Monday, August 26, 2019

Didgeridoo Instrument Mistaken for a Rifle. A Real Story

Many people may not know that a didgeridoo is a wind instrument invented over 1,400 years ago by Indigenous Australians. It makes some really unique sounds and is used all over the world. They can be 58 inches long or longer. When you see one, it appears to be a long wooden instrument. There are some individuals who may have never had the pleasure of experiencing a didgeridoo. In this situation, a person may not realize what they're seeing. In Australia, someone felt this musical instrument was a rifle

(Sarcasm Alert)
I'm sure the last thing any Australian wants is to be shot at by some crazed individual packing a multi-purpose didgeridoo able to play music and be used at the shooting range.

Below are some excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Rush hour commuters were sent into a panic Thursday morning when police in Australia locked down a Melbourne train station after a street performer’s musical instrument was mistaken for a rifle.

How does this happen? This incident occurred in an Australian train station. You would think people in Australia, visiting Australia or know anything about Australia would know about the instrument known as a didgeridoo. It is quite a common thing in that country.

I wonder what is that thing over there.”
It's a didgeridoo.”
A what?”
An ancient instrument invented by Indigenous Australians.”
It looks like a rifle.”
Why would you say such a thing? You've lived your entire life in Australia. You've never shot a rifle or even been near one. You wouldn't know one if you saw one.”
So, I have to be careful. I bet that didgeridoo is loaded. I'm sure it a Carbine Lever Action .44 Magnum didgeridoo.”
There is no such thing.”
You may not know one if you saw one, but I'm calling the police. Why take a chance?”

Victoria police wearing body armor and carrying assault rifles responded to a report of a gunman at Melbourne’s Flagstaff train station around 8:30 am. – triggering delays in the middle of rush hour.

I wonder how the Australian police felt wearing body armor and being armed with assault rifles to take down a street performer packing a didgeridoo.

Drop it.”
It's just an ancient wooden instrument created by Indigenous Australians.”
Is it loaded?”
No, but it does make some great sounds.”
Drop it, put your hands up and slowly back away.”
We've heard you don't play it too well. We don't want to take any chance of a badly played didgeridoo assaulting our ears.”

The report of a gunman turned out to be a false alarm after police determined that an Aboriginal busker – or street performer – who had been seen “acting suspiciously” was actually preparing to play the didgeridoo in a bag mistakenly described to police as a rifle case.

I wonder how he was acting suspiciously? Did he put the didgeridoo up like a rifle and point it at people? Did he then scream, “Back off man or I'll waste you with my didgeridoo?”

People who have ever been near Australia know the people there get really upset with guns. Only someone with an IQ that has a decimal point in the front would even think walking through a train station in this country with any type of gun.

What type of luggage do you have?”
Not a didgeridoo in a case that looks like a rifle.”

It was a busker,” Inspector Jacob Bugeja told reporters, according to The Guardian. “He was actually doing breathing exercises preparing for his act. It was a sports duffel bag.”

So, we have people who are suspicious of someone doing breathing exercises and carrying a long wooden instrument in a sports duffel bag. I wonder what would have happened if this person had an asthma attack. Would they have tried to alert the Australian military?

What is that man doing?”
He could be performing breathing exercises or preparing to perform violence.”
I wonder what's in the duffel bag next to him?”
It could be either a long wooden instrument invented by Indigenous Australians or a rifle.”
I say we call the police so they can show up wearing body armor and carrying assault rifles.”
Makes sense to me.”

Here is a link to the article.

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