Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Robotic Vacuum Believed to be a Burglar. A Real Story

I know that societies around the world are slowly becoming more and more dependent on computers. Our cars, homes and more are completely computerized. It appears that modern technology is willing to take things even a step further. In Oregon, robotic vacuums are being accused of committing burglaries. This is a true story.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Deputies responding to a 911 call for a "burglary in progress" at an Oregon woman’s home ended up catching the culprit – a robotic vacuum that was trapped in her bathroom.

I wasn't there, so I don't know exactly what happened. It does seem to me there would be a huge difference between a human burglar sound and a robotic vacuum sound.

There are so many things missing in the house. I wonder if someone has been stealing from us?”
I don't see any sign of a break-in around the house.”

After uttering these words, the nefarious robotic vacuum cleaner begins whistling a happy tune and looking the other way. There is probably no butler, so they can't blame it on the butler. The robotic vacuum cleaner has yet to be a common focus of household larcenies. It laughs silently as the robotic vacuum believes it has committed the perfect crime.

The initial call came in from someone reporting that a stranger was in her bathroom and that the person had the bathroom door locked, the sheriff's office said. She said she could see shadows moving under the door.

I suppose it is easy to get confused between a robotic vacuum and a person locked in a bathroom.

A woman knocks on the bathroom door. She notices it is locked and starts yelling.

Hey, who is in there?”
Sounds of a robotic vacuum.
Are you a burglar? Why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?”
More sounds of a robotic vacuum.
You better answer me or I'm calling the police.”
Continued sounds of a robotic vacuum.
That does it, I'm calling the police. I don't know if you're a burglar or not, but I have to use the bathroom and it's locked.”
Additional sounds of a robotic vacuum combined with robotic laughter.

Within minutes several deputies surround the home, calling for a K9 team as their backup. They say they could hear a rustling noise coming from the bathroom. After calling to the “suspect” several times over a loudspeaker, deputies went into the home with their guns drawn. After opening the bathroom door, deputies say they found an automated robot vacuum crashing around on the floor.

This would be a scene right out of a movie. Police on a loudspeaker with their guns out yelling at a robotic vacuum trapped in a person's bathroom.

Come out of the bathroom with your hands up.”
I don't have any hands to put up.”
We want you to come out.”
I'm not done with the vacuuming. Come back in a few minutes. After this, I'm done for the day so I'm not leaving.”

The police kick in the bathroom door with their guns out.

Freeze, don't move.”

Hey, I'm a robotic vacuum cleaner, not a burglar. I hope you realize you police are tracking dirt onto a carpet I just cleaned. Could you please keep that K9 dog out of here? Now, I'll have to vacuum it again. I hope you're happy.”

No word on whether deputies filed charges in the incident, but the suspect’s record appears to be clean.

I can just imagine the conversation that took place after the police found out all this was done because someone mistook a robotic vacuum cleaner for a burglar.

There was no burglar. It was a robotic vacuum cleaner trapped inside your bathroom doing its job and cleaning the carpet. Are you an idiot? If you're not an idiot, you may have broken some laws here and could be arrested.”

Duh, dee, duh, I, ah, duh, don't, doo, dee, duh, duh, don't know, duh, what you are, duh, talking about.”

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is Called: Ekim visits the American International Rattlesnake Museum

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