Thursday, May 19, 2011

May is Zombie Awareness Month. A Real Story

The month of May is officially Zombie Awareness Month.  Unfortunately, this is not a joke but true. It was created by the Zombie Research Society.  These people are united in saving the world from a fast-approaching Zombie pandemic.  This is one group of people who are a therapist dream. 

Now it’s not enough to just have a month dedicated to Zombies, this group of individuals believes you should also wear a gray ribbon during the month of May to (are you ready for this?) signify the undead shadows that lurk behind our modern light of day.  Talk about bad things that happen to people when their cable is out too long.

Since when do Zombies deserve an entire month?  Presidents, Martin Luther King and even the birth of Jesus only get one day.  Did a Zombie ever invent something important or lead a crusade against society for Zombie rights?  I’m sure no Zombie ever was a great political leader or a notable military strategist.  I’m sure their idea of helping the homeless would be to put them on the menu.

What is it exactly that a Zombie does all day?  I’m sure many people struggle to look for work, but I can only imagine what it would be like if you were undead.  You always see Zombies walking around in movies looking scary and being unaware when their body parts fall off.  I guess that deserves recognition.  Sure they make some living people their dinners and a few others they just nibble on to turn into fellow Zombies, but does that mean they deserve an entire month?  What would happen if members of the Zombie Research Society ever went before Congress to get federal recognition of Zombie Awareness Month?

A sea of reporters lines the back of a chamber in Congress awaiting the beginning of the proceedings.  Into the chamber walks a group of Zombies.  They go past a horrified crowd talking and pointing at them.  The Zombies sit down at desks before the elected officials.  Congressmen and Senators look down at them from their elevated position.

Now as I understand it you Zombies want federal recognition of Zombie Awareness Month.  I must tell you I am not very happy with your group.  You’ve devoured a few of the reporters out there but not the ones that write bad stories about me.  Why do you do such things?”

The Zombies look at each other and in a low monotone sound grumble, moan and groan.  Suddenly one of them stands up and his arm falls off.

We’re sorry Senator.  We were hungry.  As you know we in the living dead community are unable to eat food like we did when we were actually alive.  Sorry for getting the wrong reporter.  We’ll try and do better next time.  Please understand this recognition would mean so much to all of us Zombies.  It’s not easy being undead.  The majority of society just doesn’t understand us.  Sure, we eat some people and chew on others to make more Zombies but it’s not our fault.  That’s just the way we’re made.  It’s not like any of us wanted this for ourselves.  We didn’t run up to a Zombie and ask to be bitten and become undead.  It happens to some people and when it does we have to accept who we are.  Can’t anyone understand we don’t like being Zombies either?  Where’s the compassion in our society?”

A mixture of crowd voices arises as a woman in the audience dabs her eye to prevent a tear from rolling down her cheek.  Other people look at the Zombies with warm smiles and some even pat them on the shoulder and watch the Zombies arms fall off.  It’s a touching moment.  The Senator pounds the gavel as silence slowly comes to the chamber.

You’ve made a compelling argument.  I move that we officially recognize Zombie Awareness Month.  I also think our government should spend millions of tax-payer dollars on Zombie sensitivity training as well as training and education for the undead.  I believe it’s important for even the undead to be given the opportunity to become a productive member of society.”

The crowd erupts with applause as the senator pins on his gray ribbon.  The Zombies try to clap but unfortunately, their body parts fall off and some of them begin eating a bailiff
I can only imagine the type of questions someone gets when wearing a gray ribbon.

Is your ribbon for AIDS awareness?
Breast Cancer awareness?
Clumsy Child awareness?
No.  Zombie Awareness Month.”
Hey, if you think things are tough for the living can you imagine the struggles experienced by the undead?
You have a point.”

Many of my friends see something like this and tell me I need to have an open mind. I agree there are many times when having an open mind to something ridiculous can cause a bunch of nonsense to clog your common sense thinking.

Here is a link to the story.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: Kinemortophobia is a fear of zombies and it's for real

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