Thursday, August 1, 2019

Live Alligator Tossed Through Wendy's Drive-Through Window. A Real Story

I've eaten at Wendy's many times. I've always enjoyed the food.  The service I experience is always excellent. When eating at Wendy's, I've complimented the staff, used their coupons and may have taken more ketchup than is acceptable. What can I say? I really like ketchup. Nobody from Wendy's has ever said anything to me about my high level of ketchup consumption. That is just one of the many reasons I'm a loyal customer.

A man in Florida went to a Wendy's drive-through. When he got to the window, he did something rather unique. He tossed a 3-foot alligator through the drive-through window. I'm still trying to figure out his motivation for doing such a thing.

Here is an excerpt from the story as well as a link to it.

Gator isn’t on the menu. But a live one was inside a South Florida fast-food restaurant after a man tossed a three-foot reptile through a Wendy’s drive-through window.”

I wonder what kind of strange conversation took place prior to the alligator tossing?

“Welcome to Wendy's may I take your order.”
“Hi, Ah, I ain't got no money for food, but I do have a three-foot alligator. He's a real good lookin' gator. Here, take a look at him and let me know how much food I can get for him.”

The Wendy's employee then witnesses an airborne 3-foot alligator flying through her drive-through window. Faced with this situation, she does what any Wendy's employee would do, she gets her manager. This is to cover herself in case the company has a policy regarding alligators tossed through their drive-through window she does not know about.

I'm sure another very strange conversation took place.

“What?” yells the manager.
“The man said he didn't have any money to buy food. He wants to pay for his order with a 3-foot alligator he tossed through the drive-through window. I just wanted to make sure the company doesn't have any policy in place regarding paying for food with alligators,” the girls says calmly.

The manager scratches his head.

“Well, there is nothing in place that I know, but I better call corporate just to make sure. Where is the alligator now?

“It's only 3-feet long. The poor guy tried to get away and ended up in the garbage. He seems kind of happy in there eating all the tossed burgers.”

“Okay, tell the man to pull off to the side and we'll let him know as soon as we can.”

I'm sure some more strange conversations took place. The motivated manager is probably transferred around until he ends up speaking with a corporate lawyer.

“No, we don't have any policy in place directly addressing the exchanging of wildlife for food, but I may bring it up at the next shareholder's meeting. Why don't you just give the guy some food and send him and his alligator on their way? I'm sure that would solve the problem.”

After getting off the phone, the manager asks the girl working the drive-through window if he can speak with her.

“I just got off the phone with corporate. They said we should just give him some food and send him and his alligator on their way,” says the manager.

The female employee smiles.

“Too late for that now. The man came into the dining area and was mad. He asked for his alligator back. I showed him the garbage can. He got the alligator with its mouth full of burgers. He said there was a place close to here that would take his alligator for payment. After getting the alligator from the garbage, he left,” says the employee.

“Did he say who was going to give him food for the alligator?
“No, he just left.”
“Well, now I've got to call corporate again.”
“Well, if our competition is accepting wildlife as payment for food, we may need to create our own program to accommodate such customers. We can't let the competition get ahead of us.”
“Okay, I'm going back to the drive-through window.
“Be sure to tell me if any more people want to pay with wildlife. We could be on to something.”

If we experience a promotion by fast-food companies to accept payment in the form of wildlife, we all know exactly where it started.

Here is a video about it.


Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious day about attorneys who have primates as clients.  It's a real story.

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If you think THIS is a little funny. Check out my book

The Longer You Live The Older You Get

Or my other one

I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer


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