Thursday, August 29, 2019

Australian Police Work to Reunite Homeless Man With His Pet Rat. A Real Story

I don't know if anyone has seen the movie, Willard. I've mentioned it before. It's the story about a young man who is abused by his boss and tormented by his mother. This makes him somewhat crazier than the usual crazy person. Willard does get the last laugh as he commands an army of rats to attack the people who upset him. It is interesting to note this movie was so successful it had a sequel. It was called Ben. This cinematic extravaganza featured a hit song by Michael Jackson properly named Ben. This movie involved rats going rogue, flame throwers and all sorts of fun things.

I've recently learned Australians are people who have tremendous respect for a person and their pet rat. They may have seen these movies and don't want to deal with hundreds of rats treating them like shrimp on the barbie. Australian police worked hard to find a homeless man's pet rat. I know Australia must be a very safe place. When you're in a place where police can spend time finding homeless people's pet rats, you know it's a place where crime is very low.

Below are excerpts from the story and my valuable insights in italics.

Police in Australia are celebrating after they managed to reunite a homeless man with his pet rat, Lucy.

I've known a few Australians. They've always been people who never walked away from a chance to have a good time. I must admit, celebrating the reuniting of a homeless man with his pet rat could be a unique reason to grab a coldie down under, but it could happen.

This is a great party. What are we celebrating?”
Our fine Australian police force was able to reunite a homeless man with his pet rat.”
Well, it's a good ripper party. What do you say we make it an annual holiday?”
No worries mate, we have plenty of rats and people who have them as pets.”
Maybe we could also celebrate people reuniting with their pet kangaroos, koala bears and more.”

According to the New South Wales Police Force, the homeless man left the rat on a milk crate in Sydney while he went to use a nearby restroom...while he was gone, a woman passing by saw Lucy and thought the animal had been abandoned -- so she took the rat with her.

I believe not taking his pet rat into the restroom was very considerate of the homeless man. It would be uncomfortable for me if I walked into a bathroom, saw a rat on the sink and heard a voice from a bathroom stall saying not to worry, it is his pet rat. I don't know how I would react.

How he lost his rat is interesting. I know things are different in Australia. I don't know how to feel about someone seeing a rat on a milk crate and worrying about the rat being abandoned. They must take really good care of their rats in that country. In the United States, if any woman I know saw a rat on a milk crate, they may run screaming. They may do the same thing if they saw me on a milk crate, but that is another story.

NSW police said that it was thanks to Facebook that authorities were able to track down Lucy and reunited the rat with its rightful owner.
In a video posted to Facebook, the unnamed man was presented with the rat to see if it was his missing Lucy. “Let’s have a look at you,” he said, picking up the animal. “Yup, that’s her!”

In Australia, law enforcement will use social media to track down a homeless man's pet rat. I'm impressed. This is a level of dedication to the relationship between a homeless man and his pet rat is difficult to put into words. I suppose the reuniting of a homeless man with his lost pet rat really tugs at the Australian heartstrings.

He proceeded to ask for a kiss, and Lucy obliged.
He thanked the officers and said it felt “wonderful” to have his pet back.
Rats all folks! Have a wonderful Easter long weekend,” police wrote on Facebook.

(Sarcasm Alert)

There is something about the image of a homeless man kissing his pet rat that I find difficult to describe. I suppose he may still be homeless, not have a place to sleep or get enough to eat, but at least Australian authorities made certain he has his pet rat.

I wonder if there is a new version of the movie Willard in this story?

Here is a link to the story.

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