Monday, August 5, 2019

Court Takes Away Man's Guns Because His Dog Shot Him. A Real Story

I have owned pets. I've had to discipline pets. I know they were angry with me at the time. I can honestly say I never had a pet shoot me. If I was shot by my pet, I want to think I would experience some sympathies as the victim of a shooting. A man in Germany was punished for his dog shooting him. I wonder if the court felt the pet owner was just asking for by flaunting how he can use a gun to hunt and the dog can't because it is a dog. In Germany, it appears you are punished if your dog shoots you. A court in Germany told a man since his dog shot him, he would have his gun license taken away. I suppose he should be glad his dog didn't get caught taking his car for a drive.

Here are some excerpts from the story below with my valuable insights in italics

Court Rules Man Can’t Have Gun License After His Dog Shoots Him With Rifle
A court in Munich, Germany, said it must be assumed the hunter “will handle firearms and ammunition carelessly in future as well.”

Hey, wait a minute. Why don't they just send the dog off to some kind of firearms obedience school for dogs? Many hunters have dogs, it makes sense. Nothing would be better than taking a shot at some game, missing the shot, then hearing a gun being fired from behind you and knowing your dog got the prey you missed.

I'm going up here to look for some game. Rover, you go down in the gully and let me know if you see any. Remember, only take a clear shot and make sure it's safe.”
If you get something today, you'll get extra of your favorite doggie treat.”
Woof, Woof.”

BERLIN (AP) — A German court has ruled that a dog owner isn’t fit to carry a firearms license after his dog shot him with a rifle. The Munich administrative court on Tuesday dismissed the man’s appeal against an earlier decision by Bavarian authorities to withdraw his license to own a rifle, as well as his hunting permit.

This seems kind of harsh since the man was actually shot. Instead of taking away the man's rifle and hunting permit, they should give one to his dog. It's obvious the dog knows how to handle a rife. I just hope it can be explained to the dog that there is no such thing as pet owner season.

The decision followed a 2016 incident in which the man, a passionate hunter, was shot in the arm after his dog managed to release the trigger on a loaded rifle that was lying in his car.

I wonder about the details of this incident. Was there a cat in a passing vehicle threatening the dog owner's car? Maybe the dog was trying to shoot another armed dog in another vehicle who posed a threat. It could have happened. I'm sure with proper investigation, it may be shown the dog accidentally shot his owner to avoid an attack from a crazed animal in a passing vehicle. Now, we'll never know. I wonder if this court ever saw the movie Cats and Dogs? I bet they didn't.

The court ruled the hunter couldn’t be relied upon “because it must be assumed that he will handle firearms and ammunition carelessly in the future as well.”
The man, whose name wasn’t released, can appeal the verdict.

Hey, what if he was trying to prevent his dog from going rogue, traveling the Bavarian roads on a motorcycle? Maybe his dog wanted to do this as he smoked cigars and blasted all cat lovers he came across. Maybe he was trying to prevent his dog from joining a pit bull motorcycle gang who planned to go around terrorizing all innocent people and pets in Munich Nobody ever thinks of these things. I'm sure nobody looks into these angles. This court case could be so much fun.

I think it is more likely the man was careless with his firearm and will appeal the court's verdict to a higher court. I believe the German judicial system is focused on the law and just doesn't have my imagination.

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day

It is called Getting Drunk From Food

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