Saturday, August 3, 2019

Court Determines a Flatulent Supervisor is NOT a Bully. A Real Story

David Hingst is an engineer from Australia. He had a serious problem in his workplace. Hingst had a supervisor who would fart around him up to six times a day. He had a name for his supervisor, Hingst called him Mr. Stinky. He probably believed his supervisor had total control of his flatulence and would only release his internal gas pressure around him. Hingst felt he was being bulled by enduring so many supervisor farts every day. The Australian court ruled this was not the case. I now believe the American court system may be the second craziest court system in the world.

Here are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights are in italics.

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — An Australian appeals court on Friday dismissed a bullying case brought by an engineer who accused his former supervisor of repeatedly breaking wind toward him. The Victoria state Court of Appeal upheld a Supreme Court judge’s ruling that even if engineer David Hingst’s allegations were true, flatulence did not necessarily constitute bullying.

Can you imagine going to discuss this case with an attorney?

Do you feel your supervisor is unfairly using their position of authority over you?”
Is it sexual harassment?”
No, I'm being bullied by my supervisor”
How so?
Well, he farts around me all the time. He usually farts around me up to half a dozen times a day. My work is suffering due to lack of oxygen. The live plants on my desk have all died and even the plastic ones aren't doing too good.”

The attorney rolls his eyes and sighs.

Can you pay for our legal services?”
Money is not an issue.?

The attorney smiles and becomes energetic

Why, we'll sue that flatulent bully of a supervisor. He can't stink up an office, damage plastic plants with his stench and get away with it. He's going to pay for those farts.”

Hingst said he would take his case to the High Court, Australia’s final court of appeal.
The 56-year-old is seeking 1.8 million Australian dollars ($1.3 million) damages from his former Melbourne employer, Construction Engineering.

He wanted a court to award him $1.3 million for dealing with a farting supervisor? I guess there is gold in them there farts. Who knew?

The appeal judges found Hingst “put the issue of Mr. Short’s flatulence to the forefront” of his bullying case, arguing that “flatulence constituted assaults.”
The court found that Short did not bully or harass Hingst. Hingst had failed to establish that Construction Engineering had been negligent.

(Sarcasm Alert)

This guy Hingst tried to make the case that he was assaulted by farts?

Did he touch you?”
Did he hit you with an object?”
Did he threaten you with a weapon of some kind?”
How exactly did he assault you?”
He, he, he farted at least half a dozen times around me daily. The stench was so awful, I felt light-headed and nauseated. It was worse than listening to a song sung by Yoko Ono.”
We'll arrest that flatulent jerk. He can't assault our citizens with his rogue farting.”

He argues he was bullied in the workplace until his job was terminated.
Construction Engineering argued his job was terminated because of a downturn in construction work due to the global financial crisis.

I can just imagine filling out forms for unemployment.

Question: What was the reason you were let go from your company?
Answer: I had a flatulent supervisor who bullied me with his farts.

I suppose it is good that Hingst didn't try to get workman's compensation for having a condition called “Flatulent Sensitivity Syndrome” (FSS). I know there is no such thing, but I'm sure it may be just a matter of time before FSS is considered a real condition that prevents people from having a job.

The world is a crazy place.

Here is a link to the story.

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The Longer You Live The Older You Get

Or my other one

I Speak Cursive Like a Baby Boomer

Don't forget to watch this funny video from It is a Glorious Day

Cat Poop Psychosis Story (It's Real)

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