Me & Human Pup Me.

The possibilities are endless.

Hanging out online is fine but the best and most fun way you can do that is to meet other people who are into it and chat to them about their experiences at Kennel Klub.
'We do get people who just show up because they're interested in it, have a few drinks with everyone and chat about stuff.
'By the end of the night they'll be on the floor with tennis balls in their mouth

I may not want to think about what goes on in those online chat rooms. People, who dress up and like to behave like dogs, have their own Kennel Klub? I suppose if you don't feel like joining the American Legion or Shriners, being part of a Human Pup club is the next best thing. I have been places where people ended up on the floor with tennis balls in their mouth, but that was during college and before phones that could record video and take pictures. I don't think it was because anyone believed they were a dog, but it was college, everything from back then is a little hazy for some reason.

Kaz, author of 'How to train a human pup', moved to Greater Manchester from Norfolk in 2005, and embodies the mantra 'be a dog' in all aspects of his life...'The best advice I could give to anyone interested in becoming a human pup just give it a try.

Our Mr. Kaz is one wise doggy sage. He knows how to eat from a dog bowl, wear a fursuit, get articles written about him in international publications and sell books about it. If he hasn't chosen a dog breed for himself, I'd suggest a fox.

Here is a link to the story.

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