Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Cyber Witches of Romania. A Real Story.

I have always known the internet would change the world in many ways most of us can only imagine. It appears having everything from Alexa to home security you can check from a Smartphone, as well as digital books and more, are just the start. In Romania, witches have decided to take their powers and use them on the internet. I suppose gone are the witches who you have to meet in person for them to cast spells on people you don't like. The days of sitting by a large iron cauldron that is sitting on a roaring fire as the eye of a newt and scales from a frog are added to the pot's mixture may be a thing of the past. Today, this may be something you see on YouTube, Facebook or other social media sites. If you want to know about a spell, it may be emailed to you. Yeah, the internet has even changed how witches conduct witchcraft. Next thing you know, they'll tell me Hogwarts now is offering a cyber to their students.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

...a family of Romanian witches chants via a video call to a client in India paying for a love spell. 

The session, in a decorated shed in a back yard 15 km (9 miles) north of Bucharest, is one of many consultations the family holds online, alternating them with rituals live streamed on Facebook to build up their digital following.

I'm sure social media has certainly changed the ability to bring witchcraft to the masses. I remember back in my day, a witch was a scary person who walked around dressed in black and had a scary laugh. There was no social media for a witch. You had to know somebody. There was a lot of confusion. You could ask to meet a witch and someone could take you to their female boss or a man may take you to his wife out of total confusion about what you wanted. I'm sure social media will never provide the experience of hearing the witches laugh or the look of confusion when you meet someone's wife or boss and realize they know nothing about witchcraft.

The power of the Internet has allowed Romania’s busy witch community to gradually migrate their ancient practices onto the Web.

Witchcraft has long been seen as a folk custom in the eastern European country, and many of its estimated 4,000 witches are luring customers from Europe, Asia, and the United States.

(Sarcasm Alert)

I suppose the internet now means you don't have to settle for just any witch. You can find a witch that suits your individual need instead of settling for the local old hag with a scary laugh because there are no other witches near where you live. Now, you can see if you can get the cute goth-type witches who will try to be scary but seems funny. I wonder if there is a witches website where each witch gives you a little video presentation about the services they offer. They can tell you how they specialize in casting spells that cause people to break out in hives, boils or dress like they're living in the 1970s. You could choose one with a fun laugh instead of a scary one. I wonder if there is online witch training?

However, many of these special rituals, often to do with love, health or money, last weeks and can run into the hundreds.
The witches also said they had recently turned their attention to politics, joining anti-corruption protests.
Minca said she connected online with nine witches and wizards from across Europe to the United States, seeking to put a curse on Romanian lawmakers seen by witches as corrupt.

People paying hundreds of dollars for a witch over the internet to cast a spell concerning health, money or love is interesting. I never knew being an internet witch could be so lucrative. I'm sure this gets a high rating for careers with a future. I would like to speak to the people who pay for these services. I would like to tell them about some property they need to buy in the Florida Everglades and the Brooklyn Bridge is also for sale.

I say if you're going to be a witch, it's important to be a social conscience witch. I don't know if a curse on politicians will work. Most of them are probably so corrupt could make their own curse and put it back on the witches

Streamed online, the group had performed a mass ritual simultaneously with their overseas associates, against “those who don’t do their jobs, those who have bad intentions, will lose their positions and suffer health problems.

I'm sure nothing upsets people more than knowing they are being besieged by digital witches and witchcraft. In the United States, I think our politicians are unable to be affected by witchcraft. Not doing their jobs and having bad intentions seems to keep many of them getting elected time and time again. If they do lose their position or suffer health problems, it's probably because they retired and caught a cold after spending too much time skiing at their winter vacation resort. When I was growing up, we had the Witches of Eastwick. Now, there are the Romanian witches of the digital world.

The internet really has changed everything.

Here is a link to the story.

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