Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Dental Office Lawn, Playboy Bunny Mannequins and Garden Shears. A Real Story

I have a dentist that will decorate the outside o his office during different holidays. I have seen the inside of his office overwhelmed with pictures of his son's baseball team when they won the local baseball title. I never gave it a second thought when his office was filled with pictures of his first grandchild. I respect the fact it is his office and what he does with it is not my concern. I just want a good dental visit free of pain or filled with good legal drugs to avoid pain. I'm easy to please. This is not always the case. It appears there is an individual in New Jersey with real issues about the decorations a dentist had on the lawn outside his office. This dental decorator placed mannequins dressed like Playboy bunnies to honor Playboy founder Hugh Hefner on the lawn outside his office. A woman didn't like the display. She destroyed it with garden shears. Some people in New Jersey may be shocked by the display the dentist put on his lawn. Others might believe this dentist may have started a new and fun Easter tradition.

Here are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

At a time when many homes display cute Easter symbols -- brightly colored eggs, and pastel-hued baskets -- one on the lawn of a dentist's office in New Jersey has attracted headlines because of its well-endowed and scantily-clad bunnies.

I suppose if you have Playboy bunny mannequins on your lawn that aren't scantily-clad or well-endowed, it may be a sign your not really in the spirit of Easter or honoring Hugh Hefner. I must admit, having these on the lawn of your dentist's office would provide some very interesting conversations during your time in the waiting room.

What are those scantily-clad, well-endowed mannequins dressed like Playboy bunnies doing on the lawn?”
Would you believe not one of them has any cavities?”
They're mannequins. I hope they don't have cavities.”
Would you believe we have them there to celebrate the Easter season.”
Would you believe it was done to pay homage to Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner.”
Now that makes sense.”

The display at a dental office in the city of Clifton, featured five mannequins dressed in lingerie, fishnet stockings, and colorful wigs, all holding Easter baskets and surrounded by Easter eggs. It had drawn mixed reviews from neighbors, as well as passers-by, some of whom stopped to take photos.

I say we must respect the rights of dentists around the world to celebrate the Easter season, or any season, with Playboy bunny mannequins that are scantily-clad and well-endowed on their office lawns or even in their office if they desire. If they want to have real Playboy bunnies on their lawn to celebrate any holiday, I think it is their right. I think I speak for many men when I say I hope this is a trend that grows and becomes popular, I hope it isn't something just done by dentists but other members of the medical profession as well. I hope it becomes popular with physicians, chiropractors, optometrists and other members of the medical field. I and many men like me support their rights to have such lawn displays.

A television news crew was filming the decorations around 1 p.m. Tuesday when a woman — who lives in a home across the street from the dental office and identified herself as Desire Mozek— took it down with garden shears.

That is just plain wrong. What were these Playboy bunny mannequins doing to her? They were innocent scantily-clad and well-endowed mannequins minding their own business. So what if they had on fishnet stockings colorful wigs and were dressed in lingerie? They were promoting dental health. It was a special way for a dentist's office to celebrate the Easter holiday season and honor Hugh Hefner. If I lived in her neighborhood, and she had a lawn display of Frosty the Snowman, it would be taken down with a snowblower.

Gangi said he is in the process of filing a restraining order against the woman... Gangi estimated the damage to the display at $500 to $1,000.

I'm sure the emotional damage to all those who loved that display can't be accurately calculated.

We're taking up a collection.”
Is it for a new fire truck?'
Is it for our local school?”
What is it for?”
We are taking up a collection to help the dentist who had his lawn display of scantily-clad and well-endowed Playboy bunny mannequins destroyed with garden shears.”
Why didn't you say so? Here is what I have in my wallet. I'm going to go get some more and be right back.”
You're a good man.”

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: Ekim, tomato fights, black oil, bulls, and other fun stuff to do in Spain

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