Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Finland Hosts Heavy Metal Knitting Championship. A Real Story

There are certain things I never thought I would see combined. Sushi and french fries, bicycling and sky diving, dogs with a catnip addiction just to name a few. The country of Finland has shown me I have much to learn. This very creative Nordic nation has decided to combine heavy metal with knitting. They went a step further and turned it into a worldwide competition. They have provided the Metal Knitting Championship. I must admit that knitting and playing heavy metal music is something way beyond my skill set.

Here are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Finnish Marketing Agency Tovari teamed up with Joensuu City Cultural Services and the Joensuu Conservatory in order to bring together two of the most popular things in the northern European country. Heavy metal is really big in Finland, with over 50 heavy metal bands per 100,000 Finnish citizens (more than anywhere else in the world), and knitting not less so, as hundreds of thousands of people out of a population of around 5.5 million are practising some kind of needlework crafts.

I suppose anyone planning to go to Finland and see popular tourist attractions such as Turku Castle, Sami Culture in Inari, Suomenlinna Fortress or even the Northern Lights in Lapland have one more thing to add to their Finnish trip experience. It may be fun just to watch people as they listen to heavy metal music as they handle reindeer. I always thought a Nordic nation would be a bit on the cold side at certain times of the year. I bet doing needlework would be a good way to pass the time during the cold winter months. Doing needlework crafts with heavy metal music will definitely set the Finnish people dressed in their traditional Karelian apart from the rest of the world. It is pure marketing genius.

In heavy metal knitting, needlework and music become united like never before. ...In heavy metal knitting, the knitter becomes a part of the band, showing their best needlework tricks as the heavy riffs echo on the background. The knitter takes part in the jam while their balls of yarn and knitting needles swish through the air.”

(Sarcasm Alert)

This would be a fascinating concert to attend. I wonder if a Finnish heavy metal band would end a song by smashing their knitting needles on the stage? I can see a guitar solo involving a band member who puts a knitting project behind their head and continues knitting as the heavy music plays. I wonder if the knitting band member will have all the stage lights on them as they do a knitting solo? There could also be the person knitting who kneels down toward wild crazed fans and knits to the music. At the end of the concert, I wonder if they throw the things they've knitted out to the crowd? This would be a new live musical experience for many of us.

I went to the concert and got a poster.”
I got a picture of the band at the concert.”
That's nothing. I got a tossle cap one of the band members made during the concert.”
Oh, you are so lucky.”

Knitting enthusiasts wanting to take part in the world’s first Heavy Metal Knitting Championship have to download the song “Fight or Die” by Joensuu heavy metal band Maniac Abductor and upload a one-minute clip of themselves knitting to it to YouTube.

It would be something for a heavy metal band to be discussing what to do for their next gig and someone suggests heavy metal knitting.

We've run out of places to perform. Any suggestions about what we should do for work?
There is playing at the summer festivals.”
There is opening for a few acts playing in the battle of the band's concert.”
That is a real possibility.”
How about we get someone in the band who can knit.”
So we can compete in the heavy metal knitting championship in Finland.”
Sounds great, my grandmother knits.”
Mine plays heavy metal music.”
Mine once watched a documentary about Finland on public television.”
Get the camera for the video. We are there.”

When playing guitar as well as knitting stitches it is all about the pleasure of creating something cool with your hands. And – it’s all about the attitude!”

I think if you are able to create a great heavy metal song, as well as make a nice pair of socks, you've got some real talent. If there comes a time when you can no longer play an instrument, you would always be able to knit things and make a living. I'm sure coming on stage and lifting your knitting needles right before the music starts would show the right attitude. As they introduced the band you would be known as the heavy metal knitter.

Next thing you know there will be food eating contests combined with a symphony playing classical music.

It actually sounds like a lot of fun.

Below is a link to the story.


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