Sunday, September 1, 2019

Attention and Alertness Increase After Just Thinking About Coffee. A Real Story

I admit to being a major java junkie. My wife tells all who will listen how I do not make intelligible sounds until I've downed my first cup of coffee in the morning.

Good morning. I hope you slept well.”
Mmmph, grummph, leeemph, seummph.”
I see we have a level three coffee alert. Here is your coffee”

I then take a few gulps.”

Ah, thanks, I just want to confirm, I'm still alive, this is still earth and we have more coffee.”
No, no, and no.”
I'm just messing with you. Everything is fine. It's just fun to see that brief look of horror and panic on your face.”
After my next cup of coffee, I may verbally berate you for having such fun at my expense during my pre-coffee morning stupor.”
Before that can happen, it will take three cups of coffee.”

Now, according to a study conducted by our neighbors to the north. I can become awake and alert by just imagining coffee. I wonder if the researchers at the University of Toronto had their coffee before doing this study.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Researchers from the University of Toronto say that being exposed to things that stoke thoughts of drinking coffee can stimulate arousal in the brain and increase one’s alertness and attention similar to the way actually drinking a cup can. They examined a psychological effect called priming, in which subtle cues of something familiar can influence one’s thoughts and behavior.

If I were a participant in this study, I'm sure they would have told me to go back across the border soon after it started. I can honestly say there have been many times when I've had thoughts about coffee. I didn't feel my brain get aroused or become any more alert. What I felt after thinking about coffee is a strong desire to go and get some coffee. My alertness and attention were focused on making coffee in my house or finding a place to get coffee at the closest restaurant.

I wonder what happens when an attempt at priming goes terribly wrong and people think of the wrong things?

Don't you just love java?”
Sorry, I'm not interested in talking about computer programs.”
Don't you enjoy java?”
Sorry, I've never been to that Indonesian island.”
I enjoy the smell of Java in the morning.”
Again with the computer source code.”
Do you ever drink coffee?”
Is that from Chikmagalur? I understand it is known as Coffee Land of Karnataka.”
I guess the research is right. Talking about coffee does get your mind stimulated and under the right set of circumstances, you want to hit someone.”

People from Western and Eastern cultures participated in four related studies, comparing coffee and tea visual cues. Participants exposed to coffee cues perceived time as shorter and showed more concrete, precise thought patterns. The authors believe that the effects are the result of subjective and physiological arousal.

People who experience physiological arousal – again, in this case as the result of priming and not drinking coffee itself – see the world in more specific, detailed terms,” says Maglio.

Hey, I suppose this study proves it is not wise to mess with us, coffee drinkers. Unless you experience what we experience, you don't want to see what happens when we're engaged in physiological arousal from coffee. We can instantly get thought patterns that are precise and concrete. We can see the world in detail just by being given coffee cues. I think this is because we perceive time between cups of coffee as shorter and our precise and concrete thought patterns involve getting more coffee. You don't want to know what happens if you include a doughnut or chocolate scone cues with the coffee cues. Let's just say, I bet things would get real serious, real fast.

In North America, we have this image of a prototypical executive rushing off to an important meeting with a triple espresso in their hand,” he says. “There’s this connection between drinking caffeine and arousal that may not exist in other cultures.”

Hey, North America is one of the wealthiest places on the planet earth. I'm sure executives running around with a triple espresso is a major contributing factor. After having a triple expresso, they may not be able to sit down for a meeting and feel the need to run. It's also possible when we don't have coffee, we're thinking about coffee as well as world domination. I'm sure there is a connection.

Here is a link to the story.

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