Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Houston We Have A Dog Bite

In a new survey Houston, TX has been rated as the most dangerous city in America to be a postman.  This large Texas metropolis had 62 people who deliver the mail experience dog bites last year.  The second runners up to those who permit their dogs to use postman as chew toys is a tie between San Diego and Columbus, OH at a mere 45 postmen.  In all, there were 5,669 postal workers who were attacked in more than 1,400 cities last year.  The postal service paid about $1.2 million in medical costs caused by dog bites.  Before those 62 dog owners in Houston take to the streets chanting “we’re number one” let’s just think about this for a minute.

            A responsible pet owner is a joy.  We have such dog owners in my neighborhood.  These are people who have friendly, happy well-behaved dogs.  I look forward to walking past their home or seeing them on walks and petting their pleasant canines.  The type of pet owner you never hear about because they do the right thing.

Then there’s the other type of dog owner.  I think you know the type I’m talking about.  The kind who won’t bother picking up their dog’s droppings from your lawn because they feel they’re giving you free fertilizer.  The person who thinks if their pet chases your child up a tree they’re providing them with an exercise routine.

The type of dog owner who says things like “Aw, he won’t hurt you too badly, leastways not enough that a little soap, water, and a few stitches can’t fix.”

Unfortunately, the post office is losing quite a bit of money every year.  They’re probably unable to afford proper protection for their postal carriers from dogs.  I’m sure there are many technological advances that could easily solve this problem.  Picture an armored postal truck pulling up in front of your house.  A person emerges wearing a military-style postal uniform complete with helmet, goggles and a microphone next to his mouth.  He takes a few steps and holds out an electronic device.

“Have done a canine scan and the area seems clear.”

“Roger, Going Postal.  You have clearance to proceed and put mail in the mailbox.”

As the postman walks toward the mailbox he hears a person screaming through his earphone.

“There’s a canine fast approaching at three o’clock use your neutralizer.”

The postman turns around to see a Doberman pincher running toward him.  He lifts his arm as a beam of light shoots from a device on his wrist.  It hits the dog.  The Doberman pincher instantly stops and is unable to move.

“Good call Return Receipt.  Mail has been delivered and now heading back to the vehicle.”

“Roger, Going Postal.  All systems go for delivery at next house.”

I’m sure a system like that could easily be developed with money saved from no longer needing to pay medical costs for dog bites.

Since high tech is not an option for the postal service it has taken a rather low-tech approach.  They’re working with animal behavior experts to develop tips for dog owners on practicing responsible pet ownership.  Huh?  I hate to mention this but why does the postal service think that someone who is clueless on how to keep their dog from biting people will experience an epiphany when the postal service provides them with information? 

“You know I just never did realize ole’ Buster wasn’t supposed to go out and chew on the poor fella’ wearing that blue uniform.  Why, when he’d get here and see Buster come after him that guy would just scream and run up a tree or dive back into his truck.  There would be ole’ Buster just a-Barkin' and a growlin’ at him.  I thought that was just a fun game those two were playing is all.  I’m gonna’ read that information you gave me someday if Buster ain’t tore it up by then ‘cause he does that you know.”

Maybe a better approach would be to make some pet owners go to obedience school.

The brilliance of this plan only gets better.  The postal service is issuing guidelines on how to avoid dog bites to their postal carriers.  One of the tips is “Don’t run past a dog.”  This is probably very important because when it comes to delivering the mail I see postal carriers just running at top speed from house to house.  I’m sure more than a few Olympic athletes got their start from delivering the mail.  Another priceless gem is “If a dog threatens you, don’t scream.”  I suppose that makes sense.  It’s not like it says you’re not supposed to pray, soil yourself or go on an obscenity-laced rant against the dog’s owner.  I suppose all those things are still acceptable.

It’s a shame that this has to be done at all.  In a perfect world, postal carriers wouldn’t have to worry about such things and dogs would be taught proper behavior.  Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and it’s usually not the dogs that need to learn proper behavior.

Here is a link to the article.

Here is a funny video from It is a Glorious Day.

It is called: Insult Psychology


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