Monday, July 29, 2019

Irish Woman Marries 300-Year-Old Ghost Pirate. A Real Story.

I've known some people who wanted to get married who knew they would have challenges placed on them by society. Challenges that would increase the difficulty of their marriage being a success. These are individuals who have an interracial marriage, interfaith marriages, a huge difference in age or even a Yankees fan who wants to marry a Mets fan. Many people will see these couples and find it strange these people could have enough in common to commit to spending their lives together as a married couple.

A woman in Ireland took on some challenges for her marriage that were literally out of this world. She married a man who was a ghost and had been a Haitian pirate 300 years ago. I can only imagine the obstacles that they would have to face and overcome to become a married couple. It would have been something to hear the woman tell her mother about her serious boyfriend.

Mom, I want you to know I am dating the most fantastic person.”
“I am very happy for you dear.”
What is his name?”
What is his last name.”
He doesn't have a last name. It's just Jack.”
Don't you think that is a bit strange?”
Oh, you haven't heard strange yet. There are a few things you need to know about him before you and dad meet him.”
Okay, what do we need to know?”
Actually, he is a bit older than I am.”
How much older?”
A few hundred years.”
You see, he is a 300-year-old ghost. I know it sounds strange, but I really think I'm in love with him.”
I don't know what to say. You know your father and I are from New York City. We may be able to live with this, but it's important for us to know if he is a Mets fan or a Yankees fan.”
I think he could be from Pittsburgh.”
He's a Pirate.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A WOMAN who claims she married the ghost of a 300-year-old Haitian pirate says she needed an exorcism after their relationship turned sour.
She says she was nearly killed by her ghost-husband after she broke off their relationship.
The woman claims she underwent an exorcism to rid herself of the spirit of her former lover after he had ‘possessed her.’

I imagine the wedding vows when you marry a ghost would be different. You couldn't say “Til death do we part” because one of you is already dead. I suppose you could substitute “Til we undergo an exorcism.” If there came a time when a significant amount of living and ghost marriages were taking place around the world things could be different for divorce attorneys. Instead of seeking a fair settlement, they may offer exorcism at a reasonable price. You could be represented by the law offices of Bolger, Bolger and Father McSmith.” Should someone have an argument with their ghost spouse, and their ghost spouse tries to possess them, should they call 911 or an emergency exorcist?

I can just imagine a couple seeing a human and ghost marriage counselor.

What seems to be the problem?”
I think he is always lying to me.”
I can see right through him.”
He's a ghost. Seeing right through him is part of being married to him.”

I know the symptoms of possession and part of it is ill health,” Amanda said.
After the spirit of her dog, Toby, was apparently aggressive towards Jack, her fears worsened.

She began to experience frequent health problems after being ‘intimate’ with Jack and before long, she was admitted to hospital with sepsis.
I almost died and I was in hospital for a week,” she said.
I had to take my wedding ring off when I went into surgery. That must have cut the energy link between us because I felt totally different after the operation.”

(Sarcasm Alert)

This is one lady with some serious connections to the spirit world. She has a dog who has a spirit that was aggressive toward her ghost husband. I suppose it is a good thing it wasn't her dog and just her dog's spirit. If her dog's spirit bit her ghost husband, could he have gotten ghost rabies?

I will leave the mental image of a woman being intimate with a 300-year-old Pirate ghost husband named Jack to the imagination of others. I do wonder they used protection and had engaged in family planning. I'd hate to think they weren't careful and could have started a half human, half ghost family before they were ready for it.

I suppose the medical profession now knows if a woman married to a ghost comes down with sepsis, it may be cured by simply removing the living spouse's wedding ring.

Amanda eventually decided that ending the relationship was the best thing for her health, but after telling husband Jack of her plans, he threatened to kill her if she went through with it.

It was terrifying seeing a completely different side to the lovely spirit I had seen before. But I knew in my heart that if I didn’t get rid of him, my health was getting so bad, that I was probably going to die anyway.” Amanda said.

In December, Amanda went through with the exorcism and is now rid of her former partner, Jack.

I think the modern soap opera will now have a new type of relationship to exploit for their viewers. A woman marrying a ghost and all the drama that goes with it. I could be wrong and it may have already been done, but I'm not aware of this storyline. The shows could be about a woman's ghost husband cheats on her with another ghost, she cheats on him with another living person, he cheats on her with another living person, she cheats on him with another ghost. The dog's spirit is confused about who to bark at and who to bite.

The stress of ending a relationship is never easy. It's probably even more difficult when you are married to a spouse that is already dead. If you threaten to kill them, they'll laugh. I'm sure Jack the Pirate ghost tried to talk her out of it.

Jack, I think our relationship no longer works. I think it's time to end things.”
Don't say such a thing.”
I'm sorry, but I want an exorcism.”
Is it because I'm over three hundred years old? Is it because I'm a Pirate? Is it because I don't have a last name? Is it because you can't take a life insurance policy out on me?”
It is none of those things. I'm tired of you possessing me, not being able to take me out to a nice restaurant because you don't eat or even being able to go on vacation together and more. I'm also tired of you threatening to kill me.”
Oh that, see, what I meant by that is if you were dead, we could be together even more. With you living and me being dead, it can get a bit frustrating. Especially since you can't haunt houses, move through walls and always need to eat to stay alive. I have frustration as well.”

Amanda went through with the exorcism and is now rid of her former partner, Jack.
She says that her health problems have miraculously cleared up since and that her experience has taught her to stay away from spirits and the dead from now on - or just not to marry them, at least.

(Sarcasm Alert)

This is some wise information from a woman who knows all about it. Maybe she could write a book about her experiences and go on the lecture circuit. Her book could be called Why You Shouldn't Marry a Ghost And I Should Know. Young adults will need to learn you can't have a healthy relationship with someone you met through an Ouija board, during a séance or at a haunted house. I'm sure it's something that should be taught in schools. Maybe a course called Why You Should Never Consider Dating Dead People may someday be a requirement for graduation.

Below is a link to the story.

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