Monday, August 12, 2019

Fighting Depression With a Support Alligator. A Real Story

There is a man in Pennsylvania who suffers from depression. This is a sad situation, but the man is doing something about it. Rather than give into his depression, this individual went out and got an emotional support alligator. I suppose he is not a big fan of Peter Pan and doesn't know about the significance of a clock ticking in the story. I've heard of everything from an emotional support dog, cat, rabbit, and even an emotional support squirrel. I must admit, it is different to hear about a support animal who would love to make a meal out of the other support animals.

What happened to my emotional support rabbit?”
I didn't see any emotional support rabbit.”
'Why does your alligator have rabbit fur in its teeth?”
No reason, ah, I guess, it is some kind of fashion statement among alligators. Yeah, that's it.”

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Man Says Emotional Support Alligator Helps His Depression
The 65-year-old Pennsylvania resident says his gator Wally eats chicken wings and shares an indoor plastic pond with a smaller rescue alligator named Scrappy

Now there is one way to have a pool party everyone will remember. Invite people over to swim in a pool with your rescue alligators Wally and Scrappy. I suppose to make the experience even more special, during the pool party, guests can take turns tossing chicken wings to the pool dwelling reptiles.

Sixty-five-year-old Joie Henney, of York Haven, says his registered emotional support animal named Wally likes to snuggle and give hugs, despite being a 5-foot-long alligator. Henney says he received approval from his doctor to use Wally as his emotional support animal after not wanting to go on medication for depression.

I suppose everyone in life has to make difficult decisions. What would anyone do if their doctor told said they had to get a support alligator or go on depression medication? I believe it is good he got approval from a trained physician before getting a support alligator. You wouldn't want someone to randomly go out and just get any support alligator without prior approval. I can only imagine what it was like getting the alligator registered as a support animal.

After waiting in line he steps up to the counter.

How can I help you?”
I would like to register my support animal.”
What type of animal is it?”
It is a support alligator.”
You'll have to wait. I have someone ahead of you who has a chicken they want to register as a support animal.”
Not anymore. Unfortunately, my alligator got hungry.”

I don't know a lot about alligators. They have never seemed to me to be creatures you want to be affectionate with, but I may be wrong. I suppose Wally's owner tells people that once you've snuggled and gotten hugs from an alligator, there is no going back to warm-blooded support animals.

Wally was rescued from outside Orlando at 14 months old...Henney acknowledges that Wally is still a dangerous wild animal and could probably tear his arm off, but says he’s never been afraid of him.

I have no medical training. I do find it interesting someone would choose to treat their depression with a support animal that could tear their arm off. I also find it interesting a physician would approve such an arrangement. Maybe there are physicians who approve people having support grizzly bear support animals. There could be python support animals, but I wouldn't think hugs and snuggles from this creature would be a good thing. I know so little about this. There could even be a support tarantula for all I know. If I did know, I would never get any closer than a mile to such a depressed person.

I suppose gone are the days when you think of an emotional support animal, you think of a cute and furry creature. Now we have people suffering from depression who have support animals that could be considered quite dangerous. I suppose cute and furry is for wimps and the life-threatening support animals are going to be the new normal.

The world can be such a crazy place.

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: Ekim Interviews attorney Shane Shady about changing the name Idaho and more

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