Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Couple Takes a Baby Picture of Vehicle Supercharger. A Real Story.

One of the first things that often happen after a couple gets married is the in-laws may start dropping hints about the new couple becoming parents. I have had people tell me their in-laws would come to their home and see a spare room. They would then make a comment about how it would be a perfect room for a nursery, when they are ready to be parents, of course. These are in-laws who will talk up all the benefits of having a child. They will also have amnesia when it comes to the early days of diaper changes, regular feedings and experiencing more of a baby's bodily functions than a parent wants to know about. It seems a couple wasn't ready to be parents, but they were ready to buy a supercharger for their vehicle. It seems to have worked out well for them.

I imagine an interesting conversation took place between the young couple.

Do you feel ready to start a family?”
No, I know I'm not ready for that yet.”
Do you want to have a pet?”
No, I know we both work such long hours we can't provide a pet what it needs to be happy.”
Do you think we are ready for a supercharger?”
I believe we are ready to commit to a supercharger.”
I can't wait to tell our parents.”
They'll be so proud.”

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

Brayden and Payton Tomicic posted family-style portraits of them with their new “baby:” an Eaton twin-screw supercharger for Brayden’s 2007 Ford Mustang GT. While it’s not a traditional ‘family,’ the couple does look extremely happy (probably because their prank worked better then they thought it would).

I'm sure it is a tradition that when you make a commitment to bring an Eaton twin-screw supercharger into your family, it is important you take a portrait with it and share it with your family. It's obviously a big moment. You can have your boring, common, baby or pet pictures. If you want to step out from the crowd and be unique, you take a baby photo with your Eaton twin-screw supercharger.

Could this lead to people having pictures being taken with other car parts like an exhaust pipe or carburetor? I'm sure people who love computers could have a baby photograph of their new laptop. Families in the future could get baby pictures of their married children with their smartphones, smart televisions or refrigerator and more. This couple may have unknowingly started a new inanimate object baby picture trend. I think they may not realize what pioneers they are when it comes to the baby picture taking industry.

The Facebook post is set up to look exactly like any other baby announcement. It says, “So not many of you have known this but it’s finally the right time to post this. The last two years Payton and I have been preparing for this moment and finally, the time has come. It’s something I have always wanted but never knew how soon it was going to happen. We have been truly blessed this last year and finally, it is here. We would love to welcome this Supercharger into our household! It is going to be whining a lot but can’t wait for all of the fun!”

This couple is brilliant. I know from personal experience, there are people who will take this seriously. I know people who would not think this was a joke.

I can see some women I know reading this notice on Facebook and getting emotional.

Look at this, Payton and his wife finally have a Supercharger. I'm so happy for them.”
Why are you so emotional? They did this as a joke. It is a part for his 2007 Ford Mustang GT. Anybody can get one if they want one.”
Oh, why can't you just enjoy someone's happiness for once? Not all couples can afford to have an Eaton twin-screw supercharger. Some couples have to wait for years to be in a position to have one. There are also couples who have to live their lives together without a supercharger. These people have one, and they are happy about it. Why can't you just be happy for them?
It's a car part.”
So you won't be happy until they purchase a new furnace for their house or lawn mower? You seem to have supercharger issues. Maybe you should seek counseling to resolve them.”
I think you are the one who is out of their mind.”
I think your serious supercharger issues keep you from being happy for other people.”
If a supercharger makes you so happy, I know what to get you for your birthday.”

The idea came from seeing all the newborn photos on social media and having my mother always asking when we are having kids," Tomicic told Yahoo Lifestyle. “We’re both car enthusiasts and have been planning on supercharging my car. We figured since it was our baby we would make a little joke to tease the idea that she would be a grandma, but with a supercharger instead."

I wonder if their mom has fun with this prank.

Here is a baby picture of my granddaughter.”
Here is a baby picture of my grandson.”
Here is a baby picture of my son and his wife's Eaton twin-screw supercharger. I'm so proud.”
Wouldn't you rather have a picture of a grandchild?”
Anybody can have a picture of their grandchild. How many people have baby pictures of their married children's Eaton twin-screw supercharger?”
I think you may be the only one.”
If you want to go and see the little bundle of supercharger joy, I'll ask my son and daughter-in-law to bring it over. It is the cutest Eaton twin-screw supercharger you have ever seen.”
I think all grandparents of Eaton twin-screw superchargers say that about them.”
I believe you're right.”

I hope the family takes time to enjoy their Eaton twin-screw supercharger. These parts seem to wear out and need to be replaced before you know it. I'm sure time will pass so quickly for them.

Below is a link to the article.

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