Wednesday, August 28, 2019

California Nuns Sell $1,000,000 Worth of Cannabis Products Annually. A Real Story

I'm not Catholic, but I've spent a lot of time around people who follow the Catholic religion. I say this because I've had experiences with nuns. I've met nuns who made money selling chess pieces they made and painted by hand. I've been to Catholic bake sales and have participated in events offered to the public by certain convents. The nuns I've experienced have all been pretty nice. I have friends who went to Catholic school and experienced what they called ninja nuns. These were agile followers of the Catholic faith who were very skilled at the use of the yardstick discipline combined with collecting milk money technique. Now, it seems we have a new type of nuns. The kind who sell cannabis. These are entrepreneurial nuns who have created a very successful cannibals enterprise. Should nuns I knew from the past have done such a thing, it would have greatly inhibited their yardstick discipline technique.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

This group of nuns who have a very interesting habit. A convent in California is now raking in around $1,000,000 (£850,000) a year in cannabis sales. A documentary will be released on Saturday to mark the weed users’ holiday.

I suppose if you are going to celebrate using cannabis, it wouldn't be complete without the attendance of the local weed growing nuns. I can only imagine these nuns opening the festivities with prayer.

Oh heavenly father, please let our marijuana crops grow strong and healthy. Let us have record sales of our cannabis products. May the best possible levels of THC be found in the plants serve your intent. In your name, we pray.”

I suppose I should not be surprised it is California. I wonder if they also have these types of convents in Jamaica or other Caribbean nations. I also wonder what they are called? Our Lady of the Sacred Cannabis Plant? Sisters of the Weed Growing Believers? Servants of the Toke for All? Order of the High Holy Marijuana Growers and Sellers?

I could go on but I'll stop.

Sister Kate Meeusen started the Sisters of the Valley in 2011 with just twelve plants. But now it’s an international operation that helps treat people with health or addiction problems.

I would have to say for individuals who have taken a vow of poverty that selling a million dollars worth of cannabis each year is pretty impressive. There are people who started companies with only motivated by capitalistic greed and aren't doing so good. I know that nuns are married to God. I hope this didn't cause a problem with their marital relationship.

God, we need money.”
“I realize the cost of yardsticks and other Catholic items are expensive.”
I would like you to support me in my cannabis-selling business.”
How will other Catholics view this type of business?”
It is a natural plant that you created. We also intend to give Catholics a significant discount for the weed purchases and contribute significant sums to the church.”
Okay, sounds like a good idea.”

‘Breaking Habits’ the film, directed by British filmmaker Rob Ryan, explores the history and sustained survival of the weed-growing nuns...The film explores how Sister Kate and her team have fought bitterly against ‘white man rule’ including the obstructionist country sheriff and black market thieves. ‘We don’t like the white man rule,’ said Sister Kate, who makes and sells CBD products such as salves and oils with her sisterhood.

Wow, a racist nun. It couldn't be government rule, but white man rule. I wonder where in their religious training it taught them to view the world through the prism of a person's race? I also like how they specify gender. I would hope they would not judge situations based on race and gender. Maybe spending several years growing cannabis has a negative impact on your judgment. What a wonderful idea to capture such behavior on film.

The sisters’ plan to expand their medicinal-marijuana empire. Sister Kate said: ‘We intend to have enclaves in every town and province in the next 20 years. ‘We’re going to be doing more and more with Hollywood because that’s the megaphone to the world.

Nuns with a medicinal-marijuana empire doing more work in Hollywood. I suppose movies like Lilies of the Field are going to be a thing of the past. On the other hand, I'm sure the movie Sister Act would be very different if it involved marijuana growing nuns. It is inspiring how they have such impressive ideas for expansion of their holy cannabis growing enterprise. I suppose nuns have changed a bit over the years.

So far Sister Kate has attempted to cure eight people of addictions using her CBD products, and she says they have all recovered. ‘We have a 100 percent success rate in curing people of their addictions admittedly we don’t have a huge sample size. ‘We worked with eight people who were addicted to either alcohol, tobacco or meth, but they all got better,’ said Sister Kate, who used to work as a high-flying corporate executive before turning to weed farming.

I thought you took a vow of poverty.”
I did.”
Your company pulls in over a million dollars a year.”
I'm a former corporate executive. To me, that is poverty.”

I would like to think if you make over a million dollars a year growing and selling cannabis, you would be able to cure more than eight people. That is over $100,000 per person who they've cured in a year. With that much money involved, a 100 percent rate of success should be an expectation. I've heard of expensive rehab centers, but this is extreme.

On Monday the activist weed nuns will be protesting the ecclesiastic privilege, which allows some abuse to go unreported. ‘We are accustomed to fighting for the rights of the marginalized,’ said Sister Kate.

I'm sure there are eight formerly addicted individuals who support this statement. I can just imagine politicians in California not moving on on legislation until they hear from the cannabis growing nuns. I wonder who they consider marginalized? People who have to pay too much money for cannabis products? Do they charge for their products based on race or gender?

Why did he only pay half of what I paid for his cannabis products?”
You're white and male.”
But that is a Hollywood producer who makes quite a bit more money that I make.”
They're married to a professional athlete who makes millions of dollars a year.”
Hey, I didn't make you white and male.”
Our holy father saw it in his divine wisdom to make me white and male..”
Well then, I suggest you take it up to him.”

After reading this story, I find myself missing the days of nuns and yardsticks.

I guess “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth” from Psalms 149:6 of the King James Bible now has a whole new meaning. 

Here is a link to the story.


  1. What a fantasy piece. Love all the imaginary quotes from the Sisters.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, I found this story interesting. The link to the real story at the bottom of the blog is worth checking out.
