Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Police Give Coloring Assignment Instead of Parking Ticket. A Real Story

It is easy to see when some people do not do a good job of parking their vehicle. I've seen vehicles take up two parking spots. I've struggled to get around vehicles that are an excessive distance from the curb. There have been drivers without a handicapped sticker who have parked in handicapped parking spots and more. The frustrating thing is with a little effort, these parking faux pas can be avoided. Some police have provided such people with a coloring assignment.

Why are taking up three parking spots. You really shouldn't park sideways in a parking lot.”
Oh, I'm only going to be here for a short time. I'm going to pick up some groceries, stop at the bank, get a prescription filled and look for a new pair of shoes. I'll be back here quickly.”
That is not a short time. It could take you hours to do all of that.”
Well, if I park as people want me to then I would have to back out and that would be unsafe. This is much safer for me. Everyone can see me and I can see everyone.”
Other drivers also hate you.”
I think it's because I color better than them.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

All you really need to know you learned in kindergarten…including how to park a car.

At least that’s the philosophy of one Southlake, Tex., police officer who came up with an original way to teach a lesson to someone who parked a pickup across two spaces.

I suppose giving a parking ticket doesn't teach the necessary lessons about poor parking. It is a lesson that comes with a financial cost. I imagine we should appreciate this unique way to get people to park correctly. I've seen so many bad parking jobs, I believe it's possible for there to be people who consider parking tickets as part of the costs associated with owning and driving their vehicle.

You've paid your insurance and monthly car payment. What are these other charges?”
Parking tickets?”
Why do you get so many parking tickets?”
“Hey, parking where you want and how you want doesn't come cheap.”

The Ram truck was over the line and encroaching on a handicapped spot, so the artistic officer drew a coloring book style page with an outline of the department’s badge that read:

We noticed you had a little trouble staying in the lines when you parked next to a handicapped space … Maybe if you practice coloring our patch and staying in the lines here, it could help you avoid citations in the future?”

I would have loved it if they would have told this person to drop their coloring assignment off at the police station. A police officer could look at it, grade it and then give this person another one.

What is this coloring assignment?”
Oh, it's a picture of a prison cell.”
Why do I have to color a picture of a prison cell?”
We've heard you're looking for a job as a prison guard and thought this is something you could add to your application.”

It appears the driver got off with the colorless warning for the minor infraction, which could have been fined $200.

I'm sure the driver came away from this situation thinking if they are good at coloring, they can avoid parking tickets.

I have too many parking tickets.”
You need to learn how to color inside the lines.”
Why?  I avoided a $200 parking ticket by promising to color inside the lines. I don't know the connection between coloring and parking, but if it helps me avoid an expensive parking ticket, I'm all for it.”
“Do they have coloring books you could complete to avoid speeding tickets?”
If not, they should.”

(Sarcasm Alert)

If this proves to be an effective way to have parking violators follow the law, the police may expand this program. They may ask people who are burglars to build something with legos. Someone accused of running from police may be required to play an intense game of chutes and ladders. A girl accused of shoplifting could be forced to play a game of Barbie dress up. I'm sure the list of future crimes that could be deterred using this intense method of punishment is endless.

Here is a link to the article.

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