Monday, October 21, 2019

England Has an Annual Toe Wrestling Championship. A Real Story.

I am the first to admit I have never been much of an athlete. I've never been very fast or moved very quick except when my favorite dessert was being served for dinner. When chocolate cake with chocolate icing was on the menu, I would match my quickness and speed with that of Usain Bolt. It's possible my athletic career may have been a success if I was told there was a chocolate cake with chocolate icing waiting for me in the end zone or at the end of the race. My life could have then forever been changed. There is a sport in England that I suppose requires training and athletic ability. It is toe wrestling. Since it started in 1976, England has been the place for toe athletes from around the world to compete. I wonder if it is a consideration to be an Olympic event or if winners get a chocolate cake with chocolate icing?

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

The sport got its start when a group of friends at the Ye Olde Royal Oak Inn lamented England's lack of dominance in athletics—they wanted a sport where Brits could reign supreme, and somehow, toe wrestling became the chosen activity. (Ripley’s, however, notes that a Canadian visitor won the third annual championship, putting an early damper on the British preeminence of the sport.)

(Sarcasm Alert)

I like how the English were disappointed they were not able to dominate a current sporting event, so they tried to create one where they could dominate. I wonder if they considered fish and chip eating contests, running after people yelling “oy” or confusing Americans with their accent a worthy competitive event. I'm sure the English would dominate in any of these competitions. It's a shame a Canadian won the championship. I don't know what's worse, inventing a sport you can dominate and losing to a Canadian or depending on toe wrestling to prove you can dominate an athletic competition. Maybe the English could invent a sport involving toe wrestling and curling and then show those Canadians how the English can dominate a sport.

Though it might not be a competition on the global stage, toe wrestling definitely attracts interest from around the world. Wendy Livingstone, general manager and events coordinator for Toe Wrestling Championship venue Bentley Brook Inn, notes she gets interest from various international media. In fact, one U.S. film company is shooting a mockup of the competition this summer with long-time champion Alan "Nasty" Nash. Nash, known for his intimidating "strong man" physique and even more intimidating big toes, has made quite a name for himself in the toe wrestling space.

I can only imagine the nervousness someone would experience knowing they are going to be going toe-to-toe (couldn't resist) with someone named Nasty Nash in toe wrestling. I would be seriously hoping this nickname had nothing to do with the man's hygiene habits for his feet. If I were to see my competitor's big toe covered in athlete's foot, I'm forfeiting the match. I would always prefer to toe wrestle with someone known as Hygienically Healthy Henry or Clean Foot Freddie. I'm sure you can have a strong man toe physique and be properly clean. I can just imagine what a Hollywood film would be like for this sport.

The story could involve a down and out young guy who lives near the docks and makes his living getting paid by a gangster to kick people. As part of a promotion for the sport, he gets one shot against the toe wrestling champion in an exhibition match to make something of himself. The match doesn't go well, and his toe is severely torn up during it. His toe wrestling coach tries to talk him out of continuing with the match, but he refuses.

I'm calling the match Tootsie. You've got nothing left. You're getting killed out there.”
Don't call the match. I ain't quitting.”
Your toenail is almost torn off, your toe looks like it is out of joint, you can't go on.”
It's my life. Cut me.”
I said cut me.”
It's your life kid.”

The coach cuts the toenail off the big toe and Tootsie hobbles back into the toe wrestling ring. He continues to battle the toe wrestling champion to a draw. It would make a great Hollywood movie, but it seems oddly familiar.

Toe wrestling is a competition between two participants. With their bare feet in a square ring, opponents sit on the floor, lock their big toes, and then battle in an arm-wrestle style to wrangle the other’s foot to the sideboard of the designated wrestling area. The art of toe wrestling is more skill than strength; opponents are required to keep non-competing feet in the air with hands flat on the ground.

I wonder if a toe wrestler would normally have a coach that trains them. They may have to lift weights with their big toe. Is it possible they would have to try and catch a wild chicken nugget with their toe? It would be interesting to go to a gym and see people hitting a punching bag and others skipping rope as a person in one corner of the gym using his big toe to lift weights and kick a punching bag as part of his training. Does a toe wrestling athlete start their day by eating raw eggs, running and smashing steel bars with their big toe? I don't know if that is what happens, but it does sound oddly familiar.

Here is a link to the article.

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