Tuesday, May 17, 2011


            It has been revealed that the use of enhanced interrogation techniques led to information that ultimately enabled Navy SEALs to assist Osama bin Laden with his departure from this world.  Some have felt this news was a validation for the use enhanced interrogation techniques.  Others feel enhanced interrogation techniques are torture and feel it is beneath contempt to use such methods on another human being no matter what the situation.  Huh?
            For those who pound their chests and claim the moral high ground lets put this into perspective.  Osama bin Laden was a very bad man.  He did very bad things.  He was found by the use of proven methods that motivated people to give up valuable information.  These people, who experienced these harsh methods, were also very bad men who did very bad things.  Anyone who feels they’ve got the moral high ground must realize these terrorists would have no problem separating them from their head while singing a happy song.  These terrorists would have no problem instructing someone to put on a vest and blow them up as they walked down the street with their family.  Watching a plane filled with people on this moral high ground fall out of the sky due to one of their bombs would cause the terrorist happiness.  They would not only take pleasure in doing such a thing but be filled with so much joy they’d post a video of it on YouTube for the world to see. 
            There is a very good reason certain people can easily take the moral high ground on this issue.  Members of the US military and federal government have dedicated their lives to protecting them from the bad guys.  It’s easy for such people to condemn the methods used for their protection, since they don’t have to experience these bad men on a personal level.  I feel these people would have an entirely different attitude should they be held down with a sharp knife placed next to their throat by a singing jihadist.  They may begin to see the benefits of enhanced interrogation techniques should they ever be injured by the blast of a terrorist bombing.  Since the use of enhanced interrogation techniques led to the demise of Osama bin Laden we must all think about the many people who will not suffer a horrible death caused by an act of terrorism.
            I often wonder how people against enhanced interrogation techniques would get important information from a prisoner.  They often talk about more effective methods but they never provide any alternatives.
            Picture a jihadist wearing chains brought into a room.  As he sits down the hatred he feels for all those around him shows in his ice cold stare.  In flounces a woman dressed in an expensive outfit carrying a Starbucks coffee in one hand while talking on her cell phone with the other.  She stops the call, puts her things down on a table and sits across from the jihadist.
            “You know what buddy?  These people think you won’t talk to me.  They think I can’t get information about future terrorist attacks from you.  Do you believe that?  Me not get a man to talk?  I said I have my own methods.  So, why don’t you just tell me about your next terrorist attack so we can all go home?  What do you say?”
            “You American women are all vile disgusting whores.  It is beneath me to say anything to you.  It my culture a woman such as you would show respect for a man.  If she did not, she would be properly disciplined.”
            “Now there you go with that attitude.  Why don’t you tell me what you want and maybe we can make a deal.”
            “I want death to all infidels and the entire world to be ruled by Sharia Law.”
            “I don’t know if I can do that for you.  How about a trip to Las Vegas?  I have some friends I’m sure you’d just love to meet.  Just give me that future terrorist attack info and we can be on our way.”
            “I hate you.  When I get free from here I will cut off your head and stick it in the sewer where waste like you belongs.  I will kill every member of your family you infidel dog.”
            “Now that really hurt my feelings.  I’m sure your childhood wasn’t the best.  I bet you’re just a neglected child looking for love and acceptance.  Isn’t that it?”
            At that moment the jihadist hurls saliva that lands on the woman’s cashmere sweater.
            “Oh you disgusting man.  Do you realize that’s my favorite cashmere sweater?” 
            The woman knocks on the door.  A guard walks in asking what’s going on.  She points to the jihadist and starts yelling.
            “That man just ruined my cashmere sweater.  Nobody makes a mess out of my outfits and gets away with it.  Water board that sucker.  Put flaming bamboo shoots under his finger nails.  Force him to watch reruns of Rosanne.  I don’t care.  I can’t deal with a person who has no respect for fashion.”
            I guess it’s easy to take the moral high ground when you’re not personally involved.  Maybe we should consider that doing what works to save thousands of innocent lives just might be where the real moral high ground is located.


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