Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Latest Quest to Discover and Communicate With Extraterrestrials. A Real Story.

I'm probably like a lot of people. I've read plenty of books and watched many different movies about aliens from another planet coming here to earth. If you ask me if I think it is possible, I would say a few years ago many people believed the Chicago Cubs winning another World Series could never happen. The Chicago Cubs did win another World Series in 2016, so I suppose anything is possible.

When it comes to people from another planet visiting us, it does make me wonder what type of conversation would take place. There would probably be a machine designed to unscramble the language of the alien beings into ours. They would be on a screen with all of their elongated heads and huge eyes speaking into a device that seems to be a microphone.

Hello, people of this planet. We have watched you at a distance with amazement for several years. It is good to be able to communicate with you.”
What have you found out about our planet that impresses you?”
It was amazing the Chicago Cubs won a World Series 2016, but the Cleveland Cavaliers winning a basketball championship in 2016 was even more amazing.”
Anything else?”
We've tried to replicate the iced caramel macchiato on our planet with little luck. We have done better with designing our own version of a Subway sandwich.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

ETs are on our mind. At the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, an entire evening’s event was all about extraterrestrials. A special dance troupe performed to an eclectic mix of sounds. The sounds were excerpts taken from a famous golden record, intended for intelligent life in the universe. The 12-inch copper gold plated disk is known as the Pioneer Golden Record.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I guess it is good to know the California Academy of Sciences had a dance troupe perform to sounds that were an eclectic mix. What beings from another planet could resist coming to such a party? Since they were taken from a famous golden record that is roaming around space, I suppose it all makes sense. Did anyone think to send in a record player into space with it? They are hard to find here, I can only imagine the cost would be to import one to another planet. What if these beings look at this golden disc and use it to invent the Frisbee. If they do figure out a way to play the golden disc, I hope they realize there is actually a dance performed in San Francisco that goes with it.

We can do more than just gaze at the stars.” remarked Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, who along with his wife, Julia, in 2015 unveiled a project called the Breakthrough Initiatives to search for extraterrestrial intelligence over the span of at least 10 years.
Part of the Initiatives program includes a $1,000,000 Breakthrough Message competition, where the task is to design a digital message to send to advanced civilizations.

I can only imagine what the winner of the digitally designed message could be for advanced civilizations. I know in the United States, it is possible for companies to design their own digital messages. I bet McDonald's message would provide a discount on their new McIntellersteller burger. It may come with lunar fries and a drink that is out of this world. Walmart message would be offering anything beings from another planet would need for their journey back to their world. It could include solar powered heaters, electrical rechargers and more. The insurance companies message would want to make certain the space aliens are covered in case they have an accident or emergency when they are here. It is possible beings from another planet know this and have chosen to avoid this planet.

It’s a message written in a language of math and science,” said Vakoch. He explained that the messages would be sent by radio or in the near future, by lasers, using very brief laser pulses. Unlike the Voyager golden record which contains a virtual encyclopedia of information about the earth, METI message will focus on one topic at a time, but each message will be repeated multiple times over the course of days, weeks, and months.

I wonder if the beings from another planet will communicate and say they are sick and tired of reading messages in the language of science and math. They may say the constant transmissions are annoying and to stop them. It's possible they'll find these transmissions as annoying as political advertising. These space aliens may request to read some classic fiction like The First Men in the Moon by H.G. Wells or Journey to Mars by Gustavus W. Pope. If they want to read anything by James Patterson, they need to go back to the planet where they came from and never bother us again.

Not everyone agrees we should go warp-speed with rapidly concocting and sending messages.
I’ve seen Mars Attacks and that ended horribly! So I don’t know.” laughed Alicia Adams who was stargazing on the roof of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

I think it’s a scary concept of actually letting people whom we don’t know, or things we don’t know, know we’re here,” said Grainne Barron who was visiting from Ireland.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I suppose if you've seen Mars Attacks, you have justified reason to fear beings from another planet. I hope there are people in San Francisco who realize that was a fictional movie and not a documentary. Something tells me they may be working on a dance routine to match the movie for when beings from another planet arrive. It is frightening to think of what could actually happen when making contact with beings from another planet. Will they want to destroy us, take us over, criticize the dance routines created in San Francisco or give our music some really bad reviews on social media. It is possible for anything to happen.

As for Dr. Drake,  he doesn’t believe Planet Earth needs a new message. Thanks to television and radio signals traveling in space ever since we’ve been broadcasting, Drake, thinks intelligent beings already know we’re here.

It’s too late, folks. We’ve made our presence known big-time,” said Drake.

If beings from other planets know we are here and haven't attempted to communicate with us after we have made such an effort to communicate with them, there could be some good reasons. They may not understand what we've tried to communicate with them, they may not care what we have tried to communicate with them or they are still shocked with the Cavaliers and Cubs winning championships in 2016. I suppose we will all have to wait to find out.

Below is a link to the story.


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