Thursday, August 25, 2011


            I’ve never been a fan of big corporations or big government.  Big corporations earn people’s money but tend to treat us as if we’re undeserving peasants who must bestow our hard-earned cash upon them in order to survive.  Big government takes people’s money and tends to be run by the most incompetent individuals who roam the planet earth.  The only endearing thing about big corporations is that they do make some neat electronics and other stuff.  The only endearing thing about big government is it’s done an okay job of keeping foreign invaders from taking over my neighborhood and usually runs pretty good interference for me with criminals.
            Unfortunately the power of the government in the wrong hands usually results in quite a bit of frustration.  I truly feel that common sense and logic are banned from all governmental decision makers everywhere.

            In Houston there was a Christian couple who were doing what Christian people like to do; feeding the hungry.  Unfortunately the city of Houston couldn’t have anybody in their city performing acts of charity for hungry people.  The city of Houston said it’s their job to protect hungry people from being fed by Christians.  The city told the couple they had to have a permit to distribute free food.  The city’s Department of Health and Human Services said any food served to the public for any reason must be prepared in a certified kitchen run by a certified food manager.  (The following is sarcasm and luckily I don’t need a permit to write it.)  That makes perfect sense because the last thing you want are hungry homeless people eating something not made by a certified kitchen.  We should realize homeless people all have very high dietary standards.  If the hungry homeless people commit crimes to get food money at least they can feel secure in the knowledge that when they get to jail they’ll be getting fed from a certified kitchen with a certified food manager.
            The state of Nevada’s Department of Motor Vehicles has redefined the word “hypocrisy.”  Like all state governments they’re always looking for a way to get some extra cash and like all states they offer people the opportunity to pay for vanity license plates.  Last year they denied a resident of Nevada’s request to have a license plate made that said “GOPALIN” on it.  The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles stated that any vanity license plate deemed to be “vulgar, obscene or expressing superiority of political affiliation” would be denied.  Fair enough but many people in the state of Nevada drive around with vanity license plates that read “GO OBAMA,” DEOMCRAT,” GOGREEN” and “KERRY.”  I wonder if someone could get a vanity license plate that read “DMVHYPCRTS.”
            A Family Court judge in New York City is a supreme example of why people wonder if the judicial system has lost its ability to comprehend reality.  This judge awarded custody of a teenage boy to his homeless father.  The father in question has lived in storefronts and borrowed rooms for years.  His son now gets to live with him in a shelter and learn all about how to succeed in life from a man who has no concept of paying rent.  The boy’s mother makes $90,000 a year as a court clerk working for the Manhattan Supreme Court.  (If the above mentioned New York City judge is reading this the following is sarcasm in every legal sense of the word.)  Oh, so what if she can provide a nice home for her teenage son and be an example of a financially responsible person.  Could she teach her son how to beg for money or sleep in storefronts?  Could she ever teach him the proper way to live at a homeless shelter?

The judge actually scolded the mother because she was critical of his court and the legal system.  I just wonder if this person didn’t have a position as judge if their level of intelligence and legal skills would enable them to also live in storefronts and shelters.
There are times I think the city officials of San Francisco pass out illegal drugs before every session and don’t begin to debate or discuss anything until they've take full effect on their collective brains.  These individuals are now seeking to make ex-convicts a “protected class.”  Currently in the city by the brainless an ex-con has a special status when applying for city government jobs. 
“I don’t know why I didn’t get a job with the city of San Francisco.  I’ve got all the qualifications, education and experience they desire.”
“Were you ever arrested and serve time in prison?”
“There’s your problem.  Go and get arrested, do a little time in prison then when you get out you’ll have everything they want including that special ex-con status they like so much.”
“I’d like to thank the city of San Francisco for giving me motivation to engage in criminal activity.”
“Hey, it’s a special place run by special people.”
Now they want it to be illegal for landlords and private employers to ask about a person’s criminal record.  Good luck to a fireworks manufacturer who unknowingly hires a pyromaniac.
The list of stupid things done by people in government just goes on and on.  Stupid people in the private sector can do a lot of harm to a company and consumers.  Stupid people in the public sector can do a lot of harm in people’s lives in general.  It’s always a shame that so many stupid people have so much power over so many of us.

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