Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Great Walmart Mobility Scooter Highway Chase and Coffee. A Real Story

There are times when I have been in a bind for transportation. I have wanted to go places when my car has been broken, no public transportation went to my desired destination and nobody could give me a ride. In these situations, I simply accepted the fact that I would not be able to get to where I wanted to go. I am probably considered a quitter by the standards of a certain lady in the south. There is a woman from Tennessee who doesn't believe in giving up and not traveling to her desired location. When this industrious individual wanted a cup of coffee at a local restaurant, she simply stole a Walmart electric scooter and took off down the road.

Here are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

CROSSVILLE, Tenn. – Officers pulled over a woman driving a Walmart mobility scooter down a Tennessee highway Friday morning,

Dispatch, this is officer Clark. It appears we have a woman driving a Walmart mobility scooter down the highway. Do I have permission to pull her over?”
Yes, pull her over. If she has proper insurance, license, and tags for the vehicle please let me know. I don't think the desk sergeant is going to believe this one.”
I will pull her over dispatch. If she does have proper insurance, license, and tags for the vehicle, I may believe Walmart has gone a bit too far in providing unique services for its customers.

Sally Selby caught the attention of law enforcement around 5 a.m. while driving the motorized shopping cart in the slow lane of Highway 127.

Hey, at least Sally had the good sense to drive down the highway in the slow lane. I don't know how fast those motorized shopping carts go, but I believe she wasn't breaking the speed limit.

Can you imagine the thought process of someone who takes a Walmart mobility scooter to get someplace?”

How are you going to get there? You have no car.”
No problem.”
You have no person who will take you.”
No problem.”
You have no money to pay for a rideshare or taxi service.”
No problem.”
How are going to get there?”
Why, I'll just take a Walmart mobility scooter and then return it when I'm done using it. They have plenty of those things. They won't miss one of them.”
Isn't that stealing?”
No, it's only stealing if you don't return it. I do a lot of shopping at Walmart and have never used one of their mobility scooters. They owe me.”

Selby allegedly told officers that she was on her way to a Waffle House restaurant to buy a cup of coffee...the 45-year-old initially told officers that she built the scooter, but was later arrested for theft after Walmart employees confirmed it belonged to the store.

I am also a java junkie, but I've never been willing to go to these lengths to get a cup of Joe.

Ma'am is this your electric scooter?”
Can't a girl just go to the Waffle House and get a cup of coffee when she wants one? Why yes it is, I built it.”
Then why does it say Walmart on it?”
That, oh, yeah, that, ah, see, I, ah, build them for Walmart, yeah, that's it.”
We just called Walmart and they said it is their electric scooter.”
Okay, maybe that's right. Would you believe they have a program called 'Take an electric scooter to the Waffle House for coffee?' I'm participating in that program.”
There is no such program.”
Can't I still go get a cup of coffee?”

Walmart surveillance video showed Selby using the shopping scooter inside the store before driving it out into the parking lot, police said.

What was she thinking?

This is the greatest electric scooter I've ever ridden. I know what, I'll just take it down to the Waffle House, get some coffee and be back so soon nobody will even notice I'm gone. Walmart is a great place to shop.

I wonder if Walmart can see the marketing potential in this? They may start offering scooters for customers to ride to local restaurants.

Remember, you saw it here first.

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: An Honest Political Party

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