Monday, August 22, 2011


            I will be the first to admit that back in my dating days I was not the most sought after eligible bachelor roaming the planet.  I will also confess that I struck out with more women than I succeeded during my dating career.  What probably made it possible for me to marry a great lady and have a long marriage was the fact I was in touch with reality.  I realized substance is more important than image and that mutual respect and consideration are priceless.  Besides that I’m sure she didn’t want me to super glue myself to her again. 
            When I was in the market for a wife I used the old traditional method of asking a woman out on date, spending time getting to know her then feeling I’d found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  It’s an old method but one I found very effective.
Robert Darling of New York City has an entirely different approach to searching for a soulmate.  At 56 years old and unemployed Darling walks around New York City wearing a handmade sandwich board that advertises “I’m looking for a wealthy lady to be my wife.”

            Now Darling only goes to the best locations around New York City searching for a spouse.  The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Columbus Circle and Wall Street are the places where Robert Darling walks around hoping to meet a woman who can meet his high standards.  Now I’m sure you may think an army of financially successful women would descend upon a man wearing a sandwich board made out of paper with words written on it in magic marker.  You may think they’d all fight for the chance to be his bride, but that does not seem to be the case.  After doing this regularly for over10 years not one wealthy woman has shown an interest in him.  It just boggles the mind he’s not married and living in a Manhattan luxury condo.
            Darling may be unemployed now but at one time he worked in security at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the National Museum of the American Indian in Lower Manhattan.  (The following is sarcasm which is required by the subject matter of this story.)  Does this mean that wealthy women don’t like men in uniform?  Do they think that a man who protects Museums and Military Academies isn’t worthy of their affection and access to their bank account?  I hope while they sit in their ivory towers rolling around in vaults of cold cash they take time to think of the lowly unemployed security guard.  A poor soul who diligently walks around the streets of New York City wearing a handmade sandwich board pursuing his dream of marrying a wealthy woman for her money and to be taken to take care of by her.  Is that really too much to ask?

            Now I’m sure there are wealthy women who see this guy advertising for them and wonder what he has to offer.  First of all, he sort of has an education.  He actually studied political science at Rutgers University, Newark Campus.  Who needs a degree when you can make sandwich boards?  Now he claims he’d put down what he has to offer in a relationship on the sandwich board but claims it is hard to get all of that onto one of the boards.  Don’t you see it’s not his fault? He’s got sandwich board word limitations.  If it wasn’t for that he’d be able to provide priceless bits of information about him that would make any rich lady go wild.  He enjoys world history and ethnic cuisines.  If that’s not enough to get a wealthy girl's heart beating fast he’s also never been arrested. 
            Now if you think Robert Darling is a one dimensional suitor think again.  He doesn’t want his future wife to just have money.  She must also be smart and able to make him laugh.  In addition to that she must enjoy listening to the band Genesis.  After all Genesis is the band he listens to on the cassette player he carries with him while wearing the sandwich board.  It’s obvious he’s no slave to modern technology.  I wonder if he has a Tandy SX 1000 computer at home.
            Many women have taken their picture with him over the years.  He did have one person show a little interest.  It seems a girl wanted him to marry her friend so she could get a green card.  Unfortunately Robert Darling is a man with principles.  He told the woman he doesn’t wear a sandwich board all day to get someone a green card.  He wants a wealthy wife with at least $750,000 in the bank or nothing.  You do have to admire a man who refuses to compromise his standards. 
            Robert Darling has been carrying his handmade marriage proposal sandwich board for over 10 years, which makes me believe a wife is not what he’s really after.  An unemployed, middle-aged man doesn’t get much attention roaming the streets of New York City.  If this same man starts wearing a marriage proposal for wealthy women on sandwich board he gets noticed.  The Wall Street Journal and other media outlets have done stories on Robert Darling.  He may never get the wife he wants but he’s getting all the attention he may ever need.

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