Thursday, July 25, 2019

Constipation Causes Woman in China to Have Amnesia. A Real Story.

I'm sure we can all agree that having constipation is no laughing matter. When I have suffered from this condition, I have had people believe it was a laughing matter. They would tell me I was now full of crap in the literal as well as the figurative sense of the word. Some people passing themselves off as family would listen to me explain how this condition made me uncomfortable. They would then say they now know why my eyes are brown. My wife will tell me she doesn't want my opinion of something because she knows I don't give a crap. Living among so many amateur comedians can be challenging at times. This is a terrible pun, but when I've had this condition, it eventually passed. A woman in China probably had constipation worse than I have ever experienced in my life. This poor woman developed amnesia from being constipated. I know it can build up, but this level of buildup in a person's body must have set a new record.

Below are excerpts from the story with my valuable insights in italics.

A netizen shared his experience on the Internet. His mother had been in the toilet for a long time because of constipation. As a result, there was brief amnesia after coming out of the toilet. This phenomenon often lasted for 8 hours, and during these 8 hours, My mother’s memory seems to have returned 10 years ago, and I have no impression of what happened recently.

I can only imagine what it would be like to have your mother come out of the bathroom and wonder who you are and where she was at the moment.

Mom, are you okay? You were in the bathroom for a long time.”
Who are you?”
I'm your son.”
You are too old to be my son. My son is only ten years old. This doesn't look like my house. I live with my ten-year-old son in a small house by the river.”
Mom, we lived in the house down by the river ten years ago. Something is wrong.”
Could it be because I'm no longer constipated?”
Maybe it's because your eyes are no longer brown.”

According to Hong Kong media reports, the family found that the mother immediately went to the hospital for examination after amnesia, but everything was normal in the brain, and afterward, she had no impression of amnesia. This 8-hour amnesia seemed to be a mystery.

I'm sure it was an interesting conversation with the physician when they got mom to the hospital.

Doctor, you have to help my mother.”
What seems to be the problem?”
She has forgotten everything about the past ten years for some reason.”
What she hit in the head with a blunt object?”
Did she fall down and hit her head on something?”
What happened just prior to her having this episode of amnesia?”
She was constipated and was in the bathroom.”
I'll have to run some tests. Let us hope nothing important came out when she was in the bathroom.”
Could she have suffered brain damage?”
We will know more after the tests. It is a strong possibility if she starts liking music made by Yoko Ono.”

The beating of the heart allows the blood with oxygen to enter the brain to function normally. However, if the abdomen exerts force due to constipation, abdominal pressure and intracerebral pressure Sudden rise, increased chances of jugular valvular insufficiency, resulting in transient amnesia in the brain hypoxia.

This is kind of scary. If this becomes too well known by personal injury attorneys in the United States, there will be so many lawsuits. I'm sure bathrooms could be someday be required to provide warnings signs about exerting force due to constipation. You may have Hollywood celebrities do public service announcements (PSAs) about how exerting force with abdominal pressure caused them to have brain hypoxia. I'm sure this could be used as a way to explain the behavior of many politicians as well as Hollywood celebrities. There will be government grants to study the connection between constipation and amnesia. Groups such as the Right to Be Constipated Without Amnesia (RBCWA) will be formed to lobby Congressmen and Senators in Washington. I know a simple thing like this in the United States can easily become very complicated.

Physicians also reminded those people who frequently use defecation, heavy objects or emotional excitement are high-risk groups, but the chances of such things are actually not high, but if you really have amnesia, you must go to the hospital for further examination and avoid recurrence. Recurrence, or the fan rate is probably 30% more than the average person.

I wonder if this means you could get worker's compensation if you have constipation and it leaves you with amnesia. I'm sure it will be important to tell a constipated person to calm down because their excitement combined with constipation could cause them to have amnesia. This may work in their favor as they would forget what got them so excited. I hope we don't see people sitting on the sidewalk with a tin cup and a sign that reads Please Help. Have Amnesia Because of Constipation. I would hate to be the unlucky person who is constipated and gets amnesia more than once. You could come out of a public bathroom and not realize ten years have passed. This would be a good Hollywood movie. If there is anything that is constipated these days, it is Hollywood.

Below is a link to the story.

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